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Specification of Diagnostic Log and Trace, AUTOSAR 22-11, CP, No.351

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-16

Specification of Diagnostic Log and Trace, AUTOSAR 22-11, CP, No.351

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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Term Description
APID Application ID
CTID Context ID
Dlt Diagnostic Log and Trace
MCNT Message Counter
MSBF Most Significant Byte First
MSBI Message Bus Info
MSCI Message Control Info
MSLI Message Log Info
MSTP Message Type
MSTI Message Trace Info
NOAR Number of Arguments
STMS Timestamp
UEH Use Extended Header
VERB Verbose
VERS Version Number
WSID With Session ID
WTMS With Timestamp
Log and trace message A log and trace message contains all data and options to describe a log and trace event in a software. A log and trace message consists of a header and payload.
Dlt User A Dlt User represents the source of a generated Dlt message. The possible users are SW-Cs, RTE (for VFB traces), DEM, or DET.
Log Message A Log Message contains debug information like state changes or value changes.
Trace Message A Trace messages contains information, which has passed via the VFB.
ECU ID ECU IDis the name of an ECU, composed by four 8-bit ASCII characters (e.g., ABS0 or COMB).
Session A session is a logical entity of source of log or trace messages. If an application / SW-C is instantiated several times, each instance gets a globally unique session ID with respect to the application / context ID. It is possible for an application / SWC to have several simultaneous log or trace sessions, if it has several ports opened to Dlt. Since Session ID is not specified in AUTOSAR for SW-Cs, the port defined argument values shall be used for this number.
Session ID Session ID is the identification number of a log or trace session.
Application ID Application ID is an abbreviation of an application / SW-C. It identifies the application / SW-C a log and trace message originates from. The Application ID is composed by four 8-bit ASCII characters.
Context ID Context ID is a user defined identifier to group Log and Trace Messages generated by an application / SW-C. The following rules apply: - Each ApplicationID can own several Context IDs. - Context IDs are grouped by Application IDs. - Context IDs shall be unique within an Application ID. - The source of a log and trace message is identified using the tuple “ApplicationID” and “ContextId”. Four 8-bit ASCII characters compose the ContextId.
Message ID Messaged ID is the identifier to characterize the information, which is transported by the message itself. A Message ID identifies a kind of log or trace message uniquely. It can be used for identifying the source (in source code) of a message and it can be used for characterizing the payload of a message. A Message ID is statically fixed at development or configuration time.
Log level A log level defines a classification for the severity grade of a Log Message.
Trace status The trace status provides information, if a trace message should be send.
Log Channel A physical communication bus, which is used to transmit Dlt messages.
External client The external client is a tool to control, monitor, and store log / trace messages provided by ECUs using the Dlt module.





Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。

[1] Log and Trace Protocol Specification with protocol version "1"
PRS_DLTProtocol.pdf from AUTOSAR Release R20-11;
[2] Log and Trace Protocol Specification with protocol version "2"
AUTOSAR_PRS_LogAndTraceProtocol.pdf from AUTOSAR Release R21-11;
[3] AUTOSAR Layered Software Architecture
[4] AUTOSAR General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[5] AUTOSAR Specification of RTE
[6] AUTOSAR Specification of PDU Router
[7] AUTOSAR Specification of NVRAM Manager
[8] AUTOSAR Specification of Default Error Tracer
[9] AUTOSAR Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager
[10] AUTOSAR Specification of GPT Driver
IEC 7498-1 The Basic Model, IEC Norm, 1994


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ver. 0.01 初稿 20221212
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230120


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