
こんにちは、京セラコミュニケーションシステム 石関 (@kccs_daisuke-ishizeki)です。

2023/8/3 にリリース(Preview)されました、Personalized Service Health(以下PSH) についての紹介です。

2024 年 1 月に GA されました。

Google Cloud Service Health

みなさんは Google Cloud の障害情報をどのように拾っているでしょうか。


Google Cloud では公式からの情報として Google Cloud Service Health ダッシュボードで各プロダクトごとのステータス・インシデント情報が公開されています。


そんな方のための新しいプロダクトが Personalized Service Health(PSH) です!

Personalized Service Health(PSH) とは

その他、公開されていないインシデントに加え、Google Cloud Service Health からのインシデントもカバーされるようです。

また PSH では Service Health event と呼ばれるイベント情報が Cloud Logging にロギングされます。
(なのでアラートとしてメールや SMS、Slack などと連携することも容易に!)


  • ダッシュボード
  • アラート(Cloud Monitoring, Cloud logging)
  • API




API を有効にすると PSH のダッシュボードが利用できるようになります。
また、ダッシュボードのほかアラートとして通知したり、API 経由でサービスヘルスイベントを取得できるようになります。

API の有効化

PSH を利用するには初めに Service Health API を有効にします。

PSH ダッシュボード

Service Health API を有効にするとダッシュボードが利用できるようになります。


PSH アラート

ダッシュボード右上のCREATE ALERT POLICYからアラートポリシーを作成できます。

Cloud Monitoring のアラートと連携しています。
連携というか PSH の画面から Cloud Monitoring のアラートポリシーを作成しているようです。

API アクセス

お試しで API をたたいてみました。

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" "https://servicehealth.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/global/events/n2h_aagLTVSDceNrl0Oy3Q"


