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Last updated at Posted at 2021-02-09

自宅で使っているEXCEL 2013の個人向けのマクロを登録していく




Sub Sample1()
    Dim buf As Long
    buf = 123
    MsgBox Func1(buf)
End Sub

Function Func1(arg As Long)
    Func1 = arg * 2
End Function





' 列番号→列名
Function ColumnIdx2Name(ByVal colNum As Long) As String
    ColumnIdx2Name = Split(Columns(colNum).Address, "$")(2)
End Function

' 列名→列番号
Function ColumnName2Idx(ByVal colName As String) As Long
    ColumnName2Idx = Columns(colName).Column
End Function

' 列番号の足し算
Function ColumnNameAdd(ByVal colName As String, ByVal addColumnNo As String) As String
    ColumnIdx = ColumnName2Idx(colName)
    ColumnNameAdd = ColumnIdx2Name(ColumnIdx + addColumnNo)
End Function

Sub WBSテスト()

    ' EXCELでWBSを作成する際の条件付き書式作成マクロ
    ' ・グループ行の背景色を塗る。(行)
    ' ・土日の背景色を塗る。(列)
    ' ・指定した日付の背景色を担当者毎に色を変えて塗りつぶす(セル)

    Day_Row = "3"       '★日付が指定されている行
    Start_Row = "4"     '★データの開始位置
    End_Row = "50"      '★データの終了位置

    Group1 = "A"                                    '★大分類
    Group2 = ColumnNameAdd(Group1, 1)               '中分類 => 大分類の1つ横

    Start_Day_Col = "E"                             '★日付開始日
    End_Day_Col = ColumnNameAdd(Start_Day_Col, 1)   '日付終了日 => 開始日の1つ横
    Work_Day = ColumnNameAdd(Start_Day_Col, 2)      '作業日(終了日と開始日の差、土日を除く) => 開始日の2つ横
    Name_Col = ColumnNameAdd(Work_Day, 1)           '担当者 => 作業日の1つ横
    Work_Time = ColumnNameAdd(Name_Col, 1)          '作業工数 => 担当者の1つ横
    Start_Col = "J"     '★データの開始位置
    End_Col = "Z"       '★データの終了位置

    Const UserCount = 5 '★ユーザー情報
    Dim UserName(UserCount) As String
    UserName(1) = "AAA"
    UserName(2) = "BBB"
    UserName(3) = "CCC"
    UserName(4) = "DDD"
    UserName(5) = "EEE"
    Rows(Start_Row + ":" + End_Row).Select
        Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        "=AND($" + Group1 + Start_Row + "<>"""")"

    With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 ' 文字色を白
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 12611584   '背景色を青
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False

        Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        "=AND($" + Group2 + Start_Row + "<>"""")"

    With Selection.FormatConditions(2).Font
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 ' 文字色を白
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With Selection.FormatConditions(2).Interior
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 5287936   '背景色を緑
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(2).StopIfTrue = False

    '処理② 土日の塗りつぶし(1:日曜、7:土曜)
    Range(Start_Col + Start_Row + ":" + End_Col + End_Row).Select
    week1 = "=WEEKDAY(" + Start_Col + "$" + Day_Row + ")=1"
    week2 = "=WEEKDAY(" + Start_Col + "$" + Day_Row + ")=7"

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=week1

    With Selection.FormatConditions(3).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 45    '&H0099FF(オレンジ)
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(3).StopIfTrue = False

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=week2

    With Selection.FormatConditions(4).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 23    '&HCC6600(青系)
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(4).StopIfTrue = False


    Dim UserNameParam(UserCount) As String
    For i = 1 To UserCount
        UserNameParam(i) = "=AND($" + Name_Col + Start_Row + "=""" & UserName(i) & """" + _
        ",$" + Start_Day_Col + Start_Row + "<=" + Start_Col + "$" + Day_Row + ",$" _
        + End_Day_Col + Start_Row + ">=" + Start_Col + "$" + Day_Row + ")"
    Next i

