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CloudflareAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 8

Cloudflare Gateway の アプリケーション・アプリタイプ早見表の取得

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Cloudflare Gateway の アプリケーション・アプリタイプ


Secure Web Gateway の DNS / Network / HTTP ポリシーで活用できるフィールドです。

API から CSV に出力

以下の API から CSV に出力します。


# CSV 表示
http -A creds "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/app_types" | jq -r '.result | ["id","name","description","application_type_id"],(.[]|[.id,.name,.description,.application_type_id])|@csv'
# CSV ファイル出力
# http -A creds "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/app_types" | jq -r '.result | ["id","name","description","application_type_id"],(.[]|[.id,.name,.description,.application_type_id])|@csv' > gateway_application_types.csv

CSV から Markdown に出力

その後、先ほどの Google Spreadsheet から CSV でダウンロードします。

pstaender/csv2md: Converts csv data to markdown tables

csv2md gateway_application_types.csv > gateway_application_types.md
cat gateway_application_types.md | pbcopy


アプリケーションごとに URL 群をマネージドで管理してくれるので、ポリシーで指定する際に便利に活用できます。

以下のリストにないアプリケーション(国産 SaaS 等)で、リストに入れてほしい場合は Cloudflare に問い合わせ、申請をあげるとよさそうです。

id name description application_type_id
1 Collaboration & Online Meetings Applications used to communicate or collaborate in a business setting.
552 Google Calendar 1
553 Google Chat 1
556 Google Keep 1
557 Google Meet 1
505 Asana 1
517 Basecamp 1
527 Confluence 1
534 Discord 1
560 GoToTraining 1
616 Skype for Business 1
558 GoToMeeting 1
559 GoToRoom 1
561 GoToWebinar 1
590 Monday 1
611 Sharepoint 1
617 Slack 1
626 Microsoft Teams 1
629 Trello 1
641 Wrike 1
647 Zoom 1
636 Cisco WebEx 1
2 Public Cloud Applications used to manage public cloud infrastructure.
772 Snowflake 2
513 Amazon Web Services 2
514 Microsoft Azure 2
533 DigitalOcean 2
547 Google Cloud Platform 2
566 Heroku 2
570 IBM Cloud 2
581 Linode 2
598 OVHcloud 2
605 Red Hat OpenShift 2
3 Human Resources Applications used to manage employees and workforce tools.
500 ADP 3
563 Greenhouse 3
640 Workday 3
4 Finance & Accounting Applications used as finance and accounting tools.
546 Freshdesk 4
603 Quickbooks 4
607 SAP Ariba 4
608 SAP Concur 4
622 Stripe 4
642 Xero 4
5 Legal Applications used for as legal tools.
537 DocuSign 5
574 Ironclad 5
6 IT Management Applications used to manage IT deployments.
516 Azure AD 6
545 Fleetsmith 6
577 Kandji 6
7 Productivity Applications used as business tools.
564 Google Workspace 7
499 Adobe Creative Cloud 7
501 Airtable 7
510 Autodesk Fusion360 7
530 Coursera 7
540 Evernote 7
594 Microsoft Office365 7
601 Microsoft Power BI 7
625 Tableau 7
645 Zapier 7
8 Sales & Marketing Applications used as sales and marketing tools.
551 Google Analytics 8
751 Zoho Assist 8
768 Back in Stock 8
771 Khoros 8
522 Buffer 8
523 Canva 8
528 ConstantContact 8
567 Hootsuite 8
568 Hubspot 8
584 Mailchimp 8
587 Marketo 8
606 Salesforce 8
612 Shopify 8
623 SurveyMonkey 8
646 Zendesk 8
