生成AI Calendar 2024 @k-keita
松尾研 LLM コミュニティ "Paper & Hacks Vol.24"
発表者: 松尾研LLMコミュニティメンバー 下村 晃生(九州工業大学工学部宇宙システム工学科/松尾研大規模言語モデル講座第9回担当)
テーマ: LLMはハルシネーションを自覚しているか
論文リンク:Physics of Language Models: Part2.2 How to Learn From Mistakes on Grade-School Math Problems
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[1] Kwangjun Ahn, Xiang Cheng, Hadi Daneshmand, and Suvrit Sra. Transformers learn to implement preconditioned gradient descent for in-context learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, 2024.
[2] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 1, Learning Hierarchical Language Structures. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2305.13673, May 2023. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.13673.
[3] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.2, Knowledge Manipulation. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2309.14402, September 2023. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.14402.
[4] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.1, Knowledge Storage and Extraction. In ICML, 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.14316.
[5] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.3, Knowledge Capacity Scaling Laws. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2404.05405, April 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/ 2404.05405.
[6] Cem Anil, Yuhuai Wu, Anders Andreassen, Aitor Lewkowycz, Vedant Misra, Vinay Ramasesh, Ambrose Slone, Guy Gur-Ari, Ethan Dyer, and Behnam Neyshabur. Exploring length generalization in large language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35:38546–38556, 2022.
[7] Sid Black, Stella Biderman, Eric Hallahan, Quentin Anthony, Leo Gao, Laurence Golding, Horace He, Connor Leahy, Kyle McDonell, Jason Phang, Michael Pieler, USVSN Sai Prashanth, Shivanshu Purohit, Laria Reynolds, Jonathan Tow, Ben Wang, and Samuel Weinbach. GPT-NeoX-20B: An open-source autoregressive language model. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Challenges & Perspectives in Creating Large Language Models, 2022. URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06745.
[8] S ́ebastien Bubeck, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Scott Lundberg, et al. Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712, 2023.
[9] Karl Cobbe, Vineet Kosaraju, Mohammad Bavarian, Mark Chen, Heewoo Jun, Lukasz Kaiser, Matthias Plappert, Jerry Tworek, Jacob Hilton, Reiichiro Nakano, et al. Training verifiers to solve math word problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.14168, 2021.
[10] Edward J Hu, Phillip Wallis, Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Yuanzhi Li, Shean Wang, Lu Wang, Weizhu Chen, et al. Lora: Low-rank adaptation of large language models. In ICLR, 2021.
[11] Jie Huang, Xinyun Chen, Swaroop Mishra, Huaixiu Steven Zheng, Adams Wei Yu, Xinying Song, and Denny Zhou. Large language models cannot self-correct reasoning yet. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01798, 2023.
[12] Yifei Li, Zeqi Lin, Shizhuo Zhang, Qiang Fu, Bei Chen, Jian-Guang Lou, and Weizhu Chen. Making language models better reasoners with step-aware verifier. In Anna Rogers, Jordan Boyd-Graber, and Naoaki Okazaki, editors, Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 5315–5333, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.291. URL https://aclanthology.org/ 2023.acl-long.291.
[13] Yifei Li, Zeqi Lin, Shizhuo Zhang, Qiang Fu, Bei Chen, Jian-Guang Lou, and Weizhu Chen. Making language models better reasoners with step-aware verifier. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 5315–5333, 2023.
[14] Bingbin Liu, Sebastien Bubeck, Ronen Eldan, Janardhan Kulkarni, Yuanzhi Li, Anh Nguyen, Rachel Ward, and Yi Zhang. TinyGSM: achieving > 80% on GSM8k with small language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09241, 2023.
[15] Aman Madaan, Niket Tandon, Prakhar Gupta, Skyler Hallinan, Luyu Gao, Sarah Wiegreffe, Uri Alon, Nouha Dziri, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Yiming Yang, et al. Self-refine: Iterative refinement with self- feedback. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, 2024.
[16] Marah Abdin et al. Phi-3 technical report: A highly capable language model locally on your phone. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14219, 2024.
[17] John Miller, Karl Krauth, Benjamin Recht, and Ludwig Schmidt. The effect of natural distribution shift on question answering models. In International conference on machine learning, pages 6905–6916. PMLR, 2020.
