
Concrete CMS でよく使う CLI メモ

Last updated at Posted at 2024-03-04

Concrete CMS には、SSH などのコマンドラインから実行できるよう CLI ツールが標準装備されています。




cd [Concrete CMS インストール先]
(sudo -u nginx) concrete/bin/concrete [コマンド] [オプション] --env=XXXXX (環境変数)

v8 未満の場合は concret/bin/concrete5 となります。

nginxapache ユーザーとして動かしている場合は、 sudo -u (nginx|apache) を最初に入れるのが必須です。僕はよく nginx をインストールして使っているの sudo -u nginx がデフォだったりします。




concret/bin/concrete c5:install -i

インストール:config ファイル指定

デモサイトなどの定期利レットに最適! DB 情報など、あらかじめ入れていたファイルを指定してインストールを行うコマンドです。

concret/bin/concrete c5:install --config=[ファイルパス]

以下の様な、Concrete CMS のインストール情報を PHP ファイルとして保存し、読み込むことでインストールできるコマンドです。

return [
    'db-password'=> 'DBパスワード',
    'db-database'=> 'DB名',
    'timezone' => 'Asia/Tokyo', // PHP タイムゾーン
    'starting-point' => 'atomik_full',  // スターティングポイント
    'admin-email'=> 'admin メールアドレス',
    'admin-password' => 'admin パスワード',
    'language'=> 'ja_JP', // 管理画面の言語
    'site-locale'=>'ja_JP', // サイトの言語



concret/bin/concrete c5:clear-cache




concret/bin/concrete c5:config get concrete.version_installed


管理画面 - システムと設定 - 環境情報 で見ることができる情報と同じ情報を、CLI で出力します。

concret/bin/concrete c5:info




concret/bin/concrete c5:config -g set concrete.maintenance_mode true
concret/bin/concrete c5:config -g set concrete.maintenance_mode false

Doctrine Dev モード


c5:config -g set concrete.cache.doctrine_dev_mode true
c5:config -g set concrete.cache.doctrine_dev_mode false


concrete コアフォルダを書き換えたあとに実施します。

concret/bin/concrete c5:update


concret/bin/concrete c5:language-install --update


Doctrine エンティティ再生成

Concrete サイトをコピーして作業する際に、application/config/doctrine の中にプロキシーファイルが存在しなければいけません。

前述の concrete.cache.doctrine_dev_mod が true だとサイトが遅くなりますが常に生成します。

通常は false で、doctrine の中にプロキシーファイルが入っていなかったり、古いファイルのみが入っている場合だとエラーになります。

なので、以下のエンティティリフレッシュというコマンドを実行して doctrine の proxies ファイルを生成します。

concret/bin/concrete c5:entities:refresh

debug モードの ON/OFF


concret/bin/concrete c5:config -g set concrete.debug.display_errors true
concret/bin/concrete c5:config -g set concrete.debug.display_errors false

エラーの詳細表示を行う (= debug) 行わない (=message)

concret/bin/concrete c5:config -g set concrete.debug.detail "debug"
concret/bin/concrete c5:config -g set concrete.debug.detail "message"

CLI コマンド一覧

何も オプションをつけずに concrete/bin/concrete コマンドを実行すると、その Concrete CMS サイトで実行可能な CLI コマンド一覧を出力してくれます。


