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Hello everyone, I'd like to share with you that I recently did a hobby project, using ChatGPT to translate the Rails Guide into different languages. I just made a Japanese version🇯🇵, https://ai.rails-guide.com/jp. I also wrote an article about how I do that https://dev.to/kevinluo201/dear-ai-can-you-translate-the-rails-guide-for-me-3hc. Please check it out if you think it's interesting 😃.

I think the quality of AI translation is fair enough though it's not perfect compared to human efforts. However, it can translate the Rails Guide into any language within several hours and at a pretty low cost. Generally speaking, I think it's a good idea to use AI this way and ease the lack of volunteers in some open-source communities.

I saw the Japanese version of the Rails Guide is surprisingly up-to-date. I think it's because Ruby and Rails are very popular in Japan so this project may not be that interesting for you. Nevertheless, you may utilize this tool to make an initial translation of a new document and that should make the translation process faster.

I'm from Taiwan and I cannot read Japanese well. I found this forum by googling "Japan Rails community". I just want to share what I did with you. Any feedback is welcomed. I'll also translate this article into Japanese by ChatGPT. Thank you for reading : )

みなさん、こんにちは。皆さんと共有したいことがあります。最近、趣味のプロジェクトを行いました。ChatGPTを使用してRailsガイドを異なる言語に翻訳しました。日本語版🇯🇵を作成しました: https://ai.rails-guide.com/jp 。また、その方法についての記事も書きました: https://dev.to/kevinluo201/dear-ai-can-you-translate-the-rails-guide-for-me-3hc 。興味があれば、ぜひご覧ください😃。



私は台湾出身で、日本語をあまり読むことができません。このフォーラムは、「Japan Rails コミュニティ」とGoogleで検索して見つけました。私は単に自分が行ったことを共有したかっただけです。どんなフィードバックでも歓迎します。また、この記事もChatGPTを使って日本語に翻訳します。読んでいただき、ありがとうございました : )。


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