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LLMはハルシネーションを自覚しているか 松尾研 LLM コミュニティ "Paper & Hacks Vol.24" AI(6)

Last updated at Posted at 2024-11-10

生成AI Calendar 2024 @k-keita 

松尾研 LLM コミュニティ "Paper & Hacks Vol.24"

発表者: 松尾研LLMコミュニティメンバー 下村 晃生(九州工業大学工学部宇宙システム工学科/松尾研大規模言語モデル講座第9回担当)
テーマ: LLMはハルシネーションを自覚しているか
論文リンク:Physics of Language Models: Part2.2 How to Learn From Mistakes on Grade-School Math Problems



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[1] Kwangjun Ahn, Xiang Cheng, Hadi Daneshmand, and Suvrit Sra. Transformers learn to implement preconditioned gradient descent for in-context learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, 2024.
[2] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 1, Learning Hierarchical Language Structures. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2305.13673, May 2023. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.13673.
[3] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.2, Knowledge Manipulation. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2309.14402, September 2023. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.14402.
[4] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.1, Knowledge Storage and Extraction. In ICML, 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.14316.
[5] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.3, Knowledge Capacity Scaling Laws. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2404.05405, April 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/ 2404.05405.
[6] Cem Anil, Yuhuai Wu, Anders Andreassen, Aitor Lewkowycz, Vedant Misra, Vinay Ramasesh, Ambrose Slone, Guy Gur-Ari, Ethan Dyer, and Behnam Neyshabur. Exploring length generalization in large language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35:38546–38556, 2022.
[7] Sid Black, Stella Biderman, Eric Hallahan, Quentin Anthony, Leo Gao, Laurence Golding, Horace He, Connor Leahy, Kyle McDonell, Jason Phang, Michael Pieler, USVSN Sai Prashanth, Shivanshu Purohit, Laria Reynolds, Jonathan Tow, Ben Wang, and Samuel Weinbach. GPT-NeoX-20B: An open-source autoregressive language model. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Challenges & Perspectives in Creating Large Language Models, 2022. URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06745.
[8] S ́ebastien Bubeck, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Scott Lundberg, et al. Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712, 2023.
[9] Karl Cobbe, Vineet Kosaraju, Mohammad Bavarian, Mark Chen, Heewoo Jun, Lukasz Kaiser, Matthias Plappert, Jerry Tworek, Jacob Hilton, Reiichiro Nakano, et al. Training verifiers to solve math word problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.14168, 2021.
[10] Edward J Hu, Phillip Wallis, Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Yuanzhi Li, Shean Wang, Lu Wang, Weizhu Chen, et al. Lora: Low-rank adaptation of large language models. In ICLR, 2021.
[11] Jie Huang, Xinyun Chen, Swaroop Mishra, Huaixiu Steven Zheng, Adams Wei Yu, Xinying Song, and Denny Zhou. Large language models cannot self-correct reasoning yet. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01798, 2023.
[12] Yifei Li, Zeqi Lin, Shizhuo Zhang, Qiang Fu, Bei Chen, Jian-Guang Lou, and Weizhu Chen. Making language models better reasoners with step-aware verifier. In Anna Rogers, Jordan Boyd-Graber, and Naoaki Okazaki, editors, Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 5315–5333, Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.291. URL https://aclanthology.org/ 2023.acl-long.291.
[13] Yifei Li, Zeqi Lin, Shizhuo Zhang, Qiang Fu, Bei Chen, Jian-Guang Lou, and Weizhu Chen. Making language models better reasoners with step-aware verifier. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 5315–5333, 2023.
[14] Bingbin Liu, Sebastien Bubeck, Ronen Eldan, Janardhan Kulkarni, Yuanzhi Li, Anh Nguyen, Rachel Ward, and Yi Zhang. TinyGSM: achieving > 80% on GSM8k with small language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09241, 2023.