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(1)
    With Selection.FormatConditions(5).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 34    '&HFFFFCC(薄い水色)
    End With

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(2)

    With Selection.FormatConditions(6).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 35    'HCCFFCC(薄い緑色)
    End With

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(3)

    With Selection.FormatConditions(7).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 36    'H99FFFF(薄い黄色)
    End With

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(4)
    With Selection.FormatConditions(8).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 39    'HFF99CC(薄い紫色)
    End With

    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(5)
    With Selection.FormatConditions(9).Interior
        .ColorIndex = 40
    End With


    Dim row As Long '処理行を格納する
    Dim tmp_group_end As Long '大グループの終了行

    For row = Start_Row To End_Row
        Cells(row, Work_Day).Value = "=NETWORKDAYS(" & Start_Day_Col & row & "," & End_Day_Col & row & ")"
        If Cells(row, Group1) <> "" Then
            tmp_group_end = Cells(row, Group1).End(xlDown).row - 1

            If tmp_group_end < Val(End_Row) Then

                ' 工数の合計
                Cells(row, Work_Time).Value = "=SUMIF(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Group2), Cells(tmp_group_end, Group2)).Address(False, False) & ", " & Chr(34) & "<>" & Chr(34) & "," & Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(tmp_group_end, Work_Time)).Address(False, False) & ")"

                Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).Value = "=MIN(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col), Cells(tmp_group_end, Start_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"

                Cells(row, End_Day_Col).Value = "=MAX(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col), Cells(tmp_group_end, End_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"

                Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"
                Cells(row, End_Day_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"

                Range(Cells(row + 1, Group1), Cells(tmp_group_end, Group1)).Rows.Group

            End If

        End If

        If Cells(row, Group2) <> "" And Cells(row, Group1) = "" Then
            ' 工数の合計
            If Cells(row + 2, Work_Time) <> "" Then
                Cells(row, Work_Time).Value = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(row + 1, Work_Time).End(xlDown)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                Cells(row, Work_Time).Value = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(row + 1, Work_Time)).Address(False, False) & ")"
            End If

            If Cells(row + 2, Work_Time) <> "" Then
                Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).Value = "=MIN(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col), Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col).End(xlDown)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).Value = "=MIN(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col), Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"
            End If

            If Cells(row + 2, Work_Time) <> "" Then
                Cells(row, End_Day_Col).Value = "=MAX(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col), Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col).End(xlDown)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                Cells(row, End_Day_Col).Value = "=MAX(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col), Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"
            End If

            Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"
            Cells(row, End_Day_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"

            If Cells(row + 2, Work_Time) <> "" Then
                Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(row + 1, Work_Time).End(xlDown)).Rows.Group
                Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(row + 1, Work_Time)).Rows.Group
            End If

        End If

    MsgBox "処理終了"

End Sub





Sub 要員展開()
    ' EXCELでWBSを作成した後の要因展開資料作成用マクロ
    ' WBSの特定の列を別シートで張り付ける

    Day_Row = "9"       '日付が指定されている行
    Start_Row = "10"     'データの開始位置
    End_row = "50"      'データの終了位置

    Start_Day_Col = "B"                             '★日付開始日
    End_Day_Col = ColumnNameAdd(Start_Day_Col, 1)   '日付終了日 => 開始日の1つ横
    Work_Day = ColumnNameAdd(Start_Day_Col, 2)      '作業日(終了日と開始日の差、土日を除く) => 開始日の2つ横

    Name_Col = ColumnNameAdd(Work_Day, 1)           '担当者 => 作業日の1つ横
    Work_Time = ColumnNameAdd(Name_Col, 1)          '作業工数 => 担当者の1つ横
    Start_Col = "G"     '★データの開始位置
    End_Col = "Z"       '★データの終了位置

