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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 1

List of Basic Software Modules, No.150, AUTOSAR R21-11(268) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-30

List of Basic Software Modules, No.150, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。
AUTOSAR 21-11,319文書読んだ。2022年6月初初旬にFO, AP, CP 全部到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Module short name Module abbreviation (API service prefix) Module ID (uint16) Doc.No Specification document AUTOSAR SW Layer
ADC Driver Adc 123 8 AUTOSAR_SWS_ADCDriver.pdf I/O Drivers
AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface Arti 005 AUTOSAR_SWS_ClassicPlatformARTI.pdf System Services
BSW Mode Manager BswM 042 AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWModeManager.pdf System Services
BSW Scheduler Module SchM 130 "since Rel. 4.0 part of RTE" System Services
Bulk NvData Manager BndM 023 AUTOSAR_SWS_BulkNvDataManager.pdf Memory Services
Bus Mirroring Mirror 048 AUTOSAR_SWS_ BusMirroring.pdf Communication Services
CAN Driver Can 080 AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver.pdf Communication Drivers
CAN Interface CanIf 060 AUTOSAR_SWS_CANInterface.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
CAN Network Management CanNm 031 AUTOSAR_SWS_CANNetworkManagement.pdf Communication Services
CAN State Manager CanSM 140 AUTOSAR_SWS_CANStateManager.pdf Communication Services
CAN Tranceiver Driver CanTrcv 070 AUTOSAR_SWS_CANTransceiverDriver.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
CAN Transport Layer CanTp 035 AUTOSAR_SWS_CANTransportLayer.pdf Communication Services
COM Com 050 AUTOSAR_SWS_COM.pdf Communication Services
COM Based Transformer ComXf 175 AUTOSAR_SWS_COMBasedTransformer.pdf Communication Services
COM Manager ComM 012 AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager.pdf System Services
Complex Drivers no prefix (AUTOSAR interface) 255; 2048- 4095 not applicable Complex Drivers
Core Test CorTst 103 AUTOSAR_SWS_CoreTest.pdf Microcontroller Drivers
Crypto Driver Crypto 114 AUTOSAR_SWS_CryptoDriver.pdf Crypto Drivers
Crypto Interface CryIf 112 AUTOSAR_SWS_CryptoInterface.pdf Crypto
Crypto Service Manager Csm 110 AUTOSAR_SWS_CryptoServiceManager.pdf Crypto Services
Default Error Tracer Det 015 AUTOSAR_SWS_DefaultErrorTracer.pdf System Services
Diagnostic Communication Manager Dcm 053 AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticCommunicationManager.pdf Communication Services
Diagnostic Event Manager Dem 054 AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticEventManager.pdf System Services
Diagnostic Log and Trace Dlt 055 AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticLogAndTrace.pdf Communication Services
Diagnostic over IP DoIP 173 AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticOverIP.pdf Communication Services
DIO Driver Dio 120 AUTOSAR_SWS_DIODriver.pdf I/O Drivers
E2E Transformer E2EXf 176 AUTOSAR_SWS_E2ETransformer.pdf Communication Services
ECU State Manager EcuM 010 AUTOSAR_SWS_ECUStateManager.pdf System Services
EEPROM Abstraction Ea 040 AUTOSAR_SWS_EEPROMAbstraction.pdf Memory HW Abstraction
EEPROM Driver Eep 090 AUTOSAR_SWS_EEPROMDriver.pdf Memory Drivers
Ethernet Driver Eth 088 AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetDriver.pdf Communication Drivers
Ethernet Interface EthIf 065 AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetInterface.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
Ethernet State Manager EthSM 143 AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetStateManager.pdf Communication Services
Ethernet Switch Driver EthSwt 089 AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetSwitchDriver.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
Ethernet Transceiver Driver EthTrcv 073 AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetTransceiverDriver.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
