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ansibleでまともに動くwindows core module一覧

Last updated at Posted at 2015-06-24


ansible 1.9.1, 1.9.2
python 2.7.9
mac osx yosemite 10.10.3
windows server 2012R2 64bit

core modules

元ネタ http://docs.ansible.com/list_of_windows_modules.html

◯ 動く! 動くぞ!
△ 条件つきで動く
× ダメだこりゃ
? 未検証

module description ansible note
1.9.1 1.9.2
win_chocolatey (E) Installs packages using chocolatey ? ?
win_copy Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts. × 4MB程度以上のファイルコピーはエラー。 エラーになるとWinRMサービスを再起動しないとAnsibleからの操作不可。
win_environment (E) Modifies environment variables on windows guests × ?
win_feature Installs and uninstalls Windows Features ?
win_file Creates, touches or removes files or directories. × ファイル作成不可、削除やディレクトリ作成は可能。
win_get_url Fetches a file from a given URL ?
win_group Add and remove local groups ? ?
win_msi Installs and uninstalls Windows MSI files ? ?
win_ping A windows version of the classic ping module. ?
win_service Manages Windows services ?
win_stat returns information about a Windows file ?
win_template Templates a file out to a remote server. ×
win_updates (E) Lists / Installs windows updates ? ?
win_user Manages local Windows user accounts ? ?

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