    Const UserCount = 5 '★ユーザー情報
    Dim UserName(UserCount) As String
    UserName(1) = "AAA"
    UserName(2) = "BBB"
    UserName(3) = "CCC"
    UserName(4) = "DDD"
    UserName(5) = "EEE"
        Dim row As Long '処理行を格納する
     For row = 1 To UserCount
        Cells(row, Name_Col).Value = UserName(row)
    Cells(UserCount + 1, Name_Col).Value = "合計"

     For row = 1 To UserCount
        Cells(row, Start_Col).Value = "=SUMIF($" & Name_Col & "$" & Start_Row & ":$" & Name_Col & "$" & End_row & ",$" & Name_Col & row & "," & Start_Col & "$" & Start_Row & ":" & Start_Col & "$" & End_row & ")"
         Cells(row, Start_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "0.0_ "
    Cells(UserCount + 1, Start_Col).Value = "=SUM(" & Start_Col & (1) & ":" & Start_Col & (UserCount) & ")"
    Cells(UserCount + 1, Start_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "0.0_ "
    ' 担当者毎の合計工数
     For row = 1 To (UserCount + 1)
        Cells(row, ColumnNameAdd(Name_Col, 1)).Value = "=SUM(" & Start_Col & (row) & ":" & End_Col & (row) & ")"

    Dim Start_Day As Date
    Start_Day = "2/10"

    For row = Start_Row To End_row

        Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"
        Cells(row, End_Day_Col).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"


    tmp_day = Start_Day
    Dim col As Long '処理列を格納する
    For col = ColumnName2Idx(Start_Col) To ColumnName2Idx(End_Col)   'アルファベットの列名だと数値で判断ができないため数値に変換
        tmp_day = tmp_day + 1
        If Weekday(tmp_day) = 7 Then
            tmp_day = tmp_day + 2   '土曜日の場合は2日足して月曜日にする
        End If

        Cells(Day_Row, col).Value = tmp_day
        Cells(Day_Row, col).NumberFormatLocal = "d"""";@"   '日付は列幅を短くするため日のみ表示する


    Dim Data_WorkTime As Double     '登録された工数を格納
    Dim Data_day1_Time As Double    '日単位の時間を計算し格納
    For row = Start_Row To End_row
        If Cells(row, ColumnName2Idx(Name_Col)).Value <> "" Then
            Data_WorkTime = Val(Cells(row, Work_Time).Value)
            If Data_WorkTime > 0 Then
                Data_day1_Time = Data_WorkTime / Cells(row, Work_Day).Value
                For col = ColumnName2Idx(Start_Col) To ColumnName2Idx(End_Col)   'アルファベットの列名だと数値で判断ができないため数値に変換
                    If Cells(Day_Row, col).Value >= Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).Value And Cells(Day_Row, col).Value <= Cells(row, End_Day_Col).Value Then
                        Cells(row, col).Value = Str(Data_day1_Time)
                        Cells(row, col).NumberFormatLocal = "0.0_ "
                    End If
            End If
        End If

    MsgBox "処理終了"
End Sub



' ====================================================================================================================
' 共通関数エリア
' ====================================================================================================================
' 列番号→列名
Function ColumnIdx2Name(ByVal colNum As Long) As String
    ColumnIdx2Name = Split(Columns(colNum).Address, "$")(2)
End Function

' 列名→列番号
Function ColumnName2Idx(ByVal colName As String) As Long
    ColumnName2Idx = Columns(colName).Column
End Function

' 列番号の足し算
Function ColumnNameAdd(ByVal colName As String, ByVal addColumnNo As String) As String
    ColumnIdx = ColumnName2Idx(colName)
    ColumnNameAdd = ColumnIdx2Name(ColumnIdx + addColumnNo)
End Function

' ====================================================================================================================
' フォーマット設定エリア ★必要に応じて修正する
' ====================================================================================================================
Function 開始行()
    開始行 = "4"        '★修正
End Function