[18] Catherine Olsson, Nelson Elhage, Neel Nanda, Nicholas Joseph, Nova DasSarma, Tom Henighan, Ben Mann, Amanda Askell, Yuntao Bai, Anna Chen, et al. In-context learning and induction heads. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.11895, 2022.
[19] Liangming Pan, Michael Saxon, Wenda Xu, Deepak Nathani, Xinyi Wang, and William Yang Wang. Automatically correcting large language models: Surveying the landscape of diverse self-correction strategies. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03188, 2023.
[20] Alec Radford, Jeffrey Wu, Rewon Child, David Luan, Dario Amodei, Ilya Sutskever, et al. Language models are unsupervised multitask learners. OpenAI blog, 1(8):9, 2019.
[21] Maithra Raghu, Thomas Unterthiner, Simon Kornblith, Chiyuan Zhang, and Alexey Dosovitskiy. Do vision transformers see like convolutional neural networks? Advances in neural information processing systems, 34:12116–12128, 2021.
[22] Yiheng Shu and Zhiwei Yu. Distribution shifts are bottlenecks: Extensive evaluation for grounding language models to knowledge bases. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop, pages 71–88, 2024.
[23] Marta Skreta, Naruki Yoshikawa, Sebastian Arellano-Rubach, Zhi Ji, Lasse Bjørn Kristensen, Kourosh Darvish, Al ́an Aspuru-Guzik, Florian Shkurti, and Animesh Garg. Errors are useful prompts: Instruction guided task programming with verifier-assisted iterative prompting. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.14100, 2023.
[24] Jianlin Su, Yu Lu, Shengfeng Pan, Bo Wen, and Yunfeng Liu. Roformer: Enhanced transformer with rotary position embedding, 2021.
[25] Llama Team. The llama 3 herd of models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.21783, 2024.
[26] Fei Wang, Chao Shang, Sarthak Jain, Shuai Wang, Qiang Ning, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli, Yassine Benajiba, and Dan Roth. From instructions to constraints: Language model alignment with automatic constraint verification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06326, 2024.
[27] Yixuan Weng, Minjun Zhu, Fei Xia, Bin Li, Shizhu He, Shengping Liu, Bin Sun, Kang Liu, and Jun Zhao. Large language models are better reasoners with self-verification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09561, 2022.
[28] Kaiyu Yang, Jia Deng, and Danqi Chen. Generating natural language proofs with verifier-guided search. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.12443, 2022.
[29] Tian Ye, Zicheng Xu, Yuanzhi Li, and Zeyuan Allen-Zhu. Physics of Language Models: Part 2.1, Grade- School Math and the Hidden Reasoning Process. arXiv e-prints, abs/2407.20311, 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.20311.
[30] Yunxiang Zhang, Muhammad Khalifa, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Jaekyeom Kim, Moontae Lee, Honglak Lee, and Lu Wang. Small language models need strong verifiers to self-correct reasoning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17140, 2024.
[31] Hattie Zhou, Arwen Bradley, Etai Littwin, Noam Razin, Omid Saremi, Josh Susskind, Samy Bengio, and Preetum Nakkiran. What algorithms can transformers learn? a study in length generalization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.16028, 2023.
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[1] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 1, Learning Hierarchical Language Structures. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2305.13673, May 2023. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/ abs/2305.13673.
[2] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.1, Knowledge Storage and Extraction. In ICML, 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.14316.
[3] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.3, Knowledge Capacity Scaling Laws. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2404.05405, April 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/ 2404.05405.
[4] Lukas Berglund, Meg Tong, Max Kaufmann, Mikita Balesni, Asa Cooper Stickland, Tomasz Korbak, and Owain Evans. The Reversal Curse: LLMs trained on ”A is B” fail to learn ”B is A”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.12288, September 2023.
[5] Sid Black, Stella Biderman, Eric Hallahan, Quentin Anthony, Leo Gao, Laurence Golding, Horace He, Connor Leahy, Kyle McDonell, Jason Phang, Michael Pieler, USVSN Sai Prashanth, Shivanshu Purohit, Laria Reynolds, Jonathan Tow, Ben Wang, and Samuel Weinbach. GPT-NeoX-20B: An open-source autoregressive language model. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Challenges & Perspectives in Creating Large Language Models, 2022. URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06745.
