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Last updated at Posted at 2019-06-04

分岐・端点間のパスを列挙するグラフ問題を解いてみました1 2gonum/graph を利用しました。

  1. まず、分岐・端点(degree != 2 の vertex)を列挙3(図例内で緑色)
  2. 次に、それら同士を繋ぐパスを列挙(図例内で vertex 7 と 9 との間を繋ぐパスが、line 8 + 9 というわけです)


$ go run connectingPaths.go
len(nodes, paths) = (7, 8)
0: nodes: (0 1)  lines: {0}
1: nodes: (6 5 2)  lines: {7 6}
2: nodes: (7 8 9)  lines: {8 9}
3: nodes: (1 2)  lines: {1}
4: nodes: (1 2)  lines: {2}
5: nodes: (1 3 4 2)  lines: {3 4 5}
6: nodes: (9 10)  lines: {10}
7: nodes: (9 9)  lines: {11}
package main

import (

type Int64s map[int64]struct{}

func (set Int64s) Add(e int64) {
    set[e] = struct{}{}

func (set Int64s) Has(e int64) bool {
    _, ok := set[e]
    return ok

type myLine struct {
    line graph.Line
    direction bool

func Degree(g *multi.UndirectedGraph, nid int64) (deg int) {
    m := g.From(nid)
    fac := map[bool]int{true: 1, false: 2}  // {ordinary, self-loop}
    for m.Next() {
        mid := m.Node().ID()
        deg += g.Lines(nid, mid).Len() * fac[nid != mid]
    return deg

func connectingPaths(g *multi.UndirectedGraph) (nodes Int64s, paths [][]myLine) {
// nodes with their degree not being 2
    nodes = make(Int64s)
    n := g.Nodes()
    for n.Next() {
        nid := n.Node().ID()
        if Degree(g, nid) != 2 {nodes.Add(nid)}

// paths among the nodes
    linesVisited := make(Int64s)
    for uid, _ := range nodes {
        v := g.From(uid)
        for v.Next() {
            vid := v.Node().ID()
            luv := g.Lines(uid, vid)
            for luv.Next() {
                line := luv.Line()
                if linesVisited.Has(line.ID()) {continue}
                path := []myLine{myLine{line, uid==line.From().ID()}}
                xid := vid
                for {
                    if nodes.Has(xid) {break}
                    w := g.From(xid)
                    for w.Next() {
                        lxw := g.Lines(xid, w.Node().ID())
                        for lxw.Next() {
                            line = lxw.Line()
                            if !linesVisited.Has(line.ID()) {
                                path = append(path, myLine{line, xid==line.From().ID()})
                                xid = w.Node().ID()
                                goto NEXT
                paths = append(paths, path)
    return nodes, paths

func printPaths(paths [][]myLine) {
    for j, path := range paths {
        fmt.Printf("%d: nodes: (", j)
        for i, p := range path {
            f, t := p.line.From().ID(), p.line.To().ID()
            if !p.direction {f, t = t, f}
            if i == 0 {fmt.Printf("%d", f)}
            fmt.Printf(" %d", t)
        fmt.Printf(")  lines: {")
        for i, p := range path {
            if i != 0 {fmt.Printf(" ")}
            fmt.Printf("%d", p.line.ID())

func generateGraph() *multi.UndirectedGraph {
    lines = []struct{ F, T int64 }{
        {0, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 2}, {2, 5}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}, {8, 9}, {9, 10}, {9, 9},

    g := multi.NewUndirectedGraph()
    for i, l := range lines {
        g.SetLine(multi.Line{F: multi.Node(l.F), T: multi.Node(l.T), UID: int64(i)})

    return g

func main() {
    g := generateGraph()
    nodes, paths := connectingPaths(g)
    fmt.Printf("len(nodes, paths) = (%d, %d)\n", len(nodes), len(paths))

  1. 関連した話題として、"Removing degree-2 vertices from a graph" (StackExchange) を見つけました。 

  2. また関連した話題として、"In igraph in R: how can I remove non-branch-point vertices, while maintaining connectivity?" (stackoverflow) を見つけました。 

  3. 分岐を持たない閉路グラフの場合は処理されないことになります(全ての vertex が degree = 2 なので)。 


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