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Last updated at Posted at 2021-01-05


When seeInDatabase asserting was failed, I can’t not known where the path of properies is not match.

Example: With bellow test, I will receive the bellow message.

Test code:
    $this->seeInDatabase('les_knowledge', [
        'lesson_id' => $lesson->id,
        'number' => 1,
        'content_en' => '~ years old DIFFFFFFFFFF',
        'explanation_en' => 'In Japan, you are born as a 0 year-old and turn 1 on your first birthday.',
Test result:
Unable to find row in database table [les_knowledge] that matched attributes
        "content_en":"~ years old DIFFFFFFFFFF",
        "explanation_en":"In Japan, you are born as a 0 year-old and turn 1 on your first birthday."

It is hard to find where is the path don’t match.


Create a function likes a bellow.

    function seeInDatabaseAndHasProperties($table, array $filter, array $properties, $connection = null){
        $this->seeInDatabase($table, $filter, $connection);
        $model = (array)DB::table($table)->where($filter)->first();
        $this->assertEquals($properties, Arr::only($model, array_keys($properties)));
Test code will be:
        'lesson_id' => $lesson->id,
        'number' => 1,
    ], [
        'content_en' => '~ years old DIFFFFFFFFFF',
        'explanation_en' => 'In Japan, you are born as a 0 year-old and turn 1 on your first birthday.',
Test result will be:
Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
Array (
    -    'content_en' => '~ years old DIFFFFFFFFFF'
    +    'content_en' => '~ years old'
    'explanation_en' => 'In Japan, you are born as a 0...thday.'

Now you can easily see which properties don’t match.
Original post is: https://khoinv.com/post/639359603705020416/clear-errors-not-found-in-the-database-laravel


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