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docker run -v /tmp/llm:/rmp/llm -it kaizenjapan/llm /bin/bash
term | count | |
1 | the | 540 |
2 | retry | 329 |
3 | to | 252 |
4 | of | 249 |
5 | a | 237 |
6 | s | 221 |
7 | with | 210 |
8 | op | 202 |
9 | and | 199 |
10 | in | 182 |
11 | we | 165 |
12 | data | 160 |
13 | retryrate | 160 |
14 | is | 141 |
15 | for | 140 |
16 | model | 131 |
17 | each | 123 |
18 | as | 119 |
19 | on | 117 |
20 | this | 116 |
21 | can | 103 |
22 | it | 99 |
23 | error | 90 |
24 | e | 88 |
25 | lora | 82 |
26 | that | 81 |
27 | finetune | 80 |
28 | figure | 76 |
29 | box | 70 |
30 | define | 70 |
31 | unnecessary | 69 |
32 | models | 67 |
33 | language | 63 |
34 | pretrain | 60 |
35 | so | 60 |
36 | number | 59 |
37 | qv | 57 |
38 | igsm | 52 |
39 | mask | 52 |
40 | not | 52 |
41 | be | 49 |
42 | correct | 49 |
43 | from | 49 |
44 | pretrained | 49 |
45 | rate | 48 |
46 | accuracy | 47 |
47 | b | 47 |
48 | mistakes | 47 |
49 | such | 47 |
50 | using | 45 |
51 | cheese | 44 |
52 | market | 44 |
53 | or | 42 |
54 | param | 41 |
55 | solution | 41 |
56 | beam | 40 |
57 | math | 40 |
58 | studio | 39 |
59 | arxiv | 38 |
60 | maskretryrate | 38 |
61 | training | 38 |
62 | its | 37 |
63 | are | 36 |
64 | free | 35 |
65 | pretraining | 35 |
66 | parameters | 34 |
67 | reasoning | 34 |
68 | equals | 33 |
69 | has | 33 |
70 | if | 33 |
71 | steps | 33 |
72 | also | 32 |
73 | errors | 32 |
74 | problems | 32 |
75 | retry_weak | 32 |
76 | solutions | 32 |
77 | even | 31 |
78 | an | 30 |
79 | film | 30 |
80 | high | 30 |
81 | upon | 29 |
82 | use | 29 |
83 | regret | 28 |
84 | school | 28 |
85 | g | 27 |
86 | gpt | 27 |
87 | have | 27 |
88 | x | 27 |
89 | r | 26 |
90 | tokens | 26 |
91 | when | 26 |
92 | by | 25 |
93 | jim | 25 |
94 | probing | 25 |
95 | section | 25 |
96 | w | 25 |
97 | finetuning | 24 |
98 | next | 24 |
99 | only | 24 |
100 | process | 24 |
101 | see | 24 |
102 | correction | 23 |
103 | generation | 23 |
104 | learning | 23 |
105 | original | 23 |
106 | result | 23 |
107 | same | 23 |
108 | version | 23 |
109 | after | 22 |
110 | c | 22 |
111 | dist | 22 |
112 | i | 22 |
113 | international | 22 |
114 | parmesan | 22 |
115 | than | 22 |
116 | weight | 22 |
117 | at | 21 |
118 | but | 21 |
119 | cream | 21 |
120 | full | 21 |
121 | jungle | 21 |
122 | mistake | 21 |
123 | our | 21 |
124 | reask | 21 |
125 | backpack | 20 |
126 | district | 20 |
127 | ice | 20 |
128 | inside | 20 |
129 | ood | 20 |
130 | p | 20 |
131 | parameter | 19 |
132 | problem | 19 |
133 | rank | 19 |
134 | results | 19 |
135 | sentence | 19 |
136 | step | 19 |
137 | their | 19 |
138 | time | 19 |
139 | used | 19 |
140 | back | 18 |
141 | distout | 18 |
142 | many | 18 |
143 | more | 18 |
144 | one | 18 |
145 | own | 18 |
146 | central | 17 |
147 | example | 17 |
148 | paper | 17 |
149 | still | 17 |
150 | v | 17 |
151 | which | 17 |
152 | all | 16 |
153 | during | 16 |
154 | grape | 16 |
155 | make | 16 |
156 | no | 16 |
157 | pounds | 16 |