[15] Aman Madaan, Niket Tandon, Prakhar Gupta, Skyler Hallinan, Luyu Gao, Sarah Wiegreffe, Uri Alon, Nouha Dziri, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Yiming Yang, et al. Self-refine: Iterative refinement with self- feedback. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, 2024.
[16] Marah Abdin et al. Phi-3 technical report: A highly capable language model locally on your phone. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14219, 2024.
[17] John Miller, Karl Krauth, Benjamin Recht, and Ludwig Schmidt. The effect of natural distribution shift on question answering models. In International conference on machine learning, pages 6905–6916. PMLR, 2020.
[18] Catherine Olsson, Nelson Elhage, Neel Nanda, Nicholas Joseph, Nova DasSarma, Tom Henighan, Ben Mann, Amanda Askell, Yuntao Bai, Anna Chen, et al. In-context learning and induction heads. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.11895, 2022.
[19] Liangming Pan, Michael Saxon, Wenda Xu, Deepak Nathani, Xinyi Wang, and William Yang Wang. Automatically correcting large language models: Surveying the landscape of diverse self-correction strategies. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03188, 2023.
[20] Alec Radford, Jeffrey Wu, Rewon Child, David Luan, Dario Amodei, Ilya Sutskever, et al. Language models are unsupervised multitask learners. OpenAI blog, 1(8):9, 2019.
[21] Maithra Raghu, Thomas Unterthiner, Simon Kornblith, Chiyuan Zhang, and Alexey Dosovitskiy. Do vision transformers see like convolutional neural networks? Advances in neural information processing systems, 34:12116–12128, 2021.
[22] Yiheng Shu and Zhiwei Yu. Distribution shifts are bottlenecks: Extensive evaluation for grounding language models to knowledge bases. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop, pages 71–88, 2024.
[23] Marta Skreta, Naruki Yoshikawa, Sebastian Arellano-Rubach, Zhi Ji, Lasse Bjørn Kristensen, Kourosh Darvish, Al ́an Aspuru-Guzik, Florian Shkurti, and Animesh Garg. Errors are useful prompts: Instruction guided task programming with verifier-assisted iterative prompting. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.14100, 2023.
[24] Jianlin Su, Yu Lu, Shengfeng Pan, Bo Wen, and Yunfeng Liu. Roformer: Enhanced transformer with rotary position embedding, 2021.
[25] Llama Team. The llama 3 herd of models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.21783, 2024.
[26] Fei Wang, Chao Shang, Sarthak Jain, Shuai Wang, Qiang Ning, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli, Yassine Benajiba, and Dan Roth. From instructions to constraints: Language model alignment with automatic constraint verification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06326, 2024.
[27] Yixuan Weng, Minjun Zhu, Fei Xia, Bin Li, Shizhu He, Shengping Liu, Bin Sun, Kang Liu, and Jun Zhao. Large language models are better reasoners with self-verification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09561, 2022.
[28] Kaiyu Yang, Jia Deng, and Danqi Chen. Generating natural language proofs with verifier-guided search. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.12443, 2022.
[29] Tian Ye, Zicheng Xu, Yuanzhi Li, and Zeyuan Allen-Zhu. Physics of Language Models: Part 2.1, Grade- School Math and the Hidden Reasoning Process. arXiv e-prints, abs/2407.20311, 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.20311.
[30] Yunxiang Zhang, Muhammad Khalifa, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Jaekyeom Kim, Moontae Lee, Honglak Lee, and Lu Wang. Small language models need strong verifiers to self-correct reasoning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17140, 2024.
[31] Hattie Zhou, Arwen Bradley, Etai Littwin, Noam Razin, Omid Saremi, Josh Susskind, Samy Bengio, and Preetum Nakkiran. What algorithms can transformers learn? a study in length generalization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.16028, 2023.

