Even in MongoDB, sometimes your models may still have reference relations. Like ActiveRecord, the popular MongoDB ORM, mongoid, provides #includes
method to perform eager loads.
However, it is a pain to specify them manually in codes. In most scenes, you just need the eager loading when you what to access the relation.
As described in Joel Turkel's post about Goldiloader, the eager loading should neither be a duty of controllers (why should they care about how the data is fetched) nor be one of views (they just present your data!).
Eager loading is more likely a job that the model it self should handle.
Better Practice
Just like Goldiloader for ActiveRecord, there can also be a plugin that makes mongoid do the eager loading automatically.
Say you have the following models for your blog site:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_one :device
has_many :posts
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :user
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
class Tag
include Mongoid::Document
has_and_belongs_to_many :posts, fully_load: true
When you call
@user = User.find(id)
@posts = @user.posts.limit(10) #
# access the tags
@posts.each do |post|
puts post.title
puts post.tags.map(&:name).join(', ')
Mongoid will perform 12 queries: 1 on users, 1 on posts and 10 on tags:
db.users.find('_id' : id);
db.posts.find('user_id' : user_id);
db.tags.find('post_ids' : post0_id);
db.tags.find('post_ids' : post1_id);
db.tags.find('post_ids' : post9_id);
But as an experienced developer, you could easily figure out that the eager loading on :tag
relation should be performed. In fact, adding #includes
to the criteria is a default action, manually done by the developers.
Why not make it a default to mongoid?
When you access the tag relation and is about to query it in your db, perform an eager loading on :tag
just before the query:
# before query a relation
# the query loading method of a relation is
# Mongoid::Relations::Targets::Enumerable#unloaded_documents
def before_unloaded_documents
owner = relation.base # get the relation owner
metadata = relation.relation_metadata # get the relation metadata
# Requires some trick to access the owners collection through the owner.
# Add an reference to the collection into model
Then when you run the previous @posts.each...
, it will results to only 3 quires, 1 for each:
db.users.find('_id' : id);
db.posts.find('user_id' : user_id);
db.tags.find('post_ids' : {'$in' : post_ids});
Wow, you do not need to specify any eager loads. (The modified) Mongoid will do it automatically for you!
Eager loads are performance boosters, and should be an default behaviour in most situations. The developers should be aware of them, but not repeatly code .includes(:...)
just because you need it everywhere.
I've written a gem mongoload to make your mongoid an automatic eager loader. Check it on GitHub.