158 | u | 16 |
159 | al | 15 |
160 | d | 15 |
161 | detection | 15 |
162 | how | 15 |
163 | improve | 15 |
164 | k | 15 |
165 | masking | 15 |
166 | retry_miss | 15 |
167 | they | 15 |
168 | context | 14 |
169 | continued | 14 |
170 | datasets | 14 |
171 | decay | 14 |
172 | directly | 14 |
173 | does | 14 |
174 | hard | 14 |
175 | l | 14 |
176 | length | 14 |
177 | part | 14 |
178 | preprint | 14 |
179 | q | 14 |
180 | small | 14 |
181 | weak | 14 |
182 | while | 14 |
183 | appendix | 13 |
184 | corrections | 13 |
185 | fine | 13 |
186 | fresh | 13 |
187 | generate | 13 |
188 | learn | 13 |
189 | li | 13 |
190 | search | 13 |
191 | size | 13 |
192 | synthetic | 13 |
193 | trained | 13 |
194 | wrong | 13 |
195 | y | 13 |
196 | best | 12 |
197 | daypack | 12 |
198 | double | 12 |
199 | label | 12 |
200 | made | 12 |
201 | med | 12 |
202 | pineapple | 12 |
203 | self | 12 |
204 | there | 12 |
205 | very | 12 |
206 | accuracies | 11 |
207 | batch | 11 |
208 | better | 11 |
209 | cannot | 11 |
210 | details | 11 |
211 | et | 11 |
212 | experiments | 11 |
213 | higher | 11 |
214 | however | 11 |
215 | o | 11 |
216 | over | 11 |
217 | perfect | 11 |
218 | test | 11 |
219 | FALSE | 11 |
220 | abs | 10 |
221 | chen | 10 |
222 | college | 10 |
223 | compared | 10 |
224 | different | 10 |
225 | distribution | 10 |
226 | embedding | 10 |
227 | experiment | 10 |
228 | goat | 10 |
229 | inference | 10 |
230 | joe | 10 |
231 | may | 10 |
232 | miss | 10 |
233 | need | 10 |
234 | residential | 10 |
235 | retries | 10 |
236 | skill | 10 |
237 | t | 10 |
238 | uses | 10 |
239 | vs | 10 |
240 | weights | 10 |
241 | where | 10 |
242 | without | 10 |
243 | yuanzhi | 10 |
244 | among | 9 |
245 | approach | 9 |
246 | call | 9 |
247 | dance | 9 |
248 | do | 9 |
249 | generated | 9 |
250 | j | 9 |
251 | large | 9 |
252 | layer | 9 |
253 | llms | 9 |
254 | med_pqigsm | 9 |
255 | stage | 9 |
256 | sum | 9 |
257 | versionp | 9 |
258 | what | 9 |
259 | would | 9 |
260 | zhu | 9 |
261 | TRUE | 9 |
262 | additional | 8 |
263 | allen | 8 |
264 | average | 8 |
265 | because | 8 |
266 | comparing | 8 |
267 | comparison | 8 |
268 | dataset | 8 |
269 | erroneous | 8 |
270 | evaluation | 8 |
271 | f | 8 |
272 | fake | 8 |
273 | followed | 8 |
274 | following | 8 |
275 | future | 8 |
276 | goal | 8 |
277 | including | 8 |
278 | instance | 8 |
279 | internal | 8 |
280 | knowledge | 8 |
281 | line | 8 |
282 | med_qpigsm | 8 |
283 | messenger | 8 |
284 | much | 8 |
285 | product | 8 |
286 | prompting | 8 |
287 | simply | 8 |
288 | times | 8 |
289 | total | 8 |
290 | tuning | 8 |
291 | two | 8 |
292 | verify | 8 |
293 | wang | 8 |
294 | already | 7 |
295 | answer | 7 |
296 | arithmetic | 7 |
297 | compare | 7 |
298 | detect | 7 |
299 | detector | 7 |
300 | easily | 7 |
301 | first | 7 |
302 | generating | 7 |
303 | level | 7 |
304 | like | 7 |
305 | meta | 7 |
306 | needed | 7 |
307 | new | 7 |
308 | org | 7 |
309 | other | 7 |
310 | output | 7 |
311 | perform | 7 |
312 | physics | 7 |
313 | question | 7 |
