(I tried to set the NVIDIA driver in an attempt to mine cryptocurrencies. However, other sites is since there are many procedures, I will describe a simplified procedure.)
- EC2 Incetanse: p2.xlarge
- GPU: NVIDIA Tesla K60
- Distribution: ubuntu 16.04 or ubuntu 18.04 or ubuntu 20.04
1. Install repository of NVIDIA-driver on PPA
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
2. Update apt
$ sudo apt update
3. Install ubuntu-drivers-common
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-drivers-common
4. Check recommend driver
$ ubuntu-drivers devices
今回はnvidia-driver-460でした。(NVIDIA Tesla K60 is nvidia-driver-460)
5. install nvidia-driver
$ sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460
6. Reboot
$ sudo reboot
7. Check
$ nvidia-smi