
240328 dependencies issue in nuxt.js

Last updated at Posted at 2024-03-28


  • download website data from Git Hub which is pushed 4 years ago from a different environment so taht update information and re-deploy.
  • failed to nuxt dev because nuxt is not found.

How to solve errors

  1. npm install --> failed to install node-sass

  2. interpret error code to solve dependencies issues and change the version to appropriate one npm install package_name@version

    • node-sass require python@2 but @3 is set
      • get python path using which python2
      • set python@2 in npm npm config set python python2_path
    • npm was downgraded to @8 for python@2
    • nuxt was downgraded to @2
    • sass-loader was downgraded to 10.0.2
  3. Node-sass install

  4. after these version changes, run npm audit fix

  5. install modules required: vue-meta[^1] / vue-no-ssr / vue-router@3

    1. install required modules in according to errors npm install module_name --> module names will be on "dependencies" of package.json.
    2. remove old modules and install content rm -rf node_modules -->rm package-lock.json.
    3. npm install-->node_modulesandpackage-lock.json` (contents installed is recorded in this file) will be generated.

*vue-meta installation help: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/2535

*vue-router@3 installation help (vue-router@4 competed with vue@3): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72444072/i-cant-install-vue-router-by-npm


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