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AOJ day 13: Type-level annotated string templates

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-12

Previously, I covered my post about well-typed paths using Symbols with formatting parameters, such that we can derive a parsing function from a Symbol proxy like so:

-- inferred type:
parseHelloURL :: String -> Either String { name :: String, age :: String }
parseHelloURL = parseURL (SProxy :: SProxy "/hello/{name}/{age}")

But really, we might like to read age here as an Int, and we could provide this information as a type annotation. And we can!

"Parsing type-level strings to extract types"

In this post, I go through how we can modify the previous implementation to conditionally parse out a type annotation from our Symbol, by using the same techniques for parsing piecewise with instance chain groups as done in Record-Format and other libraries.


This way, we can instead work with URLs that have their types annotated like so:

parseHelloURL :: String -> Either String { name :: String, age :: Int }
parseHelloURL = parseURL (SProxy :: SProxy "/hello/{name:String}/{age:Int}")

"Simple Routing based on parsing type-level strings"

There's also a follow-up post to this that applies classic RowToList techniques to allow for a row of these routes to be tried to product an Either of no matches and a Variant of the routes:



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