- 足りない情報については、著者宛にメールを書くよう頼むと、吐き出してくれます。
- うまく動かない時は、文献リストをいくつかに分割して、それぞれに対して実行するとよいかもしれません。
# Command Prompt for Reference List Revision
## Objective
- Generate a complete reference list in the correct format.
- If any information is missing, contact the author via email to request additional details.
## Reference List Check Instructions
1. Output Format: Author(s). Year. Title. *Journal* **Volume**(Issue): Page numbers. DOI/URL.
2. **Author Names**: Go through the reference list and replace all occurrences of 'et al.' with the full list of author names.
3. **Formatting Guidelines**:
- Do not bold author names.
- Ensure volume numbers are formatted in bold, for example: '**volume**(issue)'.
- Ensure Journal names are formatted in italic, for example: '*Journal*'.
4. **URLs and DOI**:
- For references containing URLs but lacking a DOI, append a 'Last access' date in the format 'Last access: YYYY-MM-DD'.
5. **Missing Information**:
- Insert a placeholder or make a note for missing crucial information.
- Prepare an email to the author if information is missing, specifying the type of information needed and to which paper(s) it pertains.
## Email Instructions for Missing Information
- Draft an email to the author to ask for additional details if any reference lacks crucial information.
- Specify what information is missing (e.g., incomplete author list, missing DOI, publication date, etc.) and identify which paper(s) need further clarification.
### Sample Email Template
Subject: Request for Missing Reference Information
Dear [Author Name],
I am currently compiling the reference list for the paper titled "[Paper Title]" and noticed that some information is incomplete. Specifically:
1. Paper: [Full Paper Title]
- Missing Information: [e.g., Full author names, DOI, publication date]
Could you please provide the missing details at your earliest convenience?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
## Example Output Format for References
- Author(s). Year. Title. *Journal* **Volume**(Issue): Page numbers. DOI/URL.
- **Example Reference**:
- Craig H, Gordon L, Irwin L. 1965. Deuterium and oxygen 18 variations in the ocean and the marine atmosphere. In Proceedings of the Conference on Stable Isotopes in Oceanographic Studies and Paleotemperatures, Tongiorgi E (ed). Consiglio nazionale delle richerche, Laboratorio de geologia nucleare, Pisa, Italy; 9-130. URL: https://example.com. Last access: 2024-11-10.
## Sample Reference List
1. **Augustin L, Barbante C, Barnes PRF, Barnola JM, Bigler M, Castellano E, Cattani O, et al.** 2004. Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core. *Nature* **429**(6992): 623-628. DOI: 10.1038/nature02599.
2. **Bong H, Cauquoin A, Okazaki A, Chang E-C, Werner M, Wei Z, Yeo N, Yoshimura K.** 2024. Process-based intercomparison of water isotope-enabled models and reanalysis nudging effects. *Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres* **129**(1). DOI: 10.1029/2023jd038719.
3. **Hersbach H, Bell B, Berrisford P, Hirahara S, Horányi A, Muñoz-Sabater J, Nicolas J, et al.** 2020. The ERA5 global reanalysis. *Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society* **146**(730): 1999-2049. DOI: 10.1002/qj.3803.
4. **Schwarz G, Ohm K, Yamanouchi T, Furukawa T, Kowski P, Gernandt H.** 1996. Stable isotopic composition of Antarctic air moisture and precipitation. *Nankyoku Shiryo* **40**: 169-178. URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/51488379.pdf. Last access: 2024-11-10.
## Notes
- Ensure proper punctuation, formatting, and consistency throughout the reference list.
- Report back any missing or unclear details for further clarification from the author.
## Execute
Begin by thoroughly reviewing the current reference list against these criteria and making necessary adjustments. Ensure a complete reference list is generated as the final output.