314 | similar | 7 |
315 | thus | 7 |
316 | trader | 7 |
317 | trainable | 7 |
318 | via | 7 |
319 | zeyuan | 7 |
320 | adding | 6 |
321 | additionally | 6 |
322 | available | 6 |
323 | before | 6 |
324 | compute | 6 |
325 | dosample | 6 |
326 | especially | 6 |
327 | except | 6 |
328 | few | 6 |
329 | harder | 6 |
330 | here | 6 |
331 | immediately | 6 |
332 | important | 6 |
333 | knows | 6 |
334 | linear | 6 |
335 | low | 6 |
336 | making | 6 |
337 | might | 6 |
338 | most | 6 |
339 | n | 6 |
340 | note | 6 |
341 | operations | 6 |
342 | out | 6 |
343 | pear | 6 |
344 | perfectly | 6 |
345 | presented | 6 |
346 | qp | 6 |
347 | random | 6 |
348 | re | 6 |
349 | riverview | 6 |
350 | samples | 6 |
351 | seeds | 6 |
352 | significantly | 6 |
353 | states | 6 |
354 | sufficiently | 6 |
355 | tasks | 6 |
356 | teach | 6 |
357 | those | 6 |
358 | twice | 6 |
359 | update | 6 |
360 | value | 6 |
361 | why | 6 |
362 | work | 6 |
363 | ye | 6 |
364 | accurate | 5 |
365 | achieve | 5 |
366 | achieved | 5 |
367 | amount | 5 |
368 | arts | 5 |
369 | autoregressive | 5 |
370 | based | 5 |
371 | been | 5 |
372 | both | 5 |
373 | campus | 5 |
374 | cell | 5 |
375 | ch | 5 |
376 | choices | 5 |
377 | complexity | 5 |
378 | computations | 5 |
379 | computed | 5 |
380 | contains | 5 |
381 | controlled | 5 |
382 | correctness | 5 |
383 | counts | 5 |
384 | difficulties | 5 |
385 | discover | 5 |
386 | end | 5 |
387 | explore | 5 |
388 | fair | 5 |
389 | find | 5 |
390 | focus | 5 |
391 | grade | 5 |
392 | h | 5 |
393 | http | 5 |
394 | immediate | 5 |
395 | include | 5 |
396 | information | 5 |
397 | ingredient | 5 |
398 | instead | 5 |
399 | into | 5 |
400 | long | 5 |
401 | matrices | 5 |
402 | multi | 5 |
403 | necessary | 5 |
404 | needs | 5 |
405 | neural | 5 |
406 | observation | 5 |
407 | per | 5 |
408 | please | 5 |
409 | prepare | 5 |
410 | present | 5 |
411 | probability | 5 |
412 | provide | 5 |
413 | query | 5 |
414 | randomly | 5 |
415 | regretful | 5 |
416 | seasons | 5 |
417 | setting | 5 |
418 | shortest | 5 |
419 | should | 5 |
420 | show | 5 |
421 | shows | 5 |
422 | solve | 5 |
423 | some | 5 |
424 | statistics | 5 |
425 | these | 5 |
426 | through | 5 |
427 | token | 5 |
428 | type | 5 |
429 | up | 5 |
430 | us | 5 |
431 | verifier | 5 |
432 | were | 5 |
433 | works | 5 |
434 | yet | 5 |
435 | zhang | 5 |
436 | actually | 4 |
437 | advances | 4 |
438 | almost | 4 |
439 | another | 4 |
440 | any | 4 |
441 | association | 4 |
442 | attention | 4 |
443 | carefully | 4 |
444 | cases | 4 |
445 | changes | 4 |
446 | check | 4 |
447 | common | 4 |
448 | computation | 4 |
449 | computational | 4 |
450 | conclusion | 4 |
451 | consider | 4 |
452 | contrast | 4 |
453 | controllable | 4 |
454 | could | 4 |
455 | difference | 4 |
456 | due | 4 |
457 | easy | 4 |
458 | effective | 4 |
459 | exhibit | 4 |
460 | fewer | 4 |
461 | final | 4 |
462 | found | 4 |
463 | fully | 4 |
464 | given | 4 |
465 | gpu | 4 |
466 | graph | 4 |
467 | hidden | 4 |
468 | improvement | 4 |
