Visual Studio Codeは、デバッグおよびタスク構成ファイルの変数置換と、いくつかの選択設定をサポートしています。
変数置換は、$ {variableName}構文を使用して、launch.jsonファイルとtasks.jsonファイルのキー文字列と値文字列内でサポートされています。
変数名 |
説明 |
${workspaceFolder} |
the path of the folder opened in VS Code |
${workspaceFolderBasename} |
the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/) |
${file} |
the current opened file |
${relativeFile} |
the current opened file relative to workspaceFolder |
${relativeFileDirname} |
the current opened file's dirname relative to workspaceFolder |
${fileBasename} |
the current opened file's basename |
${fileBasenameNoExtension} |
the current opened file's basename with no file extension |
${fileDirname} |
the current opened file's dirname |
${fileExtname} |
the current opened file's extension |
${cwd} |
the task runner's current working directory on startup |
${lineNumber} |
the current selected line number in the active file |
${selectedText} |
the current selected text in the active file |
${execPath} |
the path to the running VS Code executable |
${defaultBuildTask} |
the name of the default build task |
変数名 |
例 |
${workspaceFolder} |
/home/your-username/your-project |
${workspaceFolderBasename} |
your-project |
${file} |
/home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext |
${relativeFile} |
folder/file.ext |
${relativeFileDirname} |
folder |
${fileBasename} |
file.ext |
${fileBasenameNoExtension} |
file |
${fileDirname} |
/home/your-username/your-project/folder |
${fileExtname} |
.ext |
${lineNumber} |
line number of the cursor |
${selectedText} |
text selected in your code editor |
${execPath} |
location of Code.exe |
Visual Studio Code Variables Reference