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Last updated at Posted at 2023-04-16








Microsoft Excwl 2019



Option Explicit

' メンバ変数(非公開)
Private pvSt_Name As String
Private pvSt_Item As String
Private pvLng_Cost As String
Private pvd_dd As Date
Public csData As csItemcost

' メソッド(公開)
Public Property Let Name(ByVal value As String)
    pvSt_Name = value
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = pvSt_Name
End Property

Public Property Let Item(ByVal value As String)
    pvSt_Item = value
End Property
Public Property Get Item() As String
    Item = pvSt_Item
End Property

Public Property Let Cost(ByVal value As String)
    pvLng_Cost = value
End Property
Public Property Get Cost() As String
    Cost = pvLng_Cost
End Property

Public Property Let Dd(ByVal value As Date)
    pvd_dd = value
End Property
Public Property Get Dd() As Date
    Dd = pvd_dd
End Property


Option Explicit
Public lng_endsellrow As Long     '最終行情報
Public myDic As Object            '勤怠データ(Dictionary型)
Public myDicOut As Object         'ソート後の勤怠データ(Dictionary型)

Sub Restore()
    Dim lng_i, lng_j As Long
    Dim tid As Long
    Dim p As csItemcost
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim td As Date
    Dim st_nameexist As String
    Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set myDicOut = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    tid = 1

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If ws.Name = "Summary" Then
            Exit For
        End If
        st_nameexist = ""
        td = ws.Cells(1, 3)
        If IsDate(ws.Cells(1, 3)) Then
            lng_endsellrow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
            For lng_i = 2 To 6
                If lng_endsellrow < ws.Cells(Rows.Count, lng_i).End(xlUp).Row Then
                   lng_endsellrow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, lng_i).End(xlUp).Row
                End If
            Next lng_i
            For lng_j = 6 To lng_endsellrow
                If ws.Cells(lng_j, 2) <> "" And st_nameexist = "" Then
                    st_nameexist = ws.Cells(lng_j, 2) '
                    Set p = New csItemcost
                    p.Name = st_nameexist
                    p.Item = CStr(ws.Cells(lng_j, 3))
                    p.Cost = CStr(ws.Cells(lng_j, 4))
                    p.Dd = td
                    myDic.Add CStr(tid), p  'Noをキーにクラスを読み込み
                    Set p = Nothing
                    tid = tid + 1
                ElseIf ws.Cells(lng_j, 2) = "" And ws.Cells(lng_j, 3) <> "" And ws.Cells(lng_j, 4) <> "" Then
                    Set p = New csItemcost
                    p.Name = st_nameexist
                    p.Item = CStr(ws.Cells(lng_j, 3))
                    p.Cost = CStr(ws.Cells(lng_j, 4))
                    p.Dd = td
                    myDic.Add CStr(tid), p  'Noをキーにクラスを読み込み
                    Set p = Nothing
                    tid = tid + 1
                ElseIf ws.Cells(lng_j, 2) = "" And ws.Cells(lng_j, 3) = "" And ws.Cells(lng_j, 4) = "" Then
                   st_nameexist = "" '
                End If
            Next lng_j
        End If
    Next ws
    Dim olddd As Date
    Dim oldName As String
    Dim lng_ii As Long

    olddd = myDic(CStr(1)).Dd   '日付の初期化
    oldName = myDic(CStr(1)).Name
    lng_ii = 1                 '設定行の初期化

    For lng_i = 1 To tid - 1 '最終データまで
        If oldName = myDic(CStr(lng_i)).Name Then
            If myDicOut.Exists(CStr(lng_ii)) = False Then  'データが存在していない
                Call SubSetcsItemcost1(lng_i, lng_ii)
               lng_ii = lng_ii + 1
            End If
            For lng_j = lng_i To tid - 1 '最終データまで
                If oldName = myDic(CStr(lng_j)).Name And myDicOut.Exists(CStr(lng_ii)) = False Then '同じ名前でデータが存在していない
                    Call SubSetcsItemcost1(lng_j, lng_ii)
                    lng_ii = lng_ii + 1
                End If
            Next lng_j
            If myDicOut.Exists(CStr(lng_ii)) = False Then  'データが存在していない
                Call SubSetcsItemcost1(lng_i, lng_ii)
                Set p = Nothing
                lng_ii = lng_ii + 1
            End If
        End If