469 | included | 4 |
470 | introduce | 4 |
471 | just | 4 |
472 | larger | 4 |
473 | lee | 4 |
474 | linguistics | 4 |
475 | liu | 4 |
476 | llama | 4 |
477 | longer | 4 |
478 | makes | 4 |
479 | matrix | 4 |
480 | medop | 4 |
481 | method | 4 |
482 | multiple | 4 |
483 | natural | 4 |
484 | observations | 4 |
485 | obtain | 4 |
486 | oh | 4 |
487 | originalunnecessary | 4 |
488 | pages | 4 |
489 | possible | 4 |
490 | pq | 4 |
491 | prints | 4 |
492 | proceedings | 4 |
493 | processing | 4 |
494 | range | 4 |
495 | ready | 4 |
496 | real | 4 |
497 | regenerate | 4 |
498 | requires | 4 |
499 | round | 4 |
500 | select | 4 |
501 | sense | 4 |
502 | shown | 4 |
503 | since | 4 |
504 | skip | 4 |
505 | statement | 4 |
506 | strong | 4 |
507 | systems | 4 |
508 | tells | 4 |
509 | them | 4 |
510 | then | 4 |
511 | though | 4 |
512 | towards | 4 |
513 | transformers | 4 |
514 | trivial | 4 |
515 | understanding | 4 |
516 | verification | 4 |
517 | vocational | 4 |
518 | weighs | 4 |
519 | whether | 4 |
520 | within | 4 |
521 | your | 4 |
522 | z | 4 |
523 | about | 3 |
524 | accurately | 3 |
525 | acl | 3 |
526 | adamw | 3 |
527 | add | 3 |
528 | again | 3 |
529 | alignment | 3 |
530 | allow | 3 |
531 | although | 3 |
532 | auto | 3 |
533 | automatically | 3 |
534 | banana | 3 |
535 | below | 3 |
536 | between | 3 |
537 | case | 3 |
538 | chance | 3 |
539 | change | 3 |
540 | choose | 3 |
541 | com | 3 |
542 | commercial | 3 |
543 | complements | 3 |
544 | correcting | 3 |
545 | cosine | 3 |
546 | count | 3 |
547 | creating | 3 |
548 | determine | 3 |
549 | did | 3 |
550 | differs | 3 |
551 | discard | 3 |
552 | down | 3 |
553 | eese | 3 |
554 | effectively | 3 |
555 | efficient | 3 |
556 | encourages | 3 |
557 | entire | 3 |
558 | evaluated | 3 |
559 | extreme | 3 |
560 | failure | 3 |
561 | finetuned | 3 |
562 | format | 3 |
563 | gain | 3 |
564 | general | 3 |
565 | go | 3 |
566 | half | 3 |
567 | hardest | 3 |
568 | hardpq | 3 |
569 | head | 3 |
570 | highly | 3 |
571 | https | 3 |
572 | ideally | 3 |
573 | identical | 3 |
574 | illustration | 3 |
575 | implies | 3 |
576 | improves | 3 |
577 | improving | 3 |
578 | indicating | 3 |
579 | intelligence | 3 |
580 | interestingly | 3 |
581 | intuitively | 3 |
582 | keep | 3 |
583 | least | 3 |
584 | let | 3 |
585 | life | 3 |
586 | lin | 3 |
587 | lu | 3 |
588 | maximum | 3 |
589 | methods | 3 |
590 | mlp | 3 |
591 | nearly | 3 |
592 | non | 3 |
593 | notably | 3 |
594 | observe | 3 |
595 | once | 3 |
596 | overall | 3 |
597 | pattern | 3 |
598 | peft | 3 |
599 | performance | 3 |
600 | performs | 3 |
601 | position | 3 |
602 | practice | 3 |
603 | prediction | 3 |
604 | previous | 3 |
605 | produce | 3 |
606 | prompts | 3 |
607 | qiang | 3 |
608 | randomness | 3 |
609 | rather | 3 |
610 | realize | 3 |
611 | reasoners | 3 |
612 | right | 3 |
613 | rows | 3 |
614 | sample | 3 |
615 | sampling | 3 |
616 | save | 3 |
617 | scheduling | 3 |
618 | sentences | 3 |
619 | set | 3 |
620 | shift | 3 |
621 | significant | 3 |