Function 終了行()
    終了行 = "50"       '★修正
End Function

Function 開始列()
    開始列 = "M"        '★修正
End Function

Function 終了列()
    終了列 = "AZ"       '★修正
End Function

Function 大グループ()
     大グループ = "B"
End Function

Function 中グループ()
    中グループ = ColumnNameAdd(大グループ, 1)
End Function

Function 日付表示行()
    日付表示行 = "3"
End Function

Function 開始日()
    開始日 = "F"
End Function

Function 終了日()
    終了日 = ColumnNameAdd(開始日(), 1)
End Function

Function 作業日数()
    作業日数 = ColumnNameAdd(終了日(), 1)
End Function

Function 担当者()
    担当者 = ColumnNameAdd(作業日数(), 1)
End Function

Function 予定工数()
    予定工数 = ColumnNameAdd(担当者(), 1)
End Function

Function 実績工数()
    実績工数 = ColumnNameAdd(予定工数(), 1)
End Function

Function 状況()
    状況 = ColumnNameAdd(実績工数(), 1)
End Function

' ====================================================================================================================
' サブ関数エリア
' ====================================================================================================================
Sub グループ行の塗りつぶし()
    Rows(開始行() + ":" + 終了行()).Select
        Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        "=AND($" + 大グループ() + 開始行() + "<>"""")")

    With fc.Font
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 ' 文字色を白
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With fc.Interior
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 12611584   '背景色を青
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False

        Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        "=AND($" + 中グループ() + 開始行() + "<>"""")")

    With fc.Font
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 ' 文字色を白
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With fc.Interior
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 5287936   '背景色を緑
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False
End Sub

Sub 土日の塗りつぶし()
    Range(開始列() + 日付表示行() + ":" + 終了列() + 終了行()).Select
    week1 = "=WEEKDAY(" + 開始列() + "$" + 日付表示行() + ")=1"
    week2 = "=WEEKDAY(" + 開始列() + "$" + 日付表示行() + ")=7"

    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=week1)

    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 45    '&H0099FF(オレンジ)
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False

    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=week2)

    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 23    '&HCC6600(青系)
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False
End Sub

Sub 稼働日計算(ByVal row As Long)
    If Cells(row, 開始日()) <> "" Then
        Cells(row, 作業日数()).Value = "=NETWORKDAYS(" & 開始日() & row & "," & 終了日() & row & ")"
        Cells(row, 作業日数()).NumberFormatLocal = "0_);[赤](0)"
    End If
End Sub

Sub 実績工数計算(ByVal row As Long)
    If Cells(row, 担当者()) <> "" Then
        Cells(row, 実績工数()).Value = "=SUM(" & 開始列() & row & ":" & 終了列() & row & ")"
        Cells(row, 実績工数()).NumberFormatLocal = "0_);[赤](0)"
    End If
End Sub

Sub 日付フォーマット(ByVal row As Long)
    Cells(row, 開始日()).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"
    Cells(row, 終了日()).NumberFormatLocal = "m""""d"""";@"
End Sub

Sub 担当者の塗りつぶし()

    Const UserCount = 5 '★ユーザー情報
    Dim UserName(UserCount) As String
    UserName(1) = "AAA"
    UserName(2) = "BBB"
    UserName(3) = "CCC"
    UserName(4) = "DDD"
    UserName(5) = "EEE"
    Dim UserNameParam(UserCount) As String
    For i = 1 To UserCount
        UserNameParam(i) = "=AND($" + 担当者() + 開始行() + "=""" & UserName(i) & """" + _
        ",$" + 開始日() + 開始行() + "<=" + 開始列() + "$" + 日付表示行() + ",$" _
        + 終了日() + 開始行() + ">=" + 開始列() + "$" + 日付表示行() + ")"
    Next i
    Range(開始列() + 開始行() + ":" + 終了列() + 終了行()).Select

    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(1))
    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 34    '&HFFFFCC(薄い水色)
    End With
    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(2))

    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 35    'HCCFFCC(薄い緑色)
    End With

    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(3))

    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 36    'H99FFFF(薄い黄色)
    End With

    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(4))
    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 39    'HFF99CC(薄い紫色)
    End With
    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=UserNameParam(5))
    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 40
    End With
End Sub

