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Using Tree-sitter from PureScript

Last updated at Posted at 2019-04-06

Recently, I started a project to format Nix files, by making use of the node-tree-sitter bindings and the tree-sitter-nix parser. I used the node bindings for tree-sitter as it was immediately usable without any extra build setup, and since I could use PureScript to write the actual logic that needed to be performed.

Tree-sitter in short

Tree-sitter parsers are written by your own definition of a grammar. Since Nixlang does not have misfeatures as indentation based syntax, much of the grammar can be written normally without too much trouble. For example, a "quantity" can be defined using a sequence containing literals and an anonymous "expression" rule:

    quantity: $ => seq('(', $._expr, ')'),

These rules are collected in a grammar.js, which is then evaluated and analyzed to produce a bunch of C code by tree-sitter.

With the above rule, we have two kinds of nodes in tree-sitter land: "named" nodes and "unnamed" nodes. "Named" nodes are those with a regular name and an actual property in our grammar rules. "Unnamed" nodes are matches on literals and properties with an underscore preceding the property name, such as this _expr here. For example, look at this test input:




    (quantity (integer)))

In the print representation, only the named nodes are shown. We can simply print out all children using the node-tree-sitter binding:

const Parser = require("tree-sitter");
const Nix = require("tree-sitter-nix");

const parser = new Parser();

const sourceCode = `(123)`;

const tree = parser.parse(sourceCode);

function nodeToObject(node) {
  return {
    type: node.type,
    rawChildCount: node.children.length,
    rawChildren: node.children.map(x => nodeToObject(x))

var result = nodeToObject(tree.rootNode);

The result is the following:

  "type": "expression",
  "rawChildCount": 1,
  "rawChildren": [
      "type": "quantity",
      "rawChildCount": 3,
      "rawChildren": [
          "type": "(",
          "rawChildCount": 0,
          "rawChildren": []
          "type": "integer",
          "rawChildCount": 0,
          "rawChildren": []
          "type": ")",
          "rawChildCount": 0,
          "rawChildren": []

If we only wanted the named children above, we would have to filter the children by the isNamed boolean property:

function nodeToObject(node) {
  const namedChildren = node.children.filter(x => x.isNamed);
  return {
    type: node.type,
    // rawChildCount: node.children.length,
    // rawChildren: node.children.map(x => nodeToObject(x)),
    childCount: namedChildren.length,
    children: namedChildren.map(x => nodeToObject(x))

This also means that "type" is not actually a useful quantity without being combined with isNamed. Take the expression let a = 1; in a. The subset of the output looks like this:

// ... "rawChildren": [
      "type": "let",
      "isNamed": true,
      "rawChildren": [
          "type": "let",
          "isNamed": false,
          "rawChildren": []
        }, // ...

While we have a rule for let expressions, the let literal is still shown in the raw children. This will still be useful for us though, as while only binds are legal entities inside of the let-in expression, you can still have comments that disrupt the flow.

Project setup

As usual, I have a Psc-Package project with the following structure:

psc-package.json  # psc-package config
package.json      # npm config, for getting node libraries

src/              # source files go here
test/             # test files

In package.json, I'll put in the dependencies we need: the node tree-sitter bindings and the tree-sitter Nix parser:

  "dependencies": {
    "tree-sitter": "^0.14.0",
    "tree-sitter-nix": "github:justinwoo/tree-sitter-nix#quantity"

Foreign imports

To bring in the things we need, we write some definitions into FormatNix.js and export them.

const Parser = require("tree-sitter");
const Nix = require("tree-sitter-nix");

exports.nixLanguage = Nix;

exports.mkParser = function(language) {
  const parser = new Parser();
  return parser;

This is about the only thing we really directly need from FFI. The rest can be done within PureScript.

Let's take care of some of our imports. First, the nixLanguage import should be handled with care, where we can make sure we only use this in the context of handling tree-sitter languages. We can declare a data type where values come from foreign values and set the type of the import to it.

foreign import data TreeSitterLanguage :: Type
foreign import nixLanguage :: TreeSitterLanguage

The kind signature Type is simply declaring that this is a Type type, so it can have values, as opposed to Symbol, # Type, etc.