Flash Driver Fls 092 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlashDriver.pdf Memory Drivers
Flash EEPROM Emulation Fee 021 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlashEEPROMEmulation.pdf Memory HW Abstraction
Flash Test FlsTst 104 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlashTest.pdf Memory Drivers
FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer FrArTp 038 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer.pdf Communication Services
FlexRay Driver Fr 081 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayDriver.pdf Communication Drivers
FlexRay Interface FrIf 061 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayInterface.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
FlexRay ISO Transport Layer FrTp 036 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayISOTransportLayer.pdf Communication Services
FlexRay Network Management FrNm 032 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayNetworkManagement.pdf Communication Services
FlexRay State Manager FrSM 142 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayStateManager.pdf Communication Services
FlexRay Tranceiver Driver FrTrcv 071 AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayTransceiverDriver.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
Function Inhibition Manager FiM 011 AUTOSAR_SWS_FunctionInhibitionManager.pdf System Services
GPT Driver Gpt 100 AUTOSAR_SWS_GPTDriver.pdf Microcontroller Drivers
ICU Driver Icu 122 AUTOSAR_SWS_ICUDriver.pdf I/O Drivers
Intrusion Detection System Manager IdsM 108 AUTOSAR_SWS_IntrusionDetectionSystemManager.pdf Crypto Services
IO HW Abstraction no prefix(AUTOSARinterface) 254 AUTOSAR_SWS_IOHardwareAbstraction.pdf I/O HW Abstraction
IPDU Multiplexer IpduM 052 AUTOSAR_SWS_IPDUMultiplexer.pdf Communication Services
Key Manager KeyM 109 AUTOSAR_SWS_KeyManager.pdf Crypto Services
Large Data COM LdCom 049 AUTOSAR_SWS_LargeDataCOM.pdf Communication Services
LIN Driver Lin 082 AUTOSAR_SWS_LINDriver.pdf Communication Drivers
LIN Interface LinIf 062 AUTOSAR_SWS_LINInterface.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
LIN State Manager LinSM 141 AUTOSAR_SWS_LINStateManager.pdf Communication Services
LIN Transceiver Driver LinTrcv 064 AUTOSAR_SWS_LINTransceiverDriver.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
MCU Driver Mcu 101 AUTOSAR_SWS_MCUDriver.pdf Microcontroller Drivers
Memory Abstraction Interface MemIf 022 AUTOSAR_SWS_MemoryAbstractionInterface.pdf Memory Services
Memory Access MemAcc 041 AUTOSAR_SWS_MemoryAccess.pdf Memory HW Abstraction
Memory Driver Mem 091 AUTOSAR_SWS_MemoryDriver.pdf Memory Drivers
Network Management Interface Nm 029 AUTOSAR_SWS_NetworkManagementInterface.pdf Communication Services
NVRAM Manager NvM 020 AUTOSAR_SWS_NVRAMManager.pdf Memory Services
OCU Driver Ocu 125 AUTOSAR_SWS_OCUDriver.pdf I/O Drivers
OS Os(not used as API prefix) 001 AUTOSAR_SWS_OS.pdf System Services -OS
PDU Router PduR 051 AUTOSAR_SWS_PDURouter.pdf Communication Services
Port Driver Port 124 AUTOSAR_SWS_PortDriver.pdf I/O Drivers
PWM Driver Pwm 121 AUTOSAR_SWS_PWMDriver.pdf I/O Drivers
RAM Test RamTst 093 AUTOSAR_SWS_RAMTest.pdf Memory Drivers
SAE J1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager J1939Dcm 058 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939DiagnosticCommunicationManager.pdf Communication Services
SAE J1939 Network Management J1939Nm 034 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939NetworkManagement.pdf Communication Services
SAE J1939 Request Manager J1939Rm 059 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939RequestManager.pdf Communication Services
SAE J1939 Transport Layer J1939Tp 037 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer.pdf Communication Services
Secure Onboard Communication SecOC 150 AUTOSAR_SWS_SecureOnboardCommunication.pdf Communication Services
