Qiita Conference 2025





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「形式手法入門」P157 「6.2.5 イベント駆動スタイル」

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// 「形式手法入門」P157 「6.2.5 イベント駆動スタイル」
open util/ordering [Time]
open util/natural

sig Time{}

sig State {
	a, b, c, n : Natural one -> Time,
	d : Natural
	add[a.Time, add[b.Time, c.Time]] = n.Time // a + b + c = n
	a.Time = Zero or c.Time = Zero // a = 0 or c = 0
	gte[d, n.Time] and gt[d, Zero] // (d >= n) and (d > 0)

pred MLout[t, t' : Time] {
	gt[State.d, add[(State.a).t, (State.b).t]] and (State.c).t = Zero
	(State.a).t' = inc[(State.a).t]
	(State.b).t' = (State.b).t and (State.c).t' = (State.c).t

pred ILin[t,t' : Time] {
	gt[(State.a).t, Zero]
	(State.a).t' = dec[(State.a).t] and (State.b).t' = inc[(State.b).t]
	(State.c).t' = (State.c).t

pred ILout[t,t' : Time] {
	gt[(State.b).t, Zero] and (State.a).t = Zero
	(State.b).t' = dec[(State.b).t] and (State.c).t' = inc[(State.c).t]
	(State.a).t' = (State.a).t

pred MLin[t, t' : Time] {
	gt[(State.c).t, Zero]
	(State.c).t' = dec[(State.c).t]
	(State.a).t' = (State.a).t and (State.b).t' = (State.b).t

pred I [t : Time] {
	(State.a).t = Zero and (State.b).t = Zero
	and (State.c).t = Zero

pred T [t, t' : Time] {
	MLin[t,t'] or MLout[t,t'] or ILin[t,t'] or ILout[t,t']

pred Path1 {
	let t0 = first, t1 = next[t0], t2 = next[t1],
		t3 = next[t2], t4 = next[t3], t5 = next[t4] | {
			I[t0] and T[t0,t1] and T[t1,t2] and T[t2,t3] and T[t3,t4] and T[t4, t5]
			and (State.a).t5 = One

// 以下のようにEvaluatorに入力すると、時間ごとの変数aの値が分かる
// ~(State.a)
run Path1 for 5 but 8 Time

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Qiita Conference 2025 will be held!: 4/23(wed) - 4/25(Fri)

Qiita Conference is the largest tech conference in Qiita!

Keynote Speaker

ymrl、Masanobu Naruse, Takeshi Kano, Junichi Ito, uhyo, Hiroshi Tokumaru, MinoDriven, Minorun, Hiroyuki Sakuraba, tenntenn, drken, konifar

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