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WSP Beta プロトコルとは?

Last updated at Posted at 2020-11-07

Amazon WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (beta)

Amazon WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) is a cloud-native streaming protocol that enables a consistent user experience when accessing your WorkSpaces across global distances and unreliable networks. WSP also enables additional features such as bi-directional video. As a cloud-native protocol, WSP delivers feature and performance enhancements without manual updates on your WorkSpaces.
Today, streaming protocols run as applications on users' hosted desktops. These protocols analyze the hosted desktop, network, and user’s device to select compression and decompression algorithms (codecs) that encode a rendering of the user's desktop and transmit it as a pixel stream to the user's device. Streaming protocols use many different codecs to deliver an interactive experience, because codecs are optimized for different scenarios. For example, some codecs are better at showing motion than displaying text, and others are better over low-bandwidth networks.
WSP decouples the streaming protocol from the WorkSpace by offloading metric analysis, codec selection, and encoding to microservices that run natively on AWS. This lets WSP apply a better understanding of each user’s session that adapts its industry-standard and purpose-built codecs in real-time to provide a consistent user experience across challenging network conditions.

Please note

WSP is available in beta 1 and will be continuously improved over the coming months. WSP is available at no additional charge, but you will be be charged the standard rate for WSP enabled WorkSpaces. As a beta, WSP should not be used for production workloads.


Cloud-native protocol

WSP decouples the streaming protocol from the WorkSpace. This lets WSP offload metric analysis, codec selection, and encoding from the WorkSpace to specialized microservices on AWS optimized for global distances and unreliable networks.

Consistent user experience

WSP adapts its codecs in response to real-time changes in each user's session. This lets WSP provide a consistent user experience across global distances, even from the unreliable networks often found in conference halls, public transportation, and crowded cafes.

Simplified operations

WSP is improved by quick and independent microservice enhancements in the cloud. This enables frequent feature and performance enhancements that require fewer updates to your WorkSpaces.

How it works


Each user's session starts by reporting metrics on the user's device and network conditions. These metrics are analyzed with the actions taken on the user's WorkSpace to select the appropriate codecs. WSP processes the codecs to compress and transmit a pixel stream of the WorkSpace down to the user's device. WSP then reports the performance of the pixel stream, network conditions, and user's device back to WSP to maintain consistent performance across the user's session.

  1. Service terms

    This feature is provided as a beta release and is governed by your Agreement with AWS and the AWS Service Terms. In particular, please note that your participation in this beta is subject to the Beta Service Participation sections of the AWS Service Terms. Note that the functionality of the beta service is subject to change prior to public release. 


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