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[2] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.1, Knowledge Storage and Extraction. In ICML, 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.14316.
[3] Zeyuan Allen-Zhu and Yuanzhi Li. Physics of Language Models: Part 3.3, Knowledge Capacity Scaling Laws. ArXiv e-prints, abs/2404.05405, April 2024. Full version available at http://arxiv.org/abs/ 2404.05405.
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docker run -v /tmp/llm:/rmp/llm -it kaizenjapan/llm /bin/bash
term count
1 the 540
2 retry 329
3 to 252
4 of 249
5 a 237
6 s 221
7 with 210
8 op 202
9 and 199
10 in 182
11 we 165
12 data 160
13 retryrate 160
14 is 141
15 for 140
16 model 131
17 each 123
18 as 119
19 on 117
20 this 116
21 can 103
22 it 99
23 error 90
24 e 88
25 lora 82
26 that 81
27 finetune 80
28 figure 76
29 box 70
30 define 70
31 unnecessary 69
32 models 67
33 language 63
34 pretrain 60
35 so 60
36 number 59
37 qv 57
38 igsm 52
39 mask 52
40 not 52
41 be 49
42 correct 49
43 from 49
44 pretrained 49
45 rate 48
46 accuracy 47
47 b 47
48 mistakes 47
49 such 47
50 using 45
51 cheese 44
52 market 44
53 or 42
54 param 41
55 solution 41
56 beam 40
57 math 40
58 studio 39
59 arxiv 38
60 maskretryrate 38
61 training 38
62 its 37
63 are 36
64 free 35
65 pretraining 35
66 parameters 34
67 reasoning 34
68 equals 33
69 has 33
70 if 33
71 steps 33
72 also 32
73 errors 32
74 problems 32
75 retry_weak 32
76 solutions 32
77 even 31
78 an 30
79 film 30
80 high 30
81 upon 29
82 use 29
83 regret 28
84 school 28
85 g 27
86 gpt 27
87 have 27
88 x 27
89 r 26
90 tokens 26
91 when 26
92 by 25
93 jim 25
94 probing 25
95 section 25
96 w 25
97 finetuning 24
98 next 24
99 only 24
100 process 24
101 see 24
102 correction 23
103 generation 23
104 learning 23
105 original 23
106 result 23
107 same 23
108 version 23
109 after 22
110 c 22
111 dist 22
112 i 22
113 international 22
114 parmesan 22
115 than 22
116 weight 22
117 at 21
118 but 21
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120 full 21
121 jungle 21
122 mistake 21
123 our 21
124 reask 21
125 backpack 20
126 district 20
127 ice 20
128 inside 20
129 ood 20
130 p 20
131 parameter 19
132 problem 19
133 rank 19
134 results 19
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136 step 19
137 their 19
138 time 19
139 used 19
140 back 18
141 distout 18
142 many 18
143 more 18
144 one 18
145 own 18
146 central 17
147 example 17
148 paper 17
149 still 17
150 v 17
151 which 17
152 all 16
153 during 16
154 grape 16
155 make 16
156 no 16
157 pounds 16
158 u 16
159 al 15
160 d 15
161 detection 15
162 how 15
163 improve 15
164 k 15
165 masking 15
166 retry_miss 15
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168 context 14
169 continued 14
170 datasets 14
171 decay 14
172 directly 14
173 does 14
174 hard 14
175 l 14
176 length 14
177 part 14
178 preprint 14
179 q 14
180 small 14
181 weak 14
182 while 14
183 appendix 13
184 corrections 13
185 fine 13
186 fresh 13
187 generate 13
188 learn 13
189 li 13
190 search 13
191 size 13
192 synthetic 13
193 trained 13
194 wrong 13
195 y 13
196 best 12
197 daypack 12
198 double 12
199 label 12
200 made 12
201 med 12
202 pineapple 12
203 self 12
204 there 12
205 very 12
206 accuracies 11
207 batch 11
208 better 11
209 cannot 11
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213 higher 11
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215 o 11
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218 test 11
219 FALSE 11
220 abs 10
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230 joe 10
231 may 10
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233 need 10
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237 t 10
238 uses 10
239 vs 10
240 weights 10
241 where 10
242 without 10
243 yuanzhi 10
244 among 9
245 approach 9
246 call 9
247 dance 9
248 do 9
249 generated 9
250 j 9
251 large 9
252 layer 9
253 llms 9
254 med_pqigsm 9
255 stage 9
256 sum 9
257 versionp 9
258 what 9
259 would 9
260 zhu 9
261 TRUE 9
262 additional 8
263 allen 8
264 average 8
265 because 8
266 comparing 8
267 comparison 8
268 dataset 8
269 erroneous 8
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271 f 8
272 fake 8
273 followed 8
274 following 8
275 future 8
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333 knows 6
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336 making 6
337 might 6
338 most 6
339 n 6
340 note 6
341 operations 6
342 out 6
343 pear 6
344 perfectly 6
345 presented 6
346 qp 6
347 random 6
348 re 6
349 riverview 6
350 samples 6
351 seeds 6
352 significantly 6
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354 sufficiently 6
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356 teach 6
357 those 6
358 twice 6
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362 work 6
363 ye 6
364 accurate 5
365 achieve 5
366 achieved 5
367 amount 5
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369 autoregressive 5
370 based 5