Sub 状況の塗りつぶし()
    Rows(開始行() + ":" + 終了行()).Select
        Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        "=AND($" + 状況() + 開始行() + "=2)")

    With fc.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
        .TintAndShade = -0.499984740745262
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False

        Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        "=AND($" + 状況() + 開始行() + "=1)")

    With fc.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent2
        .TintAndShade = 0.799981688894314
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False
End Sub

Sub 本日の塗りつぶし()
    Range(開始列() + 日付表示行() + ":" + 終了列() + 終了行()).Select
    today = "=" + 開始列() + "$" + 日付表示行() + "=TODAY()"

    Set fc = Selection.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=today)

    With fc.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 6
    End With
    fc.StopIfTrue = False

End Sub

Sub WBSテスト()

    ' EXCELでWBSを作成する際の条件付き書式作成マクロ
    ' ・グループ行の背景色を塗る。(行)
    ' ・土日の背景色を塗る。(列)
    ' ・指定した日付の背景色を担当者毎に色を変えて塗りつぶす(セル)

    Group1 = 大グループ()                                    '★大分類
    Group2 = 中グループ()               '中分類 => 大分類の1つ横

    Start_Day_Col = 開始日()                             '★日付開始日
    End_Day_Col = 終了日()   '日付終了日 => 開始日の1つ横

    Work_Time = 予定工数()          '作業工数 => 担当者の1つ横
    Start_Col = 開始列()     '★データの開始位置
    End_Col = 終了列()       '★データの終了位置



    Dim row As Long '処理行を格納する
    Dim tmp_group1_end As Long '大グループの終了行
    Dim tmp_group2_end As Long '中グループの終了行
    For row = 開始行() To 終了行()

        稼働日計算 (row)
        実績工数計算 (row)
        日付フォーマット (row)

        If Cells(row, Group1) <> "" Then
            tmp_group1_end = Cells(row, Group1).End(xlDown).row - 1

            If tmp_group1_end < Val(終了行()) Then

                ' 工数の合計
                Cells(row, Work_Time).Value = "=SUMIF(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Group2), Cells(tmp_group1_end, Group2)).Address(False, False) & ", " & Chr(34) & "<>" & Chr(34) & "," & Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(tmp_group1_end, Work_Time)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                Cells(row, 実績工数()).Value = "=SUMIF(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Group2), Cells(tmp_group1_end, Group2)).Address(False, False) & ", " & Chr(34) & "<>" & Chr(34) & "," & Range(Cells(row + 1, 実績工数()), Cells(tmp_group1_end, 実績工数())).Address(False, False) & ")"

                Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).Value = "=MIN(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col), Cells(tmp_group1_end, Start_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"

                Cells(row, End_Day_Col).Value = "=MAX(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col), Cells(tmp_group1_end, End_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                Range(Cells(row + 1, Group1), Cells(tmp_group1_end, Group1)).Rows.Group

            End If

        End If

        If Cells(row, Group2) <> "" And Cells(row, Group1) = "" Then
            tmp_group2_end = Cells(row, Group2).End(xlDown).row - 1
            If tmp_group2_end > tmp_group1_end Then
                tmp_group2_end = tmp_group1_end - 1
            End If
            ' 工数の合計
            Cells(row, Work_Time).Value = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(tmp_group2_end, Work_Time)).Address(False, False) & ")"
            Cells(row, 実績工数()).Value = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, 実績工数()), Cells(tmp_group2_end, 実績工数())).Address(False, False) & ")"

            Cells(row, Start_Day_Col).Value = "=MIN(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, Start_Day_Col), Cells(tmp_group2_end, Start_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"

            Cells(row, End_Day_Col).Value = "=MAX(" & Range(Cells(row + 1, End_Day_Col), Cells(tmp_group2_end, End_Day_Col)).Address(False, False) & ")"

            Range(Cells(row + 1, Work_Time), Cells(tmp_group2_end, Work_Time)).Rows.Group

        End If

    MsgBox "処理終了"

End Sub






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