Service Discovery Sd 171 AUTOSAR_SWS_ServiceDiscovery.pdf Communication Services
Socket Adaptor SoAd 056 AUTOSAR_SWS_SocketAdaptor.pdf Communication Services
Software Cluster Connection SwCluC 016 AUTOSAR_SWS_SoftwareClusterConnection.pdf System Services
SOME/IP Transformer SomeIpXf 174 AUTOSAR_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer.pdf Communication Services
SOME/IP Transport Protocol SomeIpTp 177 AUTOSAR_SWS_SOMEIPTransportProtocol.pdf Communication Services
SPI Handler Driver Spi 083 AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver.pdf Communication Drivers
Synchronized Time-Base Manager StbM 160 AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager.pdf System Services
TCP/IP Stack TcpIp 170 AUTOSAR_SWS_TcpIp.pdf Communication Services
Time Service Tm 014 AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeService.pdf System Services
Time Sync Over CAN CanTSyn 161 AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSyncOverCAN.pdf Communication Services
Time Sync Over Ethernet EthTSyn 164 AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSyncOverEthernet.pdf Communication Services
Time Sync Over FlexRay FrTSyn 163 AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSyncOverFlexRay.pdf Communication Services
TTCAN Driver Ttcan 084 AUTOSAR_SWS_TTCANDriver.pdf Communication Drivers
TTCAN Interface TtcanIf 066 AUTOSAR_SWS_TTCANInterface.pdf Communication HW Abstraction
UDP Network Management UdpNm 033 AUTOSAR_SWS_UDPNetworkManagement.pdf Communication Services
Vehicle-2-X Basic Transport V2xBtp 183 AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XBasicTransport.pdf Off-board Comm.Services
Vehicle-2-X Facilities V2xFac 184 AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XFacilities.pdf Off-board Comm.Services
Vehicle-2-X GeoNetworking V2xGn 182 AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XGeoNetworking.pdf Off-board Comm.Services
Vehicle-2-X Management V2xM 185 AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XManagement.pdf Off-board Comm.Services
Watchdog Driver Wdg 102 AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogDriver.pdf Microcontroller Drivers
Watchdog Interface WdgIf 043 AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogInterface.pdf Onboard Device Abstraction
Watchdog Manager WdgM 013 AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogManager.pdf System Services
Wireless Ethernet Driver WEth 087 AUTOSAR_SWS_WirelessEthernetDriver.pdf Wireless Comm.Drivers
Wireless Ethernet Transceiver Driver WEthTrcv 074 AUTOSAR_SWS_WirelessEthernetTransceiverDriver.pdf Wireless Comm.HW Abstraction
XCP Xcp 212 AUTOSAR_SWS_XCP.pdf Communication Services
Libraries short name Libraries abbreviation(API service prefix) Libraries (Module) ID (uint16) Doc.No. Specification document
BFx Library Bfx 205 AUTOSAR_SWS_BFXLibrary.pdf
BSWMulticore Library Bmc 214 AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWMulticoreLibrary.pdf
CRC Library Crc 201 AUTOSAR_SWS_CRCLibrary.pdf
E2E Library E2E 207 AUTOSAR_SWS_E2ELibrary.pdf
EFx Library Efx 208 AUTOSAR_SWS_EFXLibrary.pdf
IFl Library Ifl 209 AUTOSAR_SWS_IFLLibrary.pdf
IFx Library Ifx 213 AUTOSAR_SWS_IFXLibrary.pdf
MFl Library Mfl 210 AUTOSAR_SWS_MFLLibrary.pdf
MFx Library Mfx 211 AUTOSAR_SWS_MFXLibrary.pdf
AUTOSAR name Short name(API serviceprefix) File name Module ID Specification document
Communication Stack Types Comtype ComStack_Types.h 196 AUTOSAR_SWS_CommunicationStackTypes.pdf
Compiler Abstraction Compiler Compiler.h 198 AUTOSAR_SWS_CompilerAbstraction.pdf
Memory Mapping MemMap (Prefix_)MemMap.h 195 AUTOSAR_SWS_MemoryMapping.pdf
Platform Types Platform Platform_Types.h 199 AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes.pdf
Standard Types Std S td_Types.h 197 AUTOSAR_SWS_StandardTypes.pdf





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