9.2.4: V9 の標準コマンド一覧

concrete 9.2.4

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi|--no-ansi  Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  completion                          Dump the shell completion script
  help                                Display help for a command
  list                                List commands
  c5:block-developer                  Develop/Create Block Types
  c5:boards:refresh                   Add content to boards and board instances.
  c5:clear-cache                      Clear the cache
  c5:compare-schema                   Compares db.xml in Concrete XML schema, Concrete entities, and all installed package schemas and entities with the contents of the database and prints the difference.
  c5:config                           Set or get configuration parameters.
  c5:database:charset:set             Set the character set and collation of a database connection.
  c5:database:foreignkey:fix          Fix the foreign keys.
  c5:denylist:clear                   Clear denylist-related data
  c5:entities:refresh                 Refresh the Doctrine database entities
  c5:exec                             Execute a PHP script within the Concrete environment
  c5:express:export                   Export express entries
  c5:files:generate-identifiers       Create unique identifiers for existing files.
  c5:ide-symbols                      Generate IDE symbols
  c5:info                             Get detailed information about this installation.
  c5:install                          Install Concrete
  c5:is-installed                     Check if Concrete is already installed
  c5:job                              Run a Concrete job
  c5:language-install                 [c5:install-language] Install or update Concrete languages
  c5:package:install                  [c5:package-install|c5:install-package] Install a package
  c5:package:pack                     [c5:package-pack|c5:pack-package] Process a package (expand PHP short tags, compile icons and translations, create zip archive)
  c5:package:translate                [c5:package-translate|c5:translate-package] Creates or updates translations of a Concrete package
  c5:package:uninstall                [c5:package-uninstall|c5:uninstall-package] Uninstall a Concrete package
  c5:package:update                   [c5:package-update|c5:update-package] Update a Concrete package
  c5:phpcs                            Check or fix the PHP coding style.
  c5:reindex                          Reindex pages, files, users and express entities
  c5:rescan-files                     Rescans all files in the file manager.
  c5:reset                            Reset the Concrete installation, deleting files and emptying the database
  c5:service                          Check or update the web server configuration
  c5:sitemap:generate                 Generate the sitemap in XML format.
  c5:theme:install                    Install a Concrete Theme
  c5:update                           Runs all database migrations to bring the Concrete installation up to date.
  c5:user-group:bulk-assign-users     Bulk assign users to groups by a given CSV file.
  concrete:scheduler:run              Runs the task scheduler, dispatching any tasks whose time has come.
  concrete:scheduler:run-dev          Runs the task scheduler in the foreground every minute. Useful for development environments.
  concrete:theme:activate             Activate a theme.
  concrete:theme:activate-skin        Activate a theme skin.
  dbal:import                         Import SQL file(s) directly to Database.
  dbal:reserved-words                 Checks if the current database contains identifiers that are reserved.
  dbal:run-sql                        Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.
  messenger:consume                   Consume messages
  messenger:failed:remove             Remove given messages from the failure transport
  messenger:failed:retry              Retry one or more messages from the failure transport
  messenger:failed:show               Show one or more messages from the failure transport
  migrations:diff                     [diff] Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information.
  migrations:execute                  [execute] Execute a single migration version up or down manually.
  migrations:generate                 [generate] Generate a blank migration class.
  migrations:migrate                  [migrate] Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version.
  migrations:status                   [status] View the status of a set of migrations.
  migrations:version                  [version] Manually add and delete migration versions from the version table.
  orm:clear-cache:metadata            Clear all metadata cache of the various cache drivers
  orm:clear-cache:query               Clear all query cache of the various cache drivers
  orm:clear-cache:region:collection   Clear a second-level cache collection region
  orm:clear-cache:region:entity       Clear a second-level cache entity region
  orm:clear-cache:region:query        Clear a second-level cache query region
  orm:clear-cache:result              Clear all result cache of the various cache drivers
  orm:convert-d1-schema               [orm:convert:d1-schema] Converts Doctrine 1.x schema into a Doctrine 2.x schema
  orm:convert-mapping                 [orm:convert:mapping] Convert mapping information between supported formats
  orm:ensure-production-settings      Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment
  orm:generate-entities               [orm:generate:entities] Generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information
  orm:generate-proxies                [orm:generate:proxies] Generates proxy classes for entity classes
  orm:generate-repositories           [orm:generate:repositories] Generate repository classes from your mapping information
  orm:info                            Show basic information about all mapped entities
  orm:mapping:describe                Display information about mapped objects
  orm:run-dql                         Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line
  orm:schema-tool:create              Processes the schema and either create it directly on EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the SQL output
  orm:schema-tool:drop                Drop the complete database schema of EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the corresponding SQL output
  orm:schema-tool:update              Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata
  orm:validate-schema                 Validate the mapping files
  task:check-automated-groups         Automatically add users to groups.
  task:clear-cache                    Clears all caches.
  task:clear-empty-workflow-progress  Clear workflow notifications you can not approve or deny.
  task:deactivate-users               Deactivates users who haven't logged in recently, if automatic user deactivation is active.
  task:generate-sitemap               Creates sitemap.xml at the root of your site.
  task:generate-thumbnails            Recomputes all thumbnails for a file.
  task:health:javascript              Scans block and attribute content for custom JavaScript added to pages.
  task:health:page-cache              Checks page cache settings globally and on every page to determine whether they are optimally configured for use in a live, production environment.
  task:health:production-status       Scans your site and its settings to determine whether it is optimally configured for use in a live, production environment.
  task:process-email                  Polls an email account and grabs private messages/postings that are sent there.
  task:reindex-content                Reindex pages, files, users and Express objects.
  task:remove-old-file-attachments    Removes all expired file attachments from private messages.
  task:remove-old-page-versions       Removes all except the 10 most recent page versions for each page.
  task:remove-unvalidated-users       Remove users who never validate their email address long time.
  task:rescan-files                   Recomputes all attributes, clears and regenerates all thumbnails for a file.
  task:update-statistics-trackers     Scan the sitemap for file usage and stack usage to update statistics trackers.

