Requirements on Platform Health Management, AUTOSAR 22-11, AP, No.852
CAN、OSEK/VDX OS、DIAGは、ISO定義を先に確認しましょう。
OSEK COM、OSEK NMなどはISOの規定から基本的な部分で定義を変えています。
AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208
間違っていたら、いいね を押していただいて、コメント欄にご報告くださると幸いです。
要求/仕様(Requirement and Specification)
Specification of Platform Health Management,No.851 , AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
AUTOSAR R22-11 Adaptive Platform 一覧はこちら。
Adaptive Platform Release Overview, No.782, AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
Foundation Release Overview, No.781, FO, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.0(2)
AUTOSAR R22-11 マラソン
AUTOSAR 文書番号と発行年
AUTOSAR R22-11で リンク切れ、表示しない文書
AUTOSAR R22-11 Qiita記事一覧 新
Abstract Platformとの関係
文書変更(Document Change)
• Added RS_PHM_00114, RS_PHM_00115, RS_PHM_00116 and RS_PHM_00117
• Modified RS_PHM_00111 (Replaced Local Supervision with Elementary Supervision)
• Cleanup of requirement trace
Terms | Description |
CM | AUTOSAR Adaptive Communication Management |
DM | AUTOSAR Adaptive Diagnostic Management |
PHM | Platform Health Management |
SE | Supervised Entity |
Alive Supervision | Mechanism to check the timing constraints of cyclic Supervised Entityes to be within the configured min and max limits. |
Application | see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary |
ara::com | Communication middleware for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform |
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform | see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary |
Checkpoint | A point in the control flow of a Supervised Entity where the activity is reported. |
Daisy chaining | Chaining multiple instances of Health Monitoring |
Deadline | End Checkpoint A Checkpoint for which Deadline Supervision is configured and which is a ending point for a particular Transition. It is possible that a Checkpoint is both a Deadline Start Checkpoint and Deadline End Checkpoint - if Deadline Supervision is chained. |
Deadline Start Checkpoint | A Checkpoint for which Deadline Supervision is configured and which is a starting point for a particular Transition. |
Deadline Supervision | Mechanism to check that the timing constraints for execution of the transition from a Deadline Start Checkpoint to a corresponding Deadline End Checkpoint are within the configured min and max limits. |
Executable | see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary |
Execution Management | The element of the Adaptive Platform responsible for the ordered startup and shutdown of the Adaptive Platform and the Application. |
Function Group | A Function Group is a set of coherent Processes, which need to be controlled consistently. Depending on the state of the Function Group, Processes are started or terminated. |
Function Group State | The element of State Management that characterizes the current status of a set of (functionally coherent) user-level Applications. The set of Function Groups and their Function Group States is machine specific and are deployed as part of the Machine Manifest. |
Functional Cluster | see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary |
Global Supervision Status | Status that summarizes the Local Supervision Status of all Supervised Entities of a software subsystem. |
Health Channel | Channel providing information about the health status of a (sub)system. This might be the Global Supervision Status of an application, the result any test routine or the status reported by a (sub)system (e.g. voltage monitoring, OS kernel, ECU status, ...). |
Health Monitoring | Supervision of the software behaviour for correct timing and sequence. |
Health Status | A set of states that are relevant to the supervised software (e.g. the Global Supervision Status of an application, a Voltage State, an application state, the result of a RAM monitoring algorithm). |
Logical Supervision | Kind of online supervision of software that checks if the software (Supervised Entity or set of Supervised Entities) is executed in the sequence defined by the programmer (by the developed code). |
Machine Manifest | Manifest file to configure a Machine. |
Machine | see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary |
Machine State | The element of the State Management which characterize the current status of the machine. It defines a set of active Applications for any certain situation. The set of Machine States is machine specific and it will be deployed in the Machine Manifest. Machine States are mainly used to control machine lifecycle (startup/shut-down/restart) and platformlevel processes. |
Manifest | see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary |
Platform Health Management | Health Monitoring for the Adaptive Platform |
Process | A process is a loaded instance of an Executable to be executed on a Machine. |