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372 both 5
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382 correctness 5
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388 fair 5
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391 grade 5
392 h 5
393 http 5
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398 instead 5
399 into 5
400 long 5
401 matrices 5
402 multi 5
403 necessary 5
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405 neural 5
406 observation 5
407 per 5
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414 randomly 5
415 regretful 5
416 seasons 5
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420 show 5
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423 some 5
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431 verifier 5
432 were 5
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463 fully 4
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483 natural 4
484 observations 4
485 obtain 4
486 oh 4
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585 life 3
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587 lu 3
588 maximum 3
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598 peft 3
599 performance 3
600 performs 3
601 position 3
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604 previous 3
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612 right 3
613 rows 3
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615 sampling 3
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652 yu 3
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658 acquired 2
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674 article 2
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682 becomes 2
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684 bei 2
685 ben 2
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693 capacity 2
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695 cmu 2
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698 complex 2
699 conclusions 2
700 conference 2
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702 conjecture 2
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704 constructed 2
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715 decoding 2
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744 fei 2
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757 gsm 2
758 guang 2
759 guide 2
760 guided 2
761 he 2
762 help 2
763 hierarchical 2
764 hig 2
765 hu 2
766 icecreamasp 2
767 idea 2
768 implement 2
769 implemented 2
770 incentivized 2
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772 increases 2
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774 initial 2
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776 integers 2
777 interested 2
778 introduced 2
779 introduction 2
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790 leads 2
791 learned 2
792 learns 2
793 less 2
794 lets 2
795 limit 2
796 llm 2
797 location 2
798 logic 2
799 lou 2
800 lower 2
801 lr 2
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803 manner 2
804 maskigsm 2
805 masks 2
806 mbzuai 2
807 meaning 2
808 means 2
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812 miller 2
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814 name 2
815 now 2
816 occurs 2
817 often 2
818 open 2
819 otherwise 2
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840 reasonable 2
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842 recently 2
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847 require 2
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851 rict 2
852 ronen 2
853 rotary 2
854 rounds 2
855 rumored 2
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857 say 2
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860 selecting 2
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862 shizhuo 2
863 short 2
864 shot 2
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866 simple 2
867 simulate 2
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870 slightly 2
871 smaller 2
872 solely 2
873 sometimes 2
874 sop 2
875 source 2
876 soy 2
877 special 2
878 stands 2
879 starting 2
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882 studies 2
883 study 2
884 summarize 2
885 support 2
886 sure 2
887 teaches 2
888 team 2
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892 testing 2
893 text 2
894 therefore 2
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896 throughout 2
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900 truth 2
901 tuned 2
902 typically 2
903 underlined 2
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906 until 2
907 url 2
908 usefulness 2
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910 usually 2
911 various 2
912 verifiers 2
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915 wide 2
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917 window 2
918 words 2
919 workshop 2
920 world 2
921 wu 2
922 yifei 2
923 you 2
924 zeqi 2
925 zicheng 2




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