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Python DataFrameの重複行の削除

Last updated at Posted at 2022-02-05



import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['2022/1/6', '3000', '2400', '240'],
                    ['2022/1/7', '1000', '800', '80'],
                    ['2022/1/8', '3000', '2400', '240'],
                    ['2022/1/9', '1500', '1200', '120']],
                   columns=['date', 'value', 'cost', 'tax'])
df1['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['date']).dt.date
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['2022/1/8', '3000', '2400', '240'],
                    ['2022/1/9', '1500', '1200', '120']],
                   columns=['date', 'value', 'cost', 'tax'])
df2['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df2['date']).dt.date
df3 = pd.DataFrame([['2022/1/9', '1500', '1200', '120', '15'],
                    ['2022/1/10', '500', '400', '40', '5'],
                    ['2022/1/11', '1000', '800', '80', '10']],
                   columns=['date', 'value', 'cost', 'tax', 'tax2'])
df3['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df3['date']).dt.date
df = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3], ignore_index=True)
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
2 2022-01-08 3000 2400 240 NaN
3 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 NaN
4 2022-01-08 3000 2400 240 NaN
5 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 NaN
6 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 15
7 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
8 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10

index「2, 4」と「3, 5, 6」にdateの重複があります。dateの重複を判定したいのでsubset='date'を引数にします。
最初を残す( keep='first')と、index「2」と「3」が残ります。

df.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep='first')
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
2 2022-01-08 3000 2400 240 NaN
3 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 NaN
7 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
8 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10

最後を残す( keep='last')と、index「4」と「6」が残ります。

df.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep='last')
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
4 2022-01-08 3000 2400 240 NaN
6 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 15
7 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
8 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10


df.drop_duplicates(subset=['date', 'tax2'])
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
2 2022-01-08 3000 2400 240 NaN
3 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 NaN
6 2022-01-09 1500 1200 120 15
7 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
8 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10


df.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep=False)
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
7 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
8 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10


df.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep=False, ignore_index=True)
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
2 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
3 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10


df.duplicated(subset='date', keep=False)
0    False
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
5     True
6     True
7    False
8    False
dtype: bool


df[~df.duplicated(subset='date', keep=False)]
date value cost tax tax2
0 2022-01-06 3000 2400 240 NaN
1 2022-01-07 1000 800 80 NaN
7 2022-01-10 500 400 40 5
8 2022-01-11 1000 800 80 10

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