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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-19




Option Explicit

Sub 文字列成型()


Const brow As Long = 5          '開始行
Const bcol As Long = 2          '開始列
Const MojiNum As Long = 66      '一行に入る文字列
Const TargetRowNum As Long = 5  'テンプレートの行数

Dim targetStr As String         '対象文字列
Dim startNum As Long            '検索開始位置
Dim findNum As Long             '検索結果位置
Dim findStr As String           '検索結果文字列
Dim hanteiStr As String         '文字数確認用
Dim n As Long                   '出力用配列の添え字
Dim targetAry() As String       '出力用配列(1要素に1行分の文字列)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

targetStr = Range("B2").Value

n = 0
ReDim targetAry(0)

startNum = 1

Do Until InStr(startNum, targetStr, ",") = 0

findNum = InStr(startNum, targetStr, ",")

If startNum = 1 Then
    findStr = Mid(targetStr, 1, findNum - 1)
    findStr = Mid(targetStr, startNum, findNum - startNum)
End If

If hanteiStr = "" Then
    hanteiStr = findStr & ","
    hanteiStr = hanteiStr & findStr & ","
End If

If Len(hanteiStr) <= MojiNum Then
    targetAry(n) = hanteiStr

    n = n + 1
    ReDim Preserve targetAry(n)
    targetAry(n) = findStr & ","
    hanteiStr = findStr & ","

End If

startNum = findNum + 1


If Len(targetStr) > startNum Then
    If targetAry(n) <> "" And Len(targetAry(n)) < MojiNum Then
        targetAry(n) = targetAry(n) & Right(targetStr, Len(targetStr) - startNum + 1)
        n = n + 1
        ReDim Preserve targetAry(n)
        targetAry(n) = Right(targetStr, Len(targetStr) - startNum + 1)
    End If

End If

If UBound(targetAry) + 2 > TargetRowNum Then

    Rows(brow + 1 & ":" & brow + UBound(targetAry) + 2 - TargetRowNum).Insert
End If

For j = 0 To UBound(targetAry)
    Cells(brow + j, bcol).Value = targetAry(j)
Next j

End Sub




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