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Last updated at Posted at 2015-03-07





navigationController?.hidesBarsOnSwipe = true




  • hidesBarsOnTap

/// When the user taps, the navigation controller's navigationBar & toolbar will be hidden or shown, depending on the hidden state of the navigationBar. The toolbar will only be shown if it has items to display.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
public var hidesBarsOnTap: Bool
  • hidesBarsOnSwipe
/// When the user swipes, the navigation controller's navigationBar & toolbar will be hidden (on a swipe up) or shown (on a swipe down). The toolbar only participates if it has items.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
public var hidesBarsOnSwipe: Bool
  • hidesBarsWhenVerticallyCompact
/// When the UINavigationController's vertical size class is compact, hide the UINavigationBar and UIToolbar. Unhandled taps in the regions that would normally be occupied by these bars will reveal the bars.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
public var hidesBarsWhenVerticallyCompact: Bool
  • hidesBarsWhenKeyboardAppears
/// When the keyboard appears, the navigation controller's navigationBar toolbar will be hidden. The bars will remain hidden when the keyboard dismisses, but a tap in the content area will show them.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
public var hidesBarsWhenKeyboardAppears: Bool
  • navigationBarHidden
public var navigationBarHidden: Bool
  • barHideOnTapGestureRecognizer
/// The gesture recognizer used to recognize if the bars will hide or show due to a tap in content. Do not change the delegate or attempt to replace this gesture by overriding this method.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
unowned(unsafe) public var barHideOnTapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer { get }
  • barHideOnSwipeGestureRecognizer
/// The gesture recognizer that triggers if the bars will hide or show due to a swipe. Do not change the delegate or attempt to replace this gesture by overriding this method.
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
public var barHideOnSwipeGestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer { get }

Hiding the Navigation Bar @ Apple公式ドキュメント - UINavigationController Class Reference


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