More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2022-04-28







def find(S:str, P:str, B1:int = 0x5f5e107, B2:int = 0x3b9aca07):
    """ find string match by rolling_hash algorithm
            S : Search Target Source String
            P : Search Word String
            B1 : Hashing Base Number Primary
            B2 : Hashing Base Number Secondary
            int: match position index(zero start)
        [Return of Error]
    pow1 = 1
    pow2 = 1
    sh1 = sh2 = ph1 = ph2 = plen = 0
    eS = S.encode()
    eP = P.encode()

    if(not S or not P):
        return None

    for plen, (p, s) in enumerate(zip(P.encode(), eS), 1):
        if not s:
            return None

        # make `Bn ^ plen`
        pow1 *= B1
        pow2 *= B2

        # first hash `S and P`
        ph1 = ph1 * B1 + p
        ph2 = ph2 * B2 + p

        sh1 = sh1 * B1 + s
        sh2 = sh2 * B2 + s

    # rehash of slide `S`
    for i, s in enumerate(eS):
        if sh1 == ph1 and sh2 == ph2 and eP == eS[i: i+plen]: # more safety check for collision hash value
            return i
        sh1 = sh1 * B1 + eS[i+plen] - s * pow1
        sh2 = sh2 * B2 + eS[i+plen] - s * pow2
    return None

from timeit import timeit
def runtimeit(funcstr):
    rtime = int(timeit(funcstr, globals=globals(), number=1000) * 1000000)
    print("{}: {} ns".format(funcstr, rtime))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # short word
    assert("bcd" in "abcde")
    runtimeit('"bcd" in "abcde"')

    assert("abcde".index("bcd") == 1)
    assert(find("abcde", "bcd") == 1)
    runtimeit('find("abcde", "bcd")')

    # long word
    assert("bcd" in "x" * 10000 + "abcde")
    runtimeit('"bcd" in "x" * 10000 + "abcde"')

    assert(("x" * 10000 + "abcde").index("bcd") == 10001)
    runtimeit('("x" * 10000 + "abcde").index("bcd")')
    assert(find("x" * 10000 + "abcde", "bcd") == 10001)
    runtimeit('find("x" * 10000 + "abcde", "bcd")')

    # make string cost
    runtimeit('"x" * 10000 + "abcde"')

"bcd" in "abcde"                    : 35 ns
"abcde".index("bcd")                : 139 ns
find("abcde", "bcd")                : 2716 ns
"bcd" in "x" * 10000 + "abcde"      : 3093 ns      
("x" * 10000 + "abcde").index("bcd"): 2980 ns
find("x" * 10000 + "abcde", "bcd")  : 4871957 ns
"x" * 10000 + "abcde"               : 588 ns <- 参考 文字列作成コスト


encode の処理除外したり、eP == es[i: i+plen]で念押しチェックを外したりしても尚遅かった。

はたしてPythonのindex関数 139nsに勝てるのか!?


#include <string>

/* find string match by rolling_hash algorithm
        S : Search Target Source String
        P : Search Word String
        matchlength: matched String length
        std::size_t: match position index(zero start)
    [Return of Error]
template <class CharT>
constexpr std::size_t find(const CharT* S, const CharT* P, std::size_t* matchlength) {
    std::size_t pow1 = 1, pow2 = 1;
    std::size_t sh1 = 0, sh2 = 0, ph1 = 0, ph2 = 0, plen = 0;
    const std::size_t B1 = 0x5f5e107, B2 = 0x3b9aca07;
    *matchlength = 0;

    if(!S || !P || !(*S) || !(*P))
        return -1;

    for(const CharT* p = P, *s = S; *p; ++s, ++p, ++plen) {
            return -1;

        /* make `Bn ^ plen` */
        pow1 *= B1, pow2 *= B2;

        /* first hash `S and P` */
        ph1 = ph1 * B1 + *p, ph2 = ph2 * B2 + *p;
        sh1 = sh1 * B1 + *s, sh2 = sh2 * B2 + *s;

    /* rehash of slide `S` */
    for(const CharT* s = S; *s; ++s) {
        if(sh1 == ph1 && sh2 == ph2){// && memcmp(s, P, plen) == 0) { // memcmp is more safety check for collision hash value
            *matchlength = plen;
            return s - S;
        sh1 = sh1 * B1 + s[plen] - *s * pow1;
        sh2 = sh2 * B2 + s[plen] - *s * pow2;
    return -1;
template <class CharT>
constexpr std::size_t find(const CharT* S, const CharT* P) {
    std::size_t dummy = 0;
    return find(S, P, &dummy);
template <class CharT>
std::size_t find(const std::basic_string<CharT>& S, const std::basic_string<CharT>& P, std::size_t* matchlength = nullptr) {
    std::size_t len = 0;
    return find(S.data(), P.data(), matchlength ? matchlength : &len);
template <class CharT>
std::size_t find(const CharT* S, const std::basic_string<CharT>& P, std::size_t* matchlength = nullptr) {
    std::size_t len = 0;
    return find(S, P.data(), matchlength ? matchlength : &len);
template <class CharT>
std::size_t find(const std::basic_string<CharT>& S, const CharT* P, std::size_t* matchlength = nullptr) {
    std::size_t len = 0;
    return find(S.data(), P, matchlength ? matchlength : &len);

