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What is GSN ? - Part1 (Prof. Shuichiro Yamamoto at Nagoya Univ.)

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This text is a transcription of the video youTube ビデオ: GSN概説 - Part1 (名古屋大学 山本修一郎先生)

GSN and Accountability

Today I'm going to talk about the relationship between Acoutability and GSN(Goal Structuring Notation).


What is Accountability?

It is an ability to explain to others that a system, activity, or a process conforms to a certain principle.

This is the concept of accountability.


So in order to achieve accountability, there needs to be a way to explain the conformance that a system is developed following a certain principle.

GSN による説明

GSN is one approach to achieve accountability to explain that a system conforms to a principle, and in order to illustrate the argument visually, GSN provides 4 types of nodes.


  1. Goal In this example, a statement "The system conforms to the principle" is the top goal called a claim.
  2. Strategy When it is difficult to explain the goal directly, you want to divide the goal into several sub-goals. To show the underlying thinking of the division, a strategy node is used.
  3. Context A Context node is used to show a context, or an assumption on which the following argument is developed.
  4. Solution Finally, an solution node is used to show that a leaf goal is supported by an evidence.

To sum up, GSN uses these four basic components to explain the argument structure of the claim.
This is how GSN can help you achieve accountability.

The Video

この文章は、youTube ビデオ: GSN概説 - Part1 (名古屋大学 山本修一郎先生) の中身です。ぜひビデオをごらんください。


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