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rake db:schema:load の挙動について

Last updated at Posted at 2017-05-09

rake db:schema:loadの挙動によって、開発DBをふっ飛ばしてしまうということをしてしまったので、挙動の調査をしました。基本的にrake db:schema:loadschema.rbからテーブルを作成します。


Rails 5.0.2
MySQL 5.7.17


force: trueをつけるかどうかで挙動が変わります。

force: true ををつける


ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20170501083658) do

  create_table "users", force: :true, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" do |t|
    t.string   "name"
    t.string   "email"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false



➜  dbtest rake db:schema:load
Running via Spring preloader in process 52941
-- create_table("users", {:force=>:true, :options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"})
   -> 0.0194s
-- initialize_schema_migrations_table()
   -> 0.0005s
-- create_table("users", {:force=>:true, :options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"})
   -> 0.0121s
-- initialize_schema_migrations_table()
   -> 0.0009s


2017-05-01T08:53:59.533073Z        15 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_development using Socket
2017-05-01T08:53:59.535166Z        15 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T08:53:59.567419Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.575038Z        15 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.576380Z        15 Query     SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.577500Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.581508Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.581989Z        15 Query     SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `ar_internal_metadata`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.583034Z        15 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.583417Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.583806Z        15 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.584224Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.584821Z        15 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.585168Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.585509Z        15 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.585864Z        15 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.586349Z        15 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.587039Z        15 Quit
2017-05-01T08:53:59.588348Z        16 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_development using Socket
2017-05-01T08:53:59.588627Z        16 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T08:53:59.589555Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'users'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.595610Z        16 Query     DROP TABLE `users`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.597992Z        16 Query     CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
2017-05-01T08:53:59.607792Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.608170Z        16 Query     SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.608661Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.609065Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.610542Z        16 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T08:53:59.611298Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.613716Z        16 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T08:53:59.615276Z        16 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T08:53:59.615589Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.615929Z        16 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.616533Z        16 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T08:53:59.617055Z        16 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T08:53:59.618133Z        16 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T08:53:59.618672Z        16 Quit
2017-05-01T08:53:59.619391Z        17 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_test using Socket
2017-05-01T08:53:59.619640Z        17 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T08:53:59.620091Z        17 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'users'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.620428Z        17 Query     DROP TABLE `users`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.622224Z        17 Query     CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
2017-05-01T08:53:59.631706Z        17 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.632363Z        17 Query     SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:53:59.632913Z        17 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.633217Z        17 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.633833Z        17 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T08:53:59.634513Z        17 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T08:53:59.635633Z        17 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T08:53:59.635931Z        17 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.636253Z        17 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:53:59.636826Z        17 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T08:53:59.637364Z        17 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T08:53:59.638490Z        17 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T08:53:59.639062Z        17 Quit

development DB, test DB を対象にテーブルを DROP and CREATEしている模様。

force: true をつけない


ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20170501083658) do

  create_table "users", force: :true, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" do |t|
    t.string   "name"
    t.string   "email"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false



➜  dbtest rake db:schema:load
Running via Spring preloader in process 53603
-- create_table("users", {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"})
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Table 'users' already exists: CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
/Users/katsuya/dev/dbtest/db/schema.rb:3:in `block in <top (required)>'
/Users/katsuya/dev/dbtest/db/schema.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
-e:1:in `<main>'
Mysql2::Error: Table 'users' already exists
/Users/katsuya/dev/dbtest/db/schema.rb:3:in `block in <top (required)>'
/Users/katsuya/dev/dbtest/db/schema.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
-e:1:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => db:schema:load
(See full trace by running task with --trace)


