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ランダムな点のアニメーション(regl + React 利用)

Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-19

regl (Functional WebGL, GitHub) + React を利用しランダムな点のアニメーションを描いてみました。定期的更新には use-interval (GitHub) を用いました。


import React from 'react';
import createRegl from 'regl';
import useInterval from 'use-interval';

const App = () => {

  const pointSize = 14;
  const pointRandom = () => 
	      [2 * Math.random() - 1,  // x
	       2 * Math.random() - 1,  // y
	       Math.random(), Math.random(), 0];  // r, g, b
  const generatePoints = (nPoints) => Array(nPoints).fill(0).map(pointRandom);

  const regl = createRegl(document.querySelector('.canvas'));

  const frag = `
	  precision mediump float;
	  varying vec3 fragColor;
	  void main() {
	    gl_FragColor = vec4(fragColor, 1);
  const vert = `
	  varying vec3 fragColor;
	  attribute vec2 pos;
	  attribute vec3 color;
	  uniform float pointSize;
	  void main() {
	    fragColor = color;
	    gl_PointSize = pointSize;
	    gl_Position = vec4(pos, 0, 1);
  const drawPoints = regl({
    frag: frag,
    vert: vert,
    primitive: 'points',
    count: (context, props) => props.points.length,
    attributes: {
      pos: (context, props) => props.points.map(d => d.slice(0, 2)),
      color: (context, props) => props.points.map(d => d.slice(2, 5))
    uniforms: {
      pointSize: pointSize,
	  points: regl.prop('points')

  const clearRegl = () => regl.clear({
        color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        depth: 1

  let i = 0;
  useInterval(() => {
      drawPoints({points: generatePoints((++i%2)*4+2)});
  }, 1000);

  return <div className='canvas'></div>;

export default App;

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