  "name": "projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/global/events/n2h_aagLTVSDceNrl0Oy3Q",
  "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
  "description": "The issue with Cloud Data Fusion, Dataproc Metastore, Google Cloud Console, Google Cloud Networking, Google Compute Engine has been resolved for all affected projects as of Thursday, 2023-08-03 17:27 US/Pacific.\n\nWe thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving the issue.",
  "category": "INCIDENT",
  "state": "CLOSED",
  "relevance": "UNKNOWN",
  "updates": [
      "updateTime": "2023-08-03T22:52:38.704621Z",
      "title": "Increased error rates for GCE APIs",
      "description": "We are experiencing an issue with Google Compute Engine API.\n\nOur engineering team continues to investigate the issue.\n\nWe will provide an update by Thursday, 2023-08-03 17:00 US/Pacific with current details.\n\nWe apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.",
      "symptom": "Customers may experience increased rates of internal errors when calling global Compute Engine APIs.",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-03T23:16:11.024011Z",
      "title": "Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "We are experiencing an issue with Google Cloud Networking, Google Compute Engine.\n\nOur engineering team continues to investigate the issue.\n\nWe will provide an update by Thursday, 2023-08-03 17:15 US/Pacific with current details.\n\nWe apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.",
      "symptom": "Customers may experience increased rates of internal errors when calling Google Cloud APIs in us-central1, including when attempting to make changes to load balancers in the affected region.",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-03T23:47:10.396836Z",
      "title": "Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "We are experiencing an issue with Cloud Data Fusion, Dataproc Metastore, Google Cloud Networking, Google Compute Engine.\n\nOur engineering team continues to investigate the issue.\n\nWe will provide an update by Thursday, 2023-08-03 20:41 US/Pacific with current details.\n\nWe apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.",
      "symptom": "Customers may experience increased rates of internal errors when calling Google Cloud APIs in us-central1, including when attempting to make changes to load balancers in the affected region.",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-03T23:55:24.329645Z",
      "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "We are experiencing an issue with Cloud Data Fusion, Dataproc Metastore, Google Cloud Networking, Google Compute Engine.\n\nOur engineering team continues to investigate the issue.\n\nWe will provide an update by Thursday, 2023-08-03 18:00 US/Pacific with current details.\n\nWe apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.",
      "symptom": "\n- Cloud Load Balancer customers may receive 502 errors when creating/updating load balancers in us-central1.\n- Increased error rates for GCE instance creation in us-central1\n-Dataproc Metastore creations may be failing in us-central1, us-south1, and us-east1\n-Increased error rates for GKE cluster operations",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-04T00:01:40.548829Z",
      "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "We are experiencing an issue with Cloud Data Fusion, Dataproc Metastore, Google Cloud Networking, Google Compute Engine.\n\nOur engineering team continues to investigate the issue.\n\nWe will provide an update by Thursday, 2023-08-03 18:00 US/Pacific with current details.\n\nWe apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.",
      "symptom": "\n- Cloud Load Balancer customers may receive 502 errors when creating/updating load balancers in us-central1.\n- Increased error rates for GCE instance creation in us-central1\n-Dataproc Metastore creations may be failing in us-central1, us-south1, and us-east1\n-Increased error rates for GKE cluster operations\n-Customers may receive errors or may be unable to load pages in Cloud Console",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-04T00:06:23.244036Z",
      "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "Mitigation work is currently underway by our engineering team and error rates appear to be decreasing.\n\nWe do not have an ETA for full mitigation at this point.\n\nWe will provide more information by Friday, 2023-08-04 02:41 US/Pacific.",
      "symptom": "\n- Cloud Load Balancer customers may receive 502 errors when creating/updating load balancers in us-central1.\n- Increased error rates for GCE instance creation in us-central1\n-Dataproc Metastore creations may be failing in us-central1, us-south1, and us-east1\n-Increased error rates for GKE cluster operations\n-Customers may receive errors or may be unable to load pages in Cloud Console",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-04T00:07:21.715258Z",
      "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "Mitigation work is currently underway by our engineering team and error rates appear to be decreasing.\n\nWe do not have an ETA for full mitigation at this point.\n\nWe will provide more information by Thursday, 2023-08-03 18:00 US/Pacific.",
      "symptom": "\n- Cloud Load Balancer customers may receive 502 errors when creating/updating load balancers in us-central1.\n- Increased error rates for GCE instance creation in us-central1\n-Dataproc Metastore creations may be failing in us-central1, us-south1, and us-east1\n-Increased error rates for GKE cluster operations\n-Customers may receive errors or may be unable to load pages in Cloud Console",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-04T00:18:43.598784Z",
      "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "At this time error rates appear to have returned to normal levels. Engineers are continuing to monitor to confirm full recovery.\n\nWe do not have an ETA for full mitigation at this point.\n\nWe will provide more information by Thursday, 2023-08-03 18:00 US/Pacific.",
      "symptom": "\n- Cloud Load Balancer customers may receive 502 errors when creating/updating load balancers in us-central1.\n- Increased error rates for Cloud Data Fusion instance creation in us-central1\n-Dataproc Metastore creations may be failing in us-central1, us-south1, and us-east1\n-Increased error rates for GKE cluster operations\n-Customers may receive errors or may be unable to load pages in Cloud Console",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
      "updateTime": "2023-08-04T00:28:57.893171Z",
      "title": "Multiple GCP products affected by Increased error rates for Google Cloud APIs in us-central1",
      "description": "The issue with Cloud Data Fusion, Dataproc Metastore, Google Cloud Console, Google Cloud Networking, Google Compute Engine has been resolved for all affected projects as of Thursday, 2023-08-03 17:27 US/Pacific.\n\nWe thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving the issue.",
      "symptom": "\n- Cloud Load Balancer customers may receive 502 errors when creating/updating load balancers in us-central1.\n- Increased error rates for Cloud Data Fusion instance creation in us-central1\n-Dataproc Metastore creations may be failing in us-central1, us-south1, and us-east1\n-Increased error rates for GKE cluster operations\n-Customers may receive errors or may be unable to load pages in Cloud Console",
      "workaround": "None at this time."
  "updateTime": "2023-08-09T21:55:09.876347Z",
  "startTime": "2023-08-03T22:52:38.704621Z",
  "endTime": "2023-08-04T00:28:57.893171Z",
  "detailedState": "RESOLVED",
  "eventImpacts": [
      "product": {
        "productName": "Cloud Data Fusion"
      "location": {
        "locationName": "us-central1"
      "product": {
        "productName": "Dataproc Metastore"
      "location": {
        "locationName": "us-central1"
      "product": {
        "productName": "Google Cloud Console"
      "product": {
        "productName": "Google Compute Engine"
      "location": {
        "locationName": "us-central1"


PSH には Google Cloud Service Health に掲載されるインシデントも含まれるので、PSH ダッシュボードを見れば利用しているプロダクトのインシデントが一発で表示されるのが大きなメリットかなと思います。

あと Cloud Logging との連携!

API 自体の利用は無料ですので、とりあえず有効にするのも良いのではないでしょうか。

PSH の Cloud Logging 部分は _Default ログバケットに保存されます。
保持期間をデフォルトの 30 日から変更していなければ課金は発生しません。またログの取り込み量もログや頻度から想像してほぼ発生しないと思われます。



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