2017-05-01T08:57:38.458187Z        21 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_development using Socket
2017-05-01T08:57:38.460069Z        21 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T08:57:38.479922Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.487417Z        21 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:57:38.488904Z        21 Query     SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:57:38.490100Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.494160Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.494907Z        21 Query     SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `ar_internal_metadata`
2017-05-01T08:57:38.496056Z        21 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.496520Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.496884Z        21 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:57:38.497301Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.497838Z        21 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.498172Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.498552Z        21 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T08:57:38.498942Z        21 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.499444Z        21 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T08:57:38.500130Z        21 Quit
2017-05-01T08:57:38.501474Z        22 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_development using Socket
2017-05-01T08:57:38.501766Z        22 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T08:57:38.503019Z        22 Query     CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
2017-05-01T08:57:38.516536Z        22 Quit



➜  dbtest rake db:schema:load
Running via Spring preloader in process 54994
-- create_table("users", {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"})
   -> 0.0109s
-- initialize_schema_migrations_table()
   -> 0.0007s
-- create_table("users", {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"})
   -> 0.0080s
-- initialize_schema_migrations_table()
   -> 0.0005s


2017-05-01T09:08:47.499678Z        37 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_development using Socket
2017-05-01T09:08:47.502622Z        37 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T09:08:47.533895Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.546871Z        37 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.548897Z        37 Query     SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.550133Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.555541Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.556161Z        37 Query     SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `ar_internal_metadata`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.557279Z        37 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.557694Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.558008Z        37 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.558405Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.558836Z        37 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.559174Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.559516Z        37 Query     SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.559911Z        37 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.560341Z        37 Query     SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.`value` FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.560975Z        37 Quit
2017-05-01T09:08:47.562518Z        38 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_development using Socket
2017-05-01T09:08:47.562834Z        38 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T09:08:47.563986Z        38 Query     CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
2017-05-01T09:08:47.573695Z        38 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.574189Z        38 Query     SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.574840Z        38 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.575122Z        38 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.576684Z        38 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T09:08:47.577414Z        38 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.580126Z        38 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T09:08:47.581566Z        38 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T09:08:47.581881Z        38 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.582190Z        38 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_development' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.582747Z        38 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T09:08:47.583250Z        38 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T09:08:47.584157Z        38 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T09:08:47.584717Z        38 Quit
2017-05-01T09:08:47.585455Z        39 Connect   root@localhost on dbtest_test using Socket
2017-05-01T09:08:47.585775Z        39 Query     SET NAMES utf8,  @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'),  @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483
2017-05-01T09:08:47.586366Z        39 Query     CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
2017-05-01T09:08:47.593522Z        39 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'schema_migrations'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.593854Z        39 Query     SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations`
2017-05-01T09:08:47.594335Z        39 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.594631Z        39 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.595272Z        39 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T09:08:47.595848Z        39 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T09:08:47.597049Z        39 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T09:08:47.597362Z        39 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'active_record_internal_metadatas'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.597746Z        39 Query     SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'dbtest_test' AND table_name = 'ar_internal_metadata'
2017-05-01T09:08:47.598347Z        39 Query     SELECT  `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1
2017-05-01T09:08:47.599279Z        39 Query     BEGIN
2017-05-01T09:08:47.600515Z        39 Query     COMMIT
2017-05-01T09:08:47.601027Z        39 Quit

development DB, test DB を対象にテーブルをCREATEしている模様。


force: true 付き

  • testDB, developmentDB が対象
  • schema.rb に書いてあるDBが存在する場合DROP and CREATEを実行
  • force: trueの代わりにforce: cascadeとすることで、cascade deleteが行える

force: trueなしの場合

  • testDB, developmentDB が対象
  • schema.rb に書いてあるDBが存在しない場合CREATEを実行
  • 既存DBにテーブルが存在する場合失敗する


  • rake db:schema:loadの挙動によってDBを飛ばしてしまう可能性があるので、必ず接続先を確認しましょう
  • DROP動作の禁止をAPP側でするときは、force: trueをつけないようにしましょう
  • DB側でDROP動作を禁止にすれば、DBすっ飛ばしを阻止することができます。



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Delete article

Deleted articles cannot be recovered.

Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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