V8 の標準コマンド一覧

concrete5 8.5.12

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  help                                Displays help for a command
  list                                Lists commands
  amazon-pay:report:generate          [amazon-pay:generate-report] Generate amazon pay report
  c5:blacklist:clear                  Clear blacklist-related data
  c5:clear-cache                      Clear the concrete5 cache
  c5:compare-schema                   Compares db.xml in concrete5 XML schema, concrete5 entities, and all installed package schemas and entities with the contents of the database and prints the difference.
  c5:config                           Set or get configuration parameters.
  c5:database:charset:set             Set the character set and collation of a database connection.
  c5:database:foreignkey:fix          Fix the foreign keys.
  c5:entities:refresh                 Refresh the Doctrine database entities
  c5:exec                             Execute a PHP script within the concrete5 environment
  c5:express:export                   Export express entries
  c5:fill-thumbnails-table            Populate the thumbnail table with all the files.
  c5:ide-symbols                      Generate IDE symbols
  c5:info                             Get server and concrete5 detailed informations.
  c5:install                          Install Concrete CMS
  c5:job                              Run a concrete5 job
  c5:language-install                 [c5:install-language] Install or update concrete5 languages
  c5:package:install                  [c5:package-install|c5:install-package] Install a concrete5 package
  c5:package:pack                     [c5:package-pack|c5:pack-package] Process a package (expand PHP short tags, compile icons and translations, create zip archive)
  c5:package:translate                [c5:package-translate|c5:translate-package] Creates or updates translations of a concrete5 package
  c5:package:uninstall                [c5:package-uninstall|c5:uninstall-package] Uninstall a concrete5 package
  c5:package:update                   [c5:package-update|c5:update-package] Update a concrete5 package
  c5:phpcs                            Check or fix the PHP coding style.
  c5:rescan-files                     Rescans all files in the file manager.
  c5:reset                            Reset the concrete5 installation, deleting files and emptying the database
  c5:service                          Check or update the web server configuration
  c5:sitemap:generate                 Generate the sitemap in XML format.
  c5:theme:install                    Install a Concrete5 Theme
  c5:theme:values:fix                 Fix the theme customizable values.
  c5:update                           Runs all database migrations to bring the concrete5 installation up to date.
  dbal:import                         Import SQL file(s) directly to Database.
  dbal:run-sql                        Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.
  dpz:generate:subscription-report    [dpz:generate:subscription:report|dpz:generate:report:subscription] Generates subscription report of pay.jp and amazon pay for the day or a specific date.
  md:logs:clear                       Clear Concrete CMS logs based on log channel, number of days to keep, and log level.
  md:payjp:check-customers            Check payjp customers
  migrations:diff                     Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information.
  migrations:execute                  Execute a single migration version up or down manually.
  migrations:generate                 Generate a blank migration class.
  migrations:migrate                  Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version.
  migrations:status                   View the status of a set of migrations.
  migrations:version                  Manually add and delete migration versions from the version table.
  orm:clear-cache:metadata            Clear all metadata cache of the various cache drivers.
  orm:clear-cache:query               Clear all query cache of the various cache drivers.
  orm:clear-cache:result              Clear all result cache of the various cache drivers.
  orm:convert-d1-schema               [orm:convert:d1-schema] Converts Doctrine 1.X schema into a Doctrine 2.X schema.
  orm:convert-mapping                 [orm:convert:mapping] Convert mapping information between supported formats.
  orm:ensure-production-settings      Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.
  orm:generate-entities               [orm:generate:entities] Generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information.
  orm:generate-proxies                [orm:generate:proxies] Generates proxy classes for entity classes.
  orm:generate-repositories           [orm:generate:repositories] Generate repository classes from your mapping information.
  orm:info                            Show basic information about all mapped entities
  orm:mapping:describe                Display information about mapped objects
  orm:run-dql                         Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.
  orm:schema-tool:create              Processes the schema and either create it directly on EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the SQL output.
  orm:schema-tool:drop                Drop the complete database schema of EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the corresponding SQL output.
  orm:schema-tool:update              Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
  orm:validate-schema                 Validate the mapping files.

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