622 | simplify | 3 |
623 | sinternation | 3 |
624 | solving | 3 |
625 | specifically | 3 |
626 | st | 3 |
627 | stating | 3 |
628 | strikethrough | 3 |
629 | success | 3 |
630 | sufficient | 3 |
631 | supermarket | 3 |
632 | table | 3 |
633 | task | 3 |
634 | temperature | 3 |
635 | too | 3 |
636 | top | 3 |
637 | tried | 3 |
638 | truly | 3 |
639 | try | 3 |
640 | tunes | 3 |
641 | understand | 3 |
642 | unless | 3 |
643 | updates | 3 |
644 | versions | 3 |
645 | want | 3 |
646 | was | 3 |
647 | weizhu | 3 |
648 | will | 3 |
649 | writing | 3 |
650 | xu | 3 |
651 | yang | 3 |
652 | yu | 3 |
653 | zhou | 3 |
654 | above | 2 |
655 | abstract | 2 |
656 | achieving | 2 |
657 | acquire | 2 |
658 | acquired | 2 |
659 | actual | 2 |
660 | adaptation | 2 |
661 | adapted | 2 |
662 | against | 2 |
663 | algorithm | 2 |
664 | allowing | 2 |
665 | alters | 2 |
666 | anna | 2 |
667 | annual | 2 |
668 | appeared | 2 |
669 | appears | 2 |
670 | applied | 2 |
671 | apply | 2 |
672 | approaches | 2 |
673 | architecture | 2 |
674 | article | 2 |
675 | aspect | 2 |
676 | aspects | 2 |
677 | augment | 2 |
678 | auxiliary | 2 |
679 | avoid | 2 |
680 | aware | 2 |
681 | backpacks | 2 |
682 | becomes | 2 |
683 | begin | 2 |
684 | bei | 2 |
685 | ben | 2 |
686 | benefit | 2 |
687 | betas | 2 |
688 | bin | 2 |
689 | broken | 2 |
690 | bubeck | 2 |
691 | calculate | 2 |
692 | capability | 2 |
693 | capacity | 2 |
694 | checking | 2 |
695 | cmu | 2 |
696 | comes | 2 |
697 | comparable | 2 |
698 | complex | 2 |
699 | conclusions | 2 |
700 | conference | 2 |
701 | configurations | 2 |
702 | conjecture | 2 |
703 | consists | 2 |
704 | constructed | 2 |
705 | contained | 2 |
706 | corpus | 2 |
707 | correctly | 2 |
708 | corrects | 2 |
709 | correspond | 2 |
710 | cot | 2 |
711 | crucial | 2 |
712 | current | 2 |
713 | daypacks | 2 |
714 | decoder | 2 |
715 | decoding | 2 |
716 | decreased | 2 |
717 | deferred | 2 |
718 | definethefresh | 2 |
719 | demonstrate | 2 |
720 | denote | 2 |
721 | dependencyunused | 2 |
722 | depends | 2 |
723 | description | 2 |
724 | desirable | 2 |
725 | detected | 2 |
726 | detecting | 2 |
727 | difficulty | 2 |
728 | doesn | 2 |
729 | easier | 2 |
730 | efforts | 2 |
731 | either | 2 |
732 | eldan | 2 |
733 | eliminating | 2 |
734 | encourage | 2 |
735 | english | 2 |
736 | ensuring | 2 |
737 | eric | 2 |
738 | essentially | 2 |
739 | evidence | 2 |
740 | exact | 2 |
741 | examples | 2 |
742 | exploring | 2 |
743 | extremely | 2 |
744 | fei | 2 |
745 | finally | 2 |
746 | focuses | 2 |
747 | follow | 2 |
748 | framework | 2 |
749 | fu | 2 |
750 | gao | 2 |
751 | generalization | 2 |
752 | generates | 2 |
753 | generative | 2 |
754 | give | 2 |
755 | grammar | 2 |
756 | ground | 2 |
757 | gsm | 2 |
758 | guang | 2 |
759 | guide | 2 |
760 | guided | 2 |
761 | he | 2 |
762 | help | 2 |
763 | hierarchical | 2 |
764 | hig | 2 |
765 | hu | 2 |
766 | icecreamasp | 2 |
767 | idea | 2 |
768 | implement | 2 |
769 | implemented | 2 |
770 | incentivized | 2 |
