Application Interfaces User Guide, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.442
CAN、OSEK/VDX OS、DIAGは、ISO定義を先に確認しましょう。
OSEK COM、OSEK NMなどはISOの規定から基本的な部分で定義を変えています。
AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208
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equirement and Specification)
AUTOSAR R22-11 Classic Platform 一覧はこちら。
Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.0(2)
AUTOSAR R22-11 マラソン
AUTOSAR R22-11 一覧(2)
Abstract Platformとの関係
文書変更(Document Change)
No content changes
文書変更(Document Change)
No content changes
Mo. | Title | Content |
1. | 01_History | History of changes to the table |
2. | 02_General | Purposes Contains a list of column titles in relation to the sheets; explanations are given in order to add or change data sets within the table |
3. | 04_Keywords | List of agreed keywords and their abbreviations along with their usage context description |
4. | 0500_TopLevel | Toplevel composition contains the information related to inter-domain port prototypes of major domain compositions (e.g. Body, Powertrain) |
5. | 0501_Body | (1) Body domain composition |
6. | 050101_CentralLocking | Central locking component |
7. | 050102_InteriorLight | Interior light component |
8. | 050103_MirrorAdjustment | Mirror adjustment component |
9. | 050104_MirrorTinting | Mirror tinting component |
10. | 050105_SeatAdjustment | Seat adjustment component |
11. | 05010501_Seat | Seat component |
12. | 0501050101_SeatAxis | SeatAxis component |
13. | 050106_ExteriorLight | Exterior light component |
14. | 050107_WindowControl | Window control component |
15. | 050108_WiperWasher | Wiper washer component |
16. | 05010801_NozzleHeater | Nozzle heater component |
17. | 05010802_Wiper | Wiper component |
18. | 05010803_Washer | Washer component |
19. | 05010804_WasherFluidTank | Washer fluid tank component |
20. | 05010805_RainSensing | Rain sensing component |
21. | 050109_AntiTheftSystem | Anti theft system component |
22. | 050110_HornControl | Horn control component |
23. | 050111_ConvertibleControl | Convertible control component |
24. | 050112_DefrostControl | Defrost control component |
25. | 050113_ParkDistanceControl | Park distance control component |
26. | 050114_Immobilizer | Immobilizer component |
27. | 050115_BodySensors | Body sensors component |
28. | 050117_RemoteKeylessEntry | Keyless access component |
29. | 050118_KeyPad | Key pad component |
30. | 050119_PassiveEntry | Passive entry component |
31. | 050120_TerminalClampControl | Terminal clamp control component |
32. | 050121_SeatClimatization | Seat climatization component |
33. | 0502_Powertrain | (2) Powertrain composition |
34. | 050201_CombustionEngine | Combustion engine component |
35. | 050299_VehicleMotionforPt | Vehicle motion for Powertrain component |
36. | 0503_Chassis | (3) Chassis composition |
37. | 050301_CrsCtrlAndAcc | Cruise control and adaptive cruise control component |
38. | 0504_OPSafety | (4) Occupant safety composition |
39. | 0504001_OcctPedSftySnrsPool | Occupant and pedestrian safety sensor pool component |
40. | 0504002_I_OcctPedSftyActrPool | Occupant and pedestrian safety actuator pool component I |
41. | 0504002_II_OcctPedSftyActrPool | Occupant and pedestrian safety actuator pool component II |
42. | 0504002_III_OcctPedSftyActrPool | Occupant and pedestrian safety actuator pool component III |
43. | 0504102_SeatBltRmn | Seat belt reminder component |
44. | 0505_MM_T_HMI | (5) Multimedia, telematics, human machine interface component |
45. | 06_Interface_DataElements | List of sender-receiver interface definitions |
46. | 06_Interface_ClientServer | List of ClientReceiverInterface definitions |
47. | 07_DataTypes_ContinuousValue | List of continuous value DataTypes |
48. | 08_DataTypes_Enumeration | List of enumeration DataTypes |
49. | 09_DataTypes_Array | List of array DataTypes |
50. | 11_DataTypes_Record | List of record DataTypes |
51. | 13_Units | List of units |
52. | 15_Redirected_Ports | List of definition of redirected ports |
53. | 101_Description | Explanation of results of consistency checks presented in summary dialogue box |
54. | 102_User_Documentation | Contains a list of available Visual Basic macros and their functionality. |
55. | Compositions | Overview of compositions / components available in the AI Table |
56. | Compositions_Err | Failed consistency check results of compositions and their decomposition. |
57. | Instances | Overview of composition prototype (instances) available in the AI Table |
58. | Instances_Err | Failed consistency check results of composition prototypes (instances) |
59. | 90_ReportMSDiagram | Diagram representing history of the distribution of table entries with model elements in relation to milestones. This data is generated by macros. |
60. | 90_ReportMSTable | Pivot table history of the distribution of table entries in relation to milestones and steps. This data is generated by macros. |
61. | 90_ReportMSTableNoSteps | Pivot table history of the distribution of table entries in relation to milestones. The step information will be excluded. This data is generated by macros. |
62. | 91_ReportErrDiagram | Diagram representing an overview on detected errors. This data is generated by macros. |
63. | 91_ReportErrTable | Pivot table of detected errors. This data is generated by macros. |
Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。
[1] Software Component Template
[2] Standardization Template
[3] AUTOSAR XML schema
[4] Generic Structure Template
[5] Model Persistence Rules for XML
[6] AI Specification
[7] AUTOSAR Metamodel
[8] Application Interface table (AI Table)
[9] SW-C and System Modeling Guide
[10] AUTOSAR Methodology
[11] AUTOSAR domain explanation Body and Comfort
[12] AUTOSAR domain explanation Powertrain
[13] AUTOSAR domain explanation Chassis
[14] AUTOSAR domain explanation Occupant and Pedestrian Safety
[15] AUTOSAR domain explanation Multimedia, Telematics, Human Machine
[16] Unique Names for Documentation, Measurement and Calibration
[17] AUTOSAR Glossary
関連文書(Related document)
AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道(詳細編)
2023年1月 記事数一覧
2023 書き初め
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AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(1) 2022.1.8
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(2) 2022.1.15
202304 URL更新
Application Interfaces User Guide, AUTOSAR 442, R22-11, CP, 20230421
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 220230123
ver. 0.02 ありがとう追記 20230701
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