ansible 1.9.1, 1.9.2
python 2.7.9
mac osx yosemite 10.10.3
windows server 2012R2 64bit
core modules
元ネタ http://docs.ansible.com/list_of_windows_modules.html
◯ 動く! 動くぞ!
△ 条件つきで動く
× ダメだこりゃ
? 未検証
module | description | ansible | note | |
1.9.1 | 1.9.2 | |||
win_chocolatey (E) | Installs packages using chocolatey | ? | ? | |
win_copy | Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts. | × | △ | 4MB程度以上のファイルコピーはエラー。 エラーになるとWinRMサービスを再起動しないとAnsibleからの操作不可。 |
win_environment (E) | Modifies environment variables on windows guests | × | ? | |
win_feature | Installs and uninstalls Windows Features | ◯ | ? | |
win_file | Creates, touches or removes files or directories. | × | △ | ファイル作成不可、削除やディレクトリ作成は可能。 |
win_get_url | Fetches a file from a given URL | ◯ | ? | |
win_group | Add and remove local groups | ? | ? | |
win_msi | Installs and uninstalls Windows MSI files | ? | ? | |
win_ping | A windows version of the classic ping module. | ◯ | ? | |
win_service | Manages Windows services | ◯ | ? | |
win_stat | returns information about a Windows file | ◯ | ? | |
win_template | Templates a file out to a remote server. | × | ◯ | |
win_updates (E) | Lists / Installs windows updates | ? | ? | |
win_user | Manages local Windows user accounts | ? | ? |