For mkParser, we need similar, where we need to declare that there is such a thing as an opaque tree-sitter parser:

foreign import data TreeSitterParser :: Type
foreign import mkParser :: TreeSitterLanguage -> TreeSitterParser

From here, we can use our old friend unsafeCoerce to define specific types for things we need out of the tree-sitter. Take care though, to not introduce unsafeCoerce usages outside of specific small functions.

foreign import data Tree :: Type -- parse result of the tree
foreign import data Node :: Type -- individual nodes from the tree

parse :: TreeSitterParser -> String -> Tree
parse parser contents = parser'.parse contents
  where parser' = unsafeCoerce parser :: { parse :: String -> Tree }

rootNode :: Tree -> Node
rootNode tree = tree'.rootNode
  where tree' = unsafeCoerce tree :: { rootNode :: Node }

Working with Nodes

To work with the Node type, we should define some utility functions to grab things out of them.

-- getting children as above
children :: Node -> Array Node
children tn = tn'.children
  where tn' = unsafeCoerce tn :: { children :: Array Node }

-- | Filter for named children
namedChildren :: Node -> Array Node
namedChildren = Array.filter isNamed <<< children

-- | Is a given Node Real or is it fake?
isNamed :: Node -> Boolean
isNamed tn = tn'.isNamed
  where tn' = unsafeCoerce tn :: { isNamed :: Boolean }

-- | Get the text contents of a node
text :: Node -> String
text tn = tn'.text
  where tn' = unsafeCoerce tn :: { text :: String }

-- | A helper TypeString type, so we can keep track of this
newtype TypeString = TypeString String
derive instance newtypeTypeString :: Newtype TypeString _
derive newtype instance eqTypeString :: Eq TypeString

-- | Read the "type" of the node
type_ :: Node -> TypeString
type_ tn = tn'."type"
  where tn' = unsafeCoerce tn :: { "type" :: TypeString }

And that's it. The building blocks needed to consume tree-sitter parsers from PureScript are all there.

module FormatNix

I won't dive into the code because it's ever changing and mostly boring, but it mostly comes to three parts:

data Expr

I have a giant data type that acts as an AST, which I transform the parse result into to later print out. It contains all of the Nix language elements handled:

data Expr

  -- top level
  = Expression (Array Expr)

  -- i just want to print comments
  | Comment String

  -- "hi"
  | StringValue String

  -- set fn args, e.g. inside of braces { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
  | Formals (Array Expr)

  -- set fn arg with an identifier,
  -- where it may or may not have a default value expr
  | Formal Expr (Maybe Expr)

  -- ...

  -- unknown node type, with the type string and text contents
  | Unknown String String

readNode :: Node -> Expr

This function converts a node (and its children) to Expr.

readNode :: Node -> Expr
readNode n = readNode' (type_ n) n

readNode' :: TypeString -> Node -> Expr
readNode' (TypeString "comment") n = Comment (text n)
readNode' (TypeString "function") n
  | (input : output : Nil ) <- List.fromFoldable (readNode <$> namedChildren n)
    = case input of
        Formals _ -> SetFunction input output
        _ -> Function input output
  | otherwise = Unknown "function variation" (text n)

expr2Doc :: Expr -> Doc

Finally, I have a function to convert Expr to Doc, the structure as described in "A Prettier Printer" by Wadler in 1997.

-- | "a prettier printer" by wadler
data Doc
  = DNil
  | DAppend Doc Doc
  | DNest Int Doc
  | DText String
  | DLine
  | DAlt Doc Doc

expr2Doc :: Expr -> Doc
expr2Doc (StringValue str) = DText str
expr2Doc (Unknown tag str) = DText $ "Unknown " <> tag <> " " <> str
expr2Doc (List exprs) = left <> choices <> right
    inners = expr2Doc <$> exprs
    left = DText "["
    right = DText "]"
    choices = DAlt oneLine asLines
    oneLine = dwords inners <> DText " "
    asLines = (DNest 1 (dlines inners)) <> DLine
-- ...

And this is really about it.


Hopefully this has given you a rough overview of how you can use node-tree-sitter from PureScript, and how FFI can be minimal and allow you to stretch what you can work with beyond what already exists in the language and its core libraries.



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