771 | increase | 2 |
772 | increases | 2 |
773 | indicates | 2 |
774 | initial | 2 |
775 | insert | 2 |
776 | integers | 2 |
777 | interested | 2 |
778 | introduced | 2 |
779 | introduction | 2 |
780 | issue | 2 |
781 | iterative | 2 |
782 | jian | 2 |
783 | job | 2 |
784 | jun | 2 |
785 | karl | 2 |
786 | last | 2 |
787 | later | 2 |
788 | layers | 2 |
789 | leading | 2 |
790 | leads | 2 |
791 | learned | 2 |
792 | learns | 2 |
793 | less | 2 |
794 | lets | 2 |
795 | limit | 2 |
796 | llm | 2 |
797 | location | 2 |
798 | logic | 2 |
799 | lou | 2 |
800 | lower | 2 |
801 | lr | 2 |
802 | mann | 2 |
803 | manner | 2 |
804 | maskigsm | 2 |
805 | masks | 2 |
806 | mbzuai | 2 |
807 | meaning | 2 |
808 | means | 2 |
809 | medpq | 2 |
810 | meeting | 2 |
811 | michael | 2 |
812 | miller | 2 |
813 | multinomial | 2 |
814 | name | 2 |
815 | now | 2 |
816 | occurs | 2 |
817 | often | 2 |
818 | open | 2 |
819 | otherwise | 2 |
820 | outperform | 2 |
821 | pan | 2 |
822 | papers | 2 |
823 | paramterabstract | 2 |
824 | particularly | 2 |
825 | performed | 2 |
826 | perhaps | 2 |
827 | positional | 2 |
828 | potentially | 2 |
829 | practical | 2 |
830 | predict | 2 |
831 | predicting | 2 |
832 | prepared | 2 |
833 | promising | 2 |
834 | purposes | 2 |
835 | ramp | 2 |
836 | rarely | 2 |
837 | rates | 2 |
838 | realistic | 2 |
839 | reason | 2 |
840 | reasonable | 2 |
841 | recall | 2 |
842 | recently | 2 |
843 | regressive | 2 |
844 | reliably | 2 |
845 | remains | 2 |
846 | remove | 2 |
847 | require | 2 |
848 | research | 2 |
849 | resp | 2 |
850 | rewrite | 2 |
851 | rict | 2 |
852 | ronen | 2 |
853 | rotary | 2 |
854 | rounds | 2 |
855 | rumored | 2 |
856 | safe | 2 |
857 | say | 2 |
858 | sbananaask | 2 |
859 | sees | 2 |
860 | selecting | 2 |
861 | shifts | 2 |
862 | shizhuo | 2 |
863 | short | 2 |
864 | shot | 2 |
865 | showcase | 2 |
866 | simple | 2 |
867 | simulate | 2 |
868 | single | 2 |
869 | skills | 2 |
870 | slightly | 2 |
871 | smaller | 2 |
872 | solely | 2 |
873 | sometimes | 2 |
874 | sop | 2 |
875 | source | 2 |
876 | soy | 2 |
877 | special | 2 |
878 | stands | 2 |
879 | starting | 2 |
880 | strongly | 2 |
881 | structures | 2 |
882 | studies | 2 |
883 | study | 2 |
884 | summarize | 2 |
885 | support | 2 |
886 | sure | 2 |
887 | teaches | 2 |
888 | team | 2 |
889 | technique | 2 |
890 | tempting | 2 |
891 | tend | 2 |
892 | testing | 2 |
893 | text | 2 |
894 | therefore | 2 |
895 | three | 2 |
896 | throughout | 2 |
897 | tian | 2 |
898 | train | 2 |
899 | transformer | 2 |
900 | truth | 2 |
901 | tuned | 2 |
902 | typically | 2 |
903 | underlined | 2 |
904 | unlike | 2 |
905 | unlikely | 2 |
906 | until | 2 |
907 | url | 2 |
908 | usefulness | 2 |
909 | user | 2 |
910 | usually | 2 |
911 | various | 2 |
912 | verifiers | 2 |
913 | volume | 2 |
914 | well | 2 |
915 | wide | 2 |
916 | widely | 2 |
917 | window | 2 |
918 | words | 2 |
919 | workshop | 2 |
920 | world | 2 |
921 | wu | 2 |
922 | yifei | 2 |
923 | you | 2 |
924 | zeqi | 2 |
925 | zicheng | 2 |