        olddd = myDic(CStr(lng_i)).Dd      '日付
        oldName = myDic(CStr(lng_i)).Name  'Name
    Next lng_i
    ' 新しいシートを作成して、名前を「Summary」にする
    Dim summarySheet As Worksheet
    Dim sheetName As String
    Dim sheetExists As Boolean
    sheetName = "Summary"
    sheetExists = False
    ' シート名が「Summary」のシートが既に存在するかどうかを判定する
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If ws.Name = sheetName Then
            sheetExists = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next ws
    ' もし同じ名前のシートが存在する場合は、それを削除する
    If sheetExists Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End If
    ' 最後に「Summary」シートを作成する
    Set summarySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
    summarySheet.Name = sheetName
    ' 処理が完了したら、「Summary」シートをアクティブにする

    Dim t_offset As Long
    Dim b_Itemflg As Boolean '初日以降:True,初日:False
    Dim b_ItemNonExist As Boolean '存在:False,存在しない:True
    Dim l_start As Long      '人毎のデータ開始位置
    summarySheet.Cells(1, 1).value = "名前"
    summarySheet.Cells(1, 2).value = "項目"
    summarySheet.Cells(1, 3).value = "コスト"
    summarySheet.Cells(1, 4).value = "日付"

    olddd = myDicOut(CStr(1)).Dd   '日付の初期化
    lng_ii = 1                 '設定行の初期化
    l_start = 1
    t_offset = 4
    b_Itemflg = False
    b_ItemNonExist = True '存在しない
    oldName = myDicOut(CStr(1)).Name

    For lng_i = 1 To tid - 1 '最終データまで

        If olddd <> myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Dd Then
           t_offset = t_offset + 1 '日付のカラム位置
           b_Itemflg = True
        End If
        If oldName <> myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Name Then
            t_offset = 4
            l_start = lng_ii
            b_Itemflg = False
            b_ItemNonExist = True
        End If

        If b_Itemflg Then
            For lng_j = l_start To lng_i '
                If summarySheet.Cells(lng_j + 2, 2) = myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Item Then
                    summarySheet.Cells(lng_j + 2, t_offset) = myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Cost
                    b_ItemNonExist = False '項目が存在
                End If
            Next lng_j
            If b_ItemNonExist Then
                Call SubSetcsItemcost2(summarySheet, lng_ii, t_offset, lng_i)
                lng_ii = lng_ii + 1
            End If
            b_ItemNonExist = True
            Call SubSetcsItemcost2(summarySheet, lng_ii, t_offset, lng_i)
            lng_ii = lng_ii + 1
        End If
        summarySheet.Cells(2, t_offset) = myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Dd '日付
        olddd = myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Dd     '日付
        oldName = myDicOut(CStr(lng_i)).Name 'Name
End Sub

' 関数:csItemcost型データの入力
' csItemcost > myDic
Sub SubSetcsItemcost1(ByVal lng_out As Long, ByVal lng_in As Long)
    Dim p As csItemcost

    Set p = New csItemcost
    p.Name = myDic(CStr(lng_out)).Name
    p.Item = myDic(CStr(lng_out)).Item
    p.Cost = myDic(CStr(lng_out)).Cost
    p.Dd = myDic(CStr(lng_out)).Dd
    myDicOut.Add CStr(lng_in), p  'Noをキーにクラスを読み込み
    Set p = Nothing
End Sub
' 関数:summarySheetへデータ出力
' myDicOut > summarySheet
Sub SubSetcsItemcost2(summarySheet As Worksheet, ByVal lng_in As Long, ByVal lng_offset As Long, ByVal lng_out As Long)

    summarySheet.Cells(lng_in + 2, 1) = myDicOut(CStr(lng_out)).Name
    summarySheet.Cells(lng_in + 2, 2) = myDicOut(CStr(lng_out)).Item
    summarySheet.Cells(lng_in + 2, lng_offset) = myDicOut(CStr(lng_out)).Cost

End Sub



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