
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-04-04


SVGは「Scalable Vector Graphics」の略。

Android2.0, IE8以前では使用できないので注意。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>SVG Test</title>
    <svg width="640" height="480" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
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            <text x="10" y="400" font-size="64" fill="white" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" rotate="20">
                Unlimited Blaze Works.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>SVG Test</title>
    <svg width="640" height="480" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
        <rect width="600" height="300" fill="red"/>
        <rect width="100" height="100" fill="green" opacity="0.2" transform="translate(50,50)"/>
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        <rect width="100" height="100" fill="green" opacity="0.2" transform="scale(2, 1.5)"/>
        <rect width="100" height="100" fill="white" opacity="0.5"/>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>SVG Test</title>
    <svg width="640" height="480" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
        <rect width="600" height="300" fill="red"/>
        <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="20" fill="white">
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            <animate attributeName="r" from="20" to="100" dur="2s" begin="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>SVG Test</title>
    <svg width="640" height="480" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
        <rect width="600" height="300" fill="red"/>
        <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="20" fill="white">
            <animate attributeName="r" from="20" to="100" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
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        var c = document.getElementsByTagName('circle');
        for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
            c[i].setAttribute('cx', r(640));
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            c[i].setAttribute('fill', 'rgb(' + r(255) + ',' + r(255) + ',' + r(255) + ')');
            c[i].onmousedown = function(e) { alert(e.target.tagName); };
        document.getElementById('myLine').onmousedown = function(e) { alert(e.target.tagName + ':' + e.offsetX + ',' + e.offsetY); };
        function r(n) {
            return Math.floor(Math.random() * (n + 1));
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>SVG Test</title>
    <svg width="640" height="480" viewBox="0 0 640 480" onload="
        var list = document.getElementsByTag('g');
        <rect width="600" height="300" fill="red"/>
        <g transform="translate(100,100)">
            <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="100" stroke="black" stroke-width="10" id="testLine" />
            <text x="50" y="50" stroke="black" font-size="32">とりゃー</text>



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