9 Development Applications used for software development and development operations.
802 Cloudflare Dashboard 9
498 Adobe Business Catalyst 9
502 Algolia 9
504 Angular 9
506 Atom 9
508 Auth0 9
515 Azure DevOps 9
520 Bitbucket 9
529 Contentful 9
532 Datadog 9
536 Docker 9
539 Elastic Cloud 9
543 Figma 9
544 Firebase 9
548 GitHub 9
549 GitLab 9
562 Grafana 9
573 Intercom 9
576 Jira 9
583 Magento 9
591 MongoDB 9
599 PagerDuty 9
609 Sentry 9
610 ServiceNow 9
631 Twilio 9
635 Microsoft Visual Studio 9
10 File Sharing Applications used to share files.
767 1fichier 10
769 Bajoo 10
554 Google Drive 10
521 box 10
531 Cyberduck 10
538 Dropbox 10
596 Microsoft OneDrive 10
571 iCloud 10
637 WeTransfer 10
11 Social Networking Applications used for social networking.
541 Facebook 11
555 Google Groups 11
773 Strava 11
572 Instagram 11
580 LinkedIn 11
600 Pinterest 11
604 Reddit 11
618 Snapchat 11
628 TikTok 11
633 Twitter 11
639 Wordpress 11
12 Instant Messaging Applications used for instant messaging.
542 Facebook Messenger 12
614 Signal 12
615 Skype 12
638 WhatsApp 12
13 Email Applications used for email.
585 Mail.ru 13
597 Microsoft Outlook 13
602 Proton Mail 13
550 Gmail 13
643 Yahoo Mail 13
14 Streaming Applications used for streaming video or audio.
503 Amazon Prime Video 14
507 Audible 14
518 BBC iPlayer 14
535 Disney Plus 14
565 HBO Go 14
569 Hulu 14
588 Masterclass 14
592 Netflix 14
613 Showtime Anytime 14
620 Soundcloud 14
621 Spotify 14
632 Twitch 14
634 Vimeo 14
644 YouTube 14
15 Security Applications used for information security.
525 Cisco AMP 15
509 Authy 15
511 Avast 15
512 Avira 15
519 BeyondTrust 15
524 Carbon Black 15
526 Citrix Cloud 15
578 Kaspersky 15
582 LogMeIn 15
575 Jamf 15
579 Lastpass 15
586 Malwarebytes 15
589 McAfee 15
593 NoMachine 15
595 Okta 15
619 Sophos 15
624 Symantec 15
627 Teamviewer 15
630 Trend Micro 15
16 Do Not Inspect Applications that either send non-web traffic such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) over TLS
650 Southwest Mobile App (Do Not Inspect) 16
783 Acorns (Do Not Inspect) 16
652 Adobe Updates (Do Not Inspect) 16
653 Akamai EAA (Do Not Inspect) 16
654 Amazon Alexa (Do Not Inspect) 16
831 Amazon (Do Not Inspect) 16
655 Amazon Echo (Do Not Inspect) 16
778 American Express (Do Not Inspect) 16
656 Android (Do Not Inspect) 16
658 AWS (Do Not Inspect) 16
659 Bitdefender (Do Not Inspect) 16
660 Blizzard Online Games (Do Not Inspect) 16
785 Bank of America (Do Not Inspect) 16
739 Brave (Do Not Inspect) 16
764 Carbon Black (Do Not Inspect) 16
786 Chase Bank (Do Not Inspect) 16
661 Cloudflare Services (Do Not Inspect) 16
787 Coinbase (Do Not Inspect) 16
766 Crowdstrike (Do Not Inspect) 16
662 Cryptocat (Do Not Inspect) 16
663 Debian apt (Do Not Inspect) 16
664 Discord (Do Not Inspect) 16
665 DocHub (Do Not Inspect) 16
666 Dropbox (Do Not Inspect) 16
735 Duo (Do Not Inspect) 16
788 ETRADE (Do Not Inspect) 16
667 Evernote (Do Not Inspect) 16
789 Fidelity (Do Not Inspect) 16
668 Google (Do Not Inspect) 16
669 Google Hangouts (Do Not Inspect) 16
