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Specification of Network Management, No.898, AUTOSAR 21-11 (46) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-06

Specification of Network Management, No.898, 2021-11


AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Terms Description
API Application Programming Interface
CBV Control Bit Vector
CM Communication Management
CWU Car Wakeup
EM Execution Management
IP Internet Protocol
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NM Network Management
NM Node A node that supports network management. Please note that network node, node and NM node are used with the same meaning througout the document.
PN Partial Network
PNI Partial Network Information
PNL Partial Network Learning
UDP User Datagram Protocol
Bus communication Communication on the physical medium
Logical Network A network in which devices can be addressed independent from the actual network technology.
NM cluster Set of NM nodes coordinated with the use of the NM algorithm.
NM message Refers to the payload transmitted in a packet. It contains the NM User Data, Partial Network Information as well as the Control Bit Vector and the Source Node Identifier.
NM packet Refers to an Ethernet Frame containing an IP as well as an UDP header in addition to a NM message. Please note that adaptive network management is currently only supported for Ethernet.
PN communication Communication during partial network operation
Physical channel A channel enabling communication using physical devices, such as I/O ports and cables.
Repeat Message Request Bit Indication
Repeat Message Bit set in the Control Bit Vector of a received NM message.
Internally Requested At least one field NetworkRequestedState associated to that channel/network/PNC/VLAN is set to kFullCom.
Exernally Requested A Network Management Message associated to that channel/network/PNC/VLAN has been received. In case of PNC associated means the bit corresponding to this PNC had the value 1.
FULL_COM Communication over the network is possible/allowed, the network is up.
NO_COM Communication over the network is impossible/disabled, the network is down.



no. count word 日本語
1 434 the その
2 220 of
3 203 network 通信網
4 178 sws_anm_ sws_anm_
5 167 nm network management(短縮名)
6 162 in
7 142 is
8 140 management 管理
9 131 to
10 107 state 状態
11 100 shall しなければならない
12 99 be です
13 89 a 一つの
14 88 and
15 79 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
16 79 rs_nm_ rs_nm_
17 77 message 伝言
18 68 mode 状態
19 66 sleep 睡眠
20 64 r r
21 62 specification 仕様
22 58 that それ
23 57 bus 乗合自動車
24 55 this これ
25 54 for にとって
26 53 c c
27 53 document 文書
28 53 partial 部分的
29 49 note 覚書
30 48 communication 通信
31 45 cluster 集まる
32 44 by
33 44 or または
34 40 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
35 39 not いいえ
36 38 autosar_sws_network autosar_sws_network
37 38 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
38 37 as なので
39 37 atp Autonomous Transaction Processing(短縮名)
40 37 repeat 繰り返す
41 34 bit 少し
42 34 node 接点
43 32 are それは
44 32 if もしも
45 32 pnc partial network cluster(短縮名)
46 30 attr attribute(短縮名)
47 30 set 設定する
48 28 time 時間
49 27 adaptive 適応
50 27 it それ
51 27 system
52 27 tags
53 27 timer 計時器
54 25 draft 下男
55 25 physical 物理的
56 25 service 奉仕
57 24 b b
58 24 from から
59 24 status 状態
60 23 on の上
61 23 request 要求
62 23 up
63 22 channel
64 22 messages 伝言
65 22 transmission 伝送
66 21 all すべて
67 21 mapping 対応付け
68 21 prepare 準備
69 21 requested 要求された
70 21 with
71 20 any どれか
72 20 can できる
73 20 description 説明
74 20 entered 入力した
75 20 information 情報
76 20 operation 手術
77 20 ready 準備
78 20 table
79 20 udp User Datagram Protocol(短縮名)
80 19 class
81 19 machine 機械
82 19 normal 正常
83 19 received 受け取った
84 19 tables
85 19 timeout 時間切れ
86 19 value 価値
87 18 an
88 18 referrable 参照可能
89 18 trace 痕跡
90 17 attribute 属性
91 17 data 与件
92 17 handling 取り扱い
93 17 networks
94 17 no いいえ
95 17 ref reference(短縮名)
96 17 used 使った
97 17 user 利用者
98 16 start 始める
99 16 vlan virtual local area network(短縮名)
100 15 connector 接続器
101 15 d d
102 15 ethernet イーサネット
103 15 logical 論理的
104 15 specific 明確


[1] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[2] General Requirements specific to Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_RS_General
[3] Specification of the AUTOSAR Network Management Protocol, AUTOSAR_PRS_NetworkManagementProtocol
[4] Requirements on AUTOSAR Network Management, AUTOSAR_RS_NetworkManagement
[5] Specification of State Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_StateManagement


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