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VBA キャメルケース スネークケース ケバブケース 変換

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VBA キャメルケース スネークケース ケバブケース 変換




' キャメルケースに変換
Private Function toCamel(ByVal val As String, delimiter As String, Optional ByVal isFirstUpper As Boolean = False) As String
        Dim ret As String
        Dim i   As Long
        Dim snakeSplit As Variant
        snakeSplit = Split(val, delimiter)
        For i = LBound(snakeSplit) To UBound(snakeSplit)
            ret = ret & UCase(Mid(snakeSplit(i), 1, 1)) & _
                        LCase(Mid(snakeSplit(i), 2, Len(snakeSplit(i))) _
        If isFirstUpper Then
            toCamel = ret
            toCamel = LCase(Mid(ret, 1, 1)) & Mid(ret, 2, Len(ret))
        End If
End Function

Public Function snakeToCamel(ByVal val As String, Optional ByVal isFirstUpper As Boolean = False) As String
    snakeToCamel = toCamel(val, "_", isFirstUpper)
End Function

Public Function kababuToCamel(ByVal val As String, Optional ByVal isFirstUpper As Boolean = False) As String
    kababuToCamel = toCamel(val, "-", isFirstUpper)
End Function


' Public Function camelToSnake(ByVal val As String, delimiter As String, Optional ByVal isUpper As Boolean = False) As String
 Private Function fromCamel(ByVal val As String, delimiter As String, Optional ByVal isUpper As Boolean = False) As String
        Dim ret As String
        Dim i      As Long
        Dim length As Long

        length = Len(val)
        For i = 1 To length
            If UCase(Mid(val, i, 1)) = Mid(val, i, 1) Then
                ' 大文字
                If i = 1 Then
                    ' 最初の文字なら、区切り文字は付与しない
                    ret = ret & Mid(val, i, 1)
                ElseIf i > 1 And UCase(Mid(val, i - 1, 1)) = Mid(val, i - 1, 1) Then
                    ' 前の文字が大文字なら、区切り文字は付与しない
                    ret = ret & Mid(val, i, 1)
                    ' 小文字なので区切り文字を付与
                    ret = ret & delimiter & Mid(val, i, 1)
                End If
                ' 小文字
                ret = ret & Mid(val, i, 1)
            End If
        If isUpper Then
            fromCamel = UCase(ret)
            fromCamel = LCase(ret)
        End If
End Function

Public Function camelToSnake(ByVal val As String, Optional ByVal isUpper As Boolean = False) As String
    camelToSnake = fromCamel(val, "_", isUpper)
End Function

Public Function camelToKababu(ByVal val As String, Optional ByVal isUpper As Boolean = False) As String
    camelToKababu = fromCamel(val, "-", isUpper)
End Function


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