Specification of Network Management, AUTOSAR 22-11, AP, No.898
AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022
AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208
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AUTOSAR R22-11 Qiita 記事一覧はこちらに編集中です。
Terms | Description |
API | Application Programming Interface |
CBV | Control Bit Vector |
CM | Communication Management |
CWU | Car Wakeup |
EM | Execution Management |
IP | Internet Protocol |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit |
NM | Network Management |
NM Node | A node that supports network management. Please note that network node, node and NM node are used with the same meaning througout the document. |
PN | Partial Network |
PNI | Partial Network Information |
PNL | Partial Network Learning |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
Bus communication | Communication on the physical medium |
Logical Network | A network in which devices can be addressed independent from the actual network technology. |
NM cluster | Set of NM nodes coordinated with the use of the NM algorithm. |
NM message | Refers to the payload transmitted in a packet. It contains the NM User Data, Partial Network Information as well as the Control Bit Vector and the Source Node Identifier. |
NM packet | Refers to an Ethernet Frame containing an IP as well as an UDP header in addition to a NM message. Please note that adaptive network management is currently only supported for Ethernet. |
PN communication | Communication during partial network operation |
Physical channel | A channel enabling communication using physical devices, such as I/O ports and cables. |
Repeat Message | Request Bit Indication |
Repeat Message Bit | set in the Control Bit Vector of a received NM message. |
Internally Requested | At least one field NetworkRequestedState associated to that channel/network/PNC/VLAN is set to kFullCom. |
Exernally Requested | A Network Management Message associated to that channel/network/PNC/VLAN has been received. In case of PNC associated means the bit corresponding to this PNC had the value 1. |
FULL_COM | Communication over the network is possible/allowed, the network is up. |
NO_COM | Communication over the network is impossible/disabled, the network is down. |
no. | count | word | 日本語 |
1 | 434 | the | その |
2 | 220 | of | の |
3 | 203 | network | 通信網 |
4 | 178 | sws_anm_ | sws_anm_ |
5 | 167 | nm | network management(短縮名) |
6 | 162 | in | の |
7 | 142 | is | は |
8 | 140 | management | 管理 |
9 | 131 | to | に |
10 | 107 | state | 状態 |
11 | 100 | shall | しなければならない |
12 | 99 | be | です |
13 | 89 | a | 一つの |
14 | 88 | and | と |
15 | 79 | autosar | AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名) |
16 | 79 | rs_nm_ | rs_nm_ |
17 | 77 | message | 伝言 |
18 | 68 | mode | 状態 |
19 | 66 | sleep | 睡眠 |
20 | 64 | r | r |
21 | 62 | specification | 仕様 |
22 | 58 | that | それ |
23 | 57 | bus | 乗合自動車 |
24 | 55 | this | これ |
25 | 54 | for | にとって |
26 | 53 | c | c |
27 | 53 | document | 文書 |
28 | 53 | partial | 部分的 |
29 | 49 | note | 覚書 |
30 | 48 | communication | 通信 |
31 | 45 | cluster | 集まる |
32 | 44 | by | に |
33 | 44 | or | または |
34 | 40 | ap | adaptive platform(短縮名) |
35 | 39 | not | いいえ |
36 | 38 | autosar_sws_network | autosar_sws_network |
37 | 38 | id | identifier, 識別子(短縮名) |
38 | 37 | as | なので |
39 | 37 | atp | Autonomous Transaction Processing(短縮名) |
40 | 37 | repeat | 繰り返す |
41 | 34 | bit | 少し |
42 | 34 | node | 接点 |
43 | 32 | are | それは |
44 | 32 | if | もしも |
45 | 32 | pnc | partial network cluster(短縮名) |
46 | 30 | attr | attribute(短縮名) |
47 | 30 | set | 設定する |
48 | 28 | time | 時間 |
49 | 27 | adaptive | 適応 |
50 | 27 | it | それ |
51 | 27 | system | 系 |
52 | 27 | tags | 札 |
53 | 27 | timer | 計時器 |
54 | 25 | draft | 下男 |
55 | 25 | physical | 物理的 |
56 | 25 | service | 奉仕 |
57 | 24 | b | b |
58 | 24 | from | から |
59 | 24 | status | 状態 |
60 | 23 | on | の上 |
61 | 23 | request | 要求 |
62 | 23 | up | 上 |
63 | 22 | channel | 溝 |
64 | 22 | messages | 伝言 |
65 | 22 | transmission | 伝送 |
66 | 21 | all | すべて |
67 | 21 | mapping | 対応付け |
68 | 21 | prepare | 準備 |
69 | 21 | requested | 要求された |
70 | 21 | with | と |
71 | 20 | any | どれか |
72 | 20 | can | できる |
73 | 20 | description | 説明 |
74 | 20 | entered | 入力した |
75 | 20 | information | 情報 |
76 | 20 | operation | 手術 |
77 | 20 | ready | 準備 |
78 | 20 | table | 表 |
79 | 20 | udp | User Datagram Protocol(短縮名) |
80 | 19 | class | 級 |
81 | 19 | machine | 機械 |
82 | 19 | normal | 正常 |
83 | 19 | received | 受け取った |
84 | 19 | tables | 表 |
85 | 19 | timeout | 時間切れ |
86 | 19 | value | 価値 |
87 | 18 | an | と |
88 | 18 | referrable | 参照可能 |
89 | 18 | trace | 痕跡 |
90 | 17 | attribute | 属性 |
91 | 17 | data | 与件 |
92 | 17 | handling | 取り扱い |
93 | 17 | networks | 網 |
94 | 17 | no | いいえ |
95 | 17 | ref | reference(短縮名) |
96 | 17 | used | 使った |
97 | 17 | user | 利用者 |
98 | 16 | start | 始める |
99 | 16 | vlan | virtual local area network(短縮名) |
100 | 15 | connector | 接続器 |
101 | 15 | d | d |
102 | 15 | ethernet | イーサネット |
103 | 15 | logical | 論理的 |
104 | 15 | specific | 明確 |
[1] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[2] General Requirements specific to Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_RS_General
[3] Specification of the AUTOSAR Network Management Protocol, AUTOSAR_PRS_NetworkManagementProtocol
[4] Requirements on AUTOSAR Network Management, AUTOSAR_RS_NetworkManagement
[5] Specification of State Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_StateManagement
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Specification of Network Management, No.898, AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.02 URL修正 20221221
ver. 0.03 URL追記 20230206