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>

using cc = std::chrono::system_clock;
int count = 1000;

void runtimeit(void (*func)(), const char* msg) {
    std::cout << msg;
    auto sa = cc::now();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    auto ea = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(cc::now() - sa);
    std::cout << ea.count() / ::count << " ns" << std::endl;

static char S_long[10006];
static wchar_t S_long_wchar[10006];

inline void blueforcefind() {
    const char* S = "abcde";
    const char* P = "bcd";
    auto slen = strlen(S);
    auto plen = strlen(P);
    for(int i = 0; *S && *P && i + plen < slen; ++S, ++i) {
        if(*S == *P && memcmp(S, P, plen) == 0)
    if(*S && *P == 0)

inline void strstrfind() {
	auto x = strstr("abcde", "bcd");
inline void std_find() {
    const char* S = "abcde";
    const char* P = "bcd";
    auto endS = S + strlen(S);
    auto endP = P + strlen(P);
    auto x = std::find_first_of(S, endS, P, endP);
inline void rollinghash_find() {
	auto x = find("abcde", "bcd");

inline void wcsstrfind_wchar() {
	auto x = wcsstr(L"abcde", L"bcd");
inline void std_find_wchar() {
    const wchar_t* S = L"abcde";
    const wchar_t* P = L"bcd";
    auto endS = S + wcslen(S);
    auto endP = P + wcslen(P);
    auto x = std::find_first_of(S, endS, P, endP);
inline void rollinghash_find_wchar() {
	auto x = find(L"abcde", L"bcd");

inline void long_blueforcefind() {
    const char* S = (const char*)S_long;
    const char* P = "bcd";
    auto slen = strlen(S);
    auto plen = strlen(P);
    for(int i = 0; *S && *P && i + plen < slen; ++S, ++i) {
        if(*S == *P && memcmp(S, P, plen) == 0)
    if(*S && *P == 0)

inline void long_strstrfind() {
	auto x = strstr((const char*)S_long, "bcd");
inline void long_std_find() {
    const char* S = (const char*)S_long;
    const char* P = "bcd";
    auto endS = S + strlen(S);
    auto endP = P + strlen(P);
    auto x = std::find_first_of(S, endS, P, endP);
inline void long_rollinghash_find() {
	auto x = find((const char*)S_long, "bcd");

inline void long_wcsstrfind_wchar() {
	auto x = wcsstr((const wchar_t*)S_long_wchar, L"bcd");
inline void long_std_find_wchar() {
    const wchar_t* S = (const wchar_t*)S_long_wchar;
    const wchar_t* P = L"bcd";
    auto endS = S + wcslen(S);
    auto endP = P + wcslen(P);
    auto x = std::find_first_of(S, endS, P, endP);
inline void long_rollinghash_find_wchar() {
	auto x = find((const wchar_t*)S_long_wchar, L"bcd");

int main() {
    std::cout << "tring `bcd in abcde`" << std::endl;
    runtimeit(&blueforcefind, "fblueforcefind : ");
    runtimeit(&strstrfind, "find_by_C_strstr : ");
    runtimeit(&std_find, "find_by_stl_find : ");
    runtimeit(&rollinghash_find, "find_by_rollinghash : ");
    runtimeit(&wcsstrfind_wchar, "find_by_C_wcsstr_wchar : ");
    runtimeit(&std_find_wchar, "find_by_stl_find_wchar : ");
    runtimeit(&rollinghash_find_wchar, "find_by_rollinghash_wchar : ");

    memset(S_long, 'x', 10000);
    memset(S_long_wchar, L'x', 10000);
    const char* S = "abcde";
    const wchar_t* Sw = L"abcde";
    for(int i = 10000; i < 10006; ++i) {
        S_long[i] = S[i - 10000];
        S_long_wchar[i] = Sw[i - 10000];

    std::cout << "\ntring `bcd in ((x*10000) + abcde)`" << std::endl;
    runtimeit(&long_blueforcefind, "long_fblueforcefind : ");
    runtimeit(&long_strstrfind, "long_find_by_C_strstr : ");
    runtimeit(&long_std_find, "long_find_by_stl_find : ");
    runtimeit(&long_rollinghash_find, "long_find_by_rollinghash : ");
    runtimeit(&long_wcsstrfind_wchar, "long_find_by_C_wcsstr_wchar : ");
    runtimeit(&long_std_find_wchar, "long_find_by_stl_find_wchar : ");
    runtimeit(&long_rollinghash_find_wchar, "long_find_by_rollinghash_wchar : ");

    return 0;

結果(Windows環境 clang++でコンパイル)


trying `bcd in abcde`
fblueforcefind            : 12 ns
find_by_C_strstr          : 13 ns
find_by_stl_find          : 37 ns
find_by_rollinghash       : 19 ns       
find_by_C_wcsstr_wchar    : 11 ns    
find_by_stl_find_wchar    : 96 ns    
find_by_rollinghash_wchar : 18 ns 

trying `bcd in ((x*10000) + abcde)`
long_fblueforcefind            : 26144 ns
long_find_by_C_strstr          : 968 ns
long_find_by_stl_find          : 82040 ns
long_find_by_rollinghash       : 23982 ns 
long_find_by_C_wcsstr_wchar    : 840 ns
long_find_by_stl_find_wchar    : 44590 ns
long_find_by_rollinghash_wchar : 12101 ns

最適化オプション(-O2) → ×計測不能


trying `bcd in abcde`
fblueforcefind            : 0 ns
find_by_C_strstr          : 0 ns
find_by_stl_find          : 0 ns
find_by_rollinghash       : 0 ns
find_by_C_wcsstr_wchar    : 14 ns       
find_by_stl_find_wchar    : 0 ns        
find_by_rollinghash_wchar : 0 ns     

trying `bcd in ((x*10000) + abcde)`   
long_fblueforcefind       : 0 ns
long_find_by_C_strstr     : 0 ns
long_find_by_stl_find     : 5143 ns      
long_find_by_rollinghash  : 0 ns      
long_find_by_C_wcsstr_wchar : 941 ns 
long_find_by_stl_find_wchar : 4321 ns
long_find_by_rollinghash_wchar : 0 ns

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