670 Google Play Store (Do Not Inspect) 16
733 Google Drive (Do Not Inspect) 16
671 Google Services (Do Not Inspect) 16
791 N26 16
672 GoTo Meeting (Do Not Inspect) 16
756 Grab (Do Not Inspect) 16
775 Highfive (Do Not Inspect) 16
779 HSBC (Do Not Inspect) 16
760 iMobile (Do Not Inspect) 16
673 Instabug (Do Not Inspect) 16
674 Instagram (Do Not Inspect) 16
675 JAMF Cloud (Do Not Inspect) 16
740 JS Hosting Sites (Do Not Inspect) 16
676 Kandji (Do Not Inspect) 16
677 Keybase (Do Not Inspect) 16
657 Apple (Do Not Inspect) 16
1073 Ring (Do Not Inspect) 16
784 ActivoBank (Do Not Inspect) 16
651 Adobe EchoSign (Do Not Inspect) 16
648 Kolide (Do Not Inspect) 16
649 Notion (Do Not Inspect) 16
792 Novo Banco (Do Not Inspect) 16
749 Node Package Manager (Do Not Inspect) 16
683 Okta (Do Not Inspect) 16
684 Online Certificate Status Protocol (Do Not Inspect) 16
685 PayPal (Do Not Inspect) 16
686 Periscope (Do Not Inspect) 16
687 Python Pip (Do Not Inspect) 16
833 Qualys (Do Not Inspect) 16
782 Revolut (Do Not Inspect) 16
793 Robinhood (Do Not Inspect) 16
688 Samsung (Do Not Inspect) 16
794 Santander (Do Not Inspect) 16
795 Schwab (Do Not Inspect) 16
757 SentinelOne (Do Not Inspect) 16
689 Signal (Do Not Inspect) 16
690 Silent Circle (Do Not Inspect) 16
691 Skype (Do Not Inspect) 16
692 Slack (Do Not Inspect) 16
693 Snap Chat (Do Not Inspect) 16
694 Sonos (Do Not Inspect) 16
695 Sophos (Do Not Inspect) 16
696 Spotify (Do Not Inspect) 16
697 Squareup (Do Not Inspect) 16
742 Stripe (Do Not Inspect) 16
777 SureMDM (Do Not Inspect) 16
698 SurveyMonkey (Do Not Inspect) 16
762 Swiggy (Do Not Inspect) 16
765 Sync (Do Not Inspect) 16
812 Tableau (Do Not Inspect) 16
699 Tesla Car App (Do Not Inspect) 16
796 Titan (Do Not Inspect) 16
700 Twitter (Do Not Inspect) 16
821 Uber (Do Not Inspect) 16
701 UbuntuOne (Do Not Inspect) 16
702 USAA Mobile App (Do Not Inspect) 16
703 Vagrant Cloud (Do Not Inspect) 16
797 Vanguard (Do Not Inspect) 16
704 Verizon Wireless (Do Not Inspect) 16
832 Walmart (Do Not Inspect) 16
798 Wealthfront (Do Not Inspect) 16
705 Webroot (Do Not Inspect) 16
706 Wells Fargo Mobile App (Do Not Inspect) 16
707 WhatsApp (Do Not Inspect) 16
708 Wire (Do Not Inspect) 16
709 Xbox Live (Do Not Inspect) 16
753 Zoho Assist (Do Not Inspect) 16
763 Zomato (Do Not Inspect) 16
743 Webex (Do Not Inspect) 16
710 Zoom (Do Not Inspect) 16
680 Microsoft (Do Not Inspect) 16
678 LogMeIn (Do Not Inspect) 16
825 Line (Do Not Inspect) 16
804 LINE WORKS (Do Not Inspect) 16
679 Malwarebytes (Do Not Inspect) 16
790 MB Way (Do Not Inspect) 16
681 Monday (Do Not Inspect) 16
780 Monzo (Do Not Inspect) 16
761 Mozilla (Do Not Inspect) 16
781 NatWest (Do Not Inspect) 16
682 Nest (Do Not Inspect) 16
17 Encrypted DNS Applications used for encrypting DNS.
712 AdGuard 17
713 BlahDNS 17
714 CleanBrowsing 17
715 Comcast Encrypted DNS 17
720 GoogleDNS 17
726 nextDNS 17
727 OpenDNS 17
728 PowerDNS 17
729 Quad9 17
730 Rubyfish 17



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