State Management | The element of the Execution Management defining modes of operation for AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. It allows flexible definition of functions which are active on the platform at any given time. |
Supervised Entity | A whole or part of a software component type which is included in the supervision. A Supervised Entity denotes a collection of Checkpoints within the corresponding software component type. A software component type can include zero, one or more Supervised Entities. A Supervised Entity may be instantiated multiple times, in which case each instance is independently supervised. |
Supervision Mode | State of a machine or Function Group in which Supervised Entity instances are to be monitored with a specific set of configuration parameters. Supervision parameters differ from one mode to other as the behavior (timing or sequence) of Supervised entity changes from one mode to other. Modes are mutually exclusive. A mode can be "Normal", "Degradation". |
no. | count | word | 日本語 |
1 | 171 | rs_main_ | rs_main_ |
2 | 171 | the | その |
3 | 136 | of | の |
4 | 121 | health | 健康 |
5 | 113 | management | 管理 |
6 | 100 | rs_phm_ | rs_phm_ |
7 | 94 | platform | 土台 |
8 | 90 | autosar | AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名) |
9 | 80 | shall | しなければならない |
10 | 76 | to | に |
11 | 70 | a | 一つの |
12 | 60 | and | と |
13 | 56 | for | にとって |
14 | 43 | on | の上 |
15 | 42 | rs_phm_na | rs_phm_na |
16 | 40 | requirements | 要件 |
17 | 40 | supervision | 監督 |
18 | 39 | be | です |
19 | 38 | in | の |
20 | 37 | support | 支援 |
21 | 36 | supervised | 監督 |
22 | 34 | or | また |
23 | 32 | document | 資料 |
24 | 32 | status | 状態 |
25 | 30 | provide | 提供 |
26 | 27 | software | ソフトウェア |
27 | 26 | c | c |
28 | 26 | is | です |
29 | 25 | r | r |
30 | 24 | description | 説明 |
31 | 22 | use | 使用する |
32 | 21 | ap | adaptive platform(短縮名) |
33 | 21 | autosar_rs_platform | autosar_rs_platform |
34 | 21 | id | identifier, 識別子(短縮名) |
35 | 21 | material | 材料 |
36 | 20 | multiple | 多数 |
37 | 19 | application | 応用 |
38 | 19 | are | それは |
39 | 19 | case | 場合 |
40 | 19 | d | d |
41 | 18 | by | に |
42 | 18 | dependencies | 依存関係 |
43 | 18 | entity | 実在物 |
44 | 18 | rationale | 理論的根拠 |
45 | 18 | supporting | 支援 |
46 | 17 | adaptive | 適用 |
47 | 17 | machine | 機械 |
48 | 17 | monitoring | 監視 |
49 | 16 | draft | 下書き |
50 | 16 | same | 同じ |
51 | 16 | state | 状態 |
52 | 15 | communication | 通信 |
53 | 15 | function | 関数 |
54 | 15 | it | それ |
55 | 15 | process | 処理する |
56 | 13 | an | と |
57 | 13 | checkpoint | 検査点 |
58 | 13 | different | 違う |
59 | 13 | group | 班 |
60 | 13 | processes | 過程 |
61 | 13 | standardized | 標準化 |
62 | 12 | instance | 実例 |
63 | 12 | interface | 界面 |
64 | 12 | that | それ |
65 | 11 | as | なので |
66 | 11 | data | 与件 |
67 | 11 | deadline | 締め切り |
68 | 11 | from | から |
69 | 11 | mode | 状態 |
70 | 11 | this | これ |
71 | 11 | which | どれの |
72 | 11 | work | 仕事 |
73 | 10 | any | どれか |
74 | 10 | daisy | 雛菊 |
75 | 10 | functional | 機能的 |
76 | 10 | release | 公開 |
77 | 10 | service | 奉仕 |
78 | 9 | can | できる |
79 | 9 | channel | 溝 |
80 | 9 | e | e |
81 | 9 | entitys | 実体 |
82 | 9 | global | 広範囲の |
83 | 9 | glossary | 用語集 |
84 | 9 | instances | 実例 |
85 | 9 | safety | 安全性 |
86 | 9 | see | 見る |
87 | 9 | threads | より糸 |
88 | 9 | used | 使用済み |
89 | 8 | each | 各 |
90 | 8 | g | g |
91 | 8 | one | 1 |
92 | 8 | other | 他の |
93 | 8 | reporting | 報告 |
94 | 8 | separate | 分ける |
95 | 8 | set | 設定する |
96 | 7 | applications | 応用 |
97 | 7 | chaining | 連鎖 |
98 | 7 | checkpoints | 検査点 |
99 | 7 | code | 符号 |
100 | 7 | component | 成分 |
101 | 7 | define | 定義 |
102 | 7 | entities | 実体 |
103 | 7 | execution | 実行 |
104 | 7 | not | いいえ |
105 | 7 | possible | 可能 |
106 | 7 | system | 系 |
107 | 7 | types | 型 |
108 | 7 | within | 以内に |
[1] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[2] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[3] Requirements on Health Monitoring, AUTOSAR_RS_HealthMonitoring
[4] Safety Requirements for AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and AUTOSAR Classic Platform, AUTOSAR_RS_Safety
[5] Explanation of Safety Overview, AUTOSAR_EXP_SafetyOverview
関連文書(Related document)
AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道(詳細編)
2023年1月 記事数一覧
2023 書き初め
「はじめてのCAN/CANFD 」 ベクタージャパン <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】
三方良し Udemy 車載LAN入門講座 CAN通信編
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AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(1) 2022.1.8
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(2) 2022.1.15
202304 URL更新
Requirements on Platform Health Management, AUTOSAR 852, R22-11, AP, 20230421
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20230204
ver. 0.02 ありがとう追記 20230722
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