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$ yarn add ts-migrate -D




import React from 'react';

const Sample = () => {

  const [num, setNum] = React.useState(0);

  const handleAdd = () => {
    setNum((n) => n++)

  return (
      <button onClick={handleAdd} />


export default Sample;


$ npx ts-migrate -- --help

npm run ts-migrate -- <command> [options]

  npm run ts-migrate -- init <folder>       Initialize tsconfig.json file in <folder>
  npm run ts-migrate -- rename <folder>     Rename files in folder from JS/JSX to TS/TSX
  npm run ts-migrate -- migrate <folder>    Fix TypeScript errors, using codemods
  npm run ts-migrate -- reignore <folder>   Re-run ts-ignore on a project

  -h,  -- help      Show help
  -i,  -- init      Initialize TypeScript (tsconfig.json) in <folder>
  -m,  -- migrate   Fix TypeScript errors, using codemods
  -rn, -- rename    Rename files in <folder> from JS/JSX to TS/TSX
  -ri, -- reignore  Re-run ts-ignore on a project

  npm run ts-migrate -- --help                Show help
  npm run ts-migrate -- init frontend/foo     Create tsconfig.json file at frontend/foo/tsconfig.json
  npm run ts-migrate -- rename frontend/foo   Rename files in frontend/foo from JS/JSX to TS/TSX


  • js→tsにリネーム
  • any @ts-expect-errorでコンパイルエラーの出る箇所を抑え込む



npx ts-migrate-full <folder>


$ npx ts-migrate-full components
Welcome to TS Migrate! :D

This script will migrate a frontend folder to a compiling (or almost compiling) TS project.

It is recommended that you take the following steps before continuing...

1. Make sure you have a clean git slate.
   Run `git status` to make sure you have no local changes that may get lost.
   Check in or stash your changes, then re-run this script.

2. Check out a new branch for the migration.
   For example, `git checkout -b ts-migrate` if you're migrating several folders or
   `git checkout -b ts-migrate-components` if you're just migrating components.

3. Make sure you're on the latest, clean master.
   `git fetch origin master && git reset --hard origin/master`

4. Make sure you have the latest npm modules installed.
   `npm install` or `yarn install`

If you need help or have feedback, please file an issue on Github!

Continue? (y/N)



Set a custom path for the typescript compiler. (It's an optional step. Skip if you don't need it. Default path is ./node_modules/.bin/tsc.):


[Step 1 of 4] Initializing ts-config for the "components"...

fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

[Step 2 of 4] Renaming files from JS/JSX to TS/TSX and updating project.json\...

No JS/JSX files to rename.
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

[Step 3 of 4] Fixing TypeScript errors...

Logs in /var/folders/g2/_1xblgd90hn43qscs_s7mhkxw987nf/T/ts-migrate-log-098qt8
TypeScript version: 4.0.2
Initialized tsserver project in 171.789ms.
[strip-ts-ignore] Plugin 1 of 13. Start...
[strip-ts-ignore] Finished in 1276.098ms.
[hoist-class-statics] Plugin 2 of 13. Start...
[hoist-class-statics] Finished in 1.526ms.
[react-props] Plugin 3 of 13. Start...
[react-props] Finished in 2.641ms.
[react-class-state] Plugin 4 of 13. Start...
[react-class-state] Finished in 0.191ms.
[react-class-lifecycle-methods] Plugin 5 of 13. Start...
[react-class-lifecycle-methods] Finished in 1.264ms.
[react-default-props] Plugin 6 of 13. Start...
[react-default-props] Finished in 0.322ms.
[react-shape] Plugin 7 of 13. Start...
[react-shape] Finished in 0.341ms.
[declare-missing-class-properties] Plugin 8 of 13. Start...
[declare-missing-class-properties] Finished in 66.787ms.
[member-accessibility] Plugin 9 of 13. Start...
[member-accessibility] Finished in 1.573ms.
[explicit-any] Plugin 10 of 13. Start...
[explicit-any] Finished in 11.987ms.
[eslint-fix] Plugin 11 of 13. Start...
[eslint-fix] Finished in 83.200ms.
[ts-ignore] Plugin 12 of 13. Start...
(node:91046) [ESLINT_PERSONAL_CONFIG_SUPPRESS] DeprecationWarning: '~/.eslintrc.*' config files have been deprecated. Please remove it or add 'root:true' to the config files in your projects in order to avoid loading '~/.eslintrc.*' accidentally. (found in "../../.eslintrc.js")
[ts-ignore] Finished in 7.478ms.
[eslint-fix] Plugin 13 of 13. Start...
[eslint-fix] Finished in 1.183ms.
Finished in 1458.891ms, for 13 plugin(s).
Writing 1 updated file(s)...
Wrote 1 updated file(s) in 0.555ms.
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

[Step 4 of 4] Checking for TS compilation errors (there shouldn't be any).

./node_modules/.bin/tsc -p components/tsconfig.json

All done!

The recommended next steps are...

1. Sanity check your changes locally by inspecting the commits and loading the affected pages.

2. Push your changes with `git push`.

3. Open a PR!



// @ts-expect-error ts-migrate(7016) FIXME: Try `npm install @types/react` if it exists or add... Remove this comment to see the full error message
import React from 'react';

const Sample = () => {

  const [num, setNum] = React.useState(0);

  const handleAdd = () => {
    setNum((n: any) => n++)

  return (
    // @ts-expect-error ts-migrate(7026) FIXME: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no i... Remove this comment to see the full error message
      {/* @ts-expect-error ts-migrate(7026) FIXME: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no i... Remove this comment to see the full error message */}
      {/* @ts-expect-error ts-migrate(7026) FIXME: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no i... Remove this comment to see the full error message */}
      <button onClick={handleAdd} />
    {/* @ts-expect-error ts-migrate(7026) FIXME: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no i... Remove this comment to see the full error message */}

export default Sample;

codemodを使ってのany型に置換えFIXME: Try npm install @types/reactのような丁寧なコメントなども追加されていますね!

ちなみにts-migrateを実行すると指定したディレクトリ直下に tsconfig.jsonが作成されていました。


コンパイルまわり(webpack), tsconfigの調整それから各ファイルでマイグレート時についたコメントに対しての修正が必要かぁ><



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