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Requirements on BSW Modules for SAE J1939, No.613, AUTOSAR 21-11 (207) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-27

Requirements on BSW Modules for SAE J1939, No.613, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 200文書読んだ。2022年5月に全部到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
AC SAE J1939 AddressClaimed PG
BSW Basic Software (module) of AUTOSAR
CA Controller Application
DA Destination Address
DET Default Error Tracer
DP Data Page
EDP Extended Data Page
J1939Dcm SAE J1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager
J1939Nm SAE J1939 Network Management
J1939Rm SAE J1939 Request Manager
J1939Tp SAE J1939 Transport Layer
MetaData PDU Meta Data
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PDU1 PDU Type 1s
PDU2 PDU Type 2s
PDUS PDU Specific
PG Parameter Group
PGN Parameter Group Number
SA Source Address
AddressClaimed Used to claim an address on an SAE J1939 bus (PGN = 0x0EE00).
Acknowledgement Used to acknowledge a Request on an SAE J1939 bus (PGN = 0x0E800).
Controller Application The role of an ECU that is tied to one source address.
Destination Address The address of the receiver of a PG.
Default Error Tracer Supports reporting of development errors and runtime errors.
Development Error An error that is surely detected during development time. This class of errors typically stops the ECU.
Data Page The most significant bit (MSB) of the 18 bit PGN.
Extended Data Page The second bit (after MSB) of the 18 bit PGN.
Local Address Refers to the source address of a transmitted PG and the destination address of a received PG.
PDU MetaData Meta data transferred alongside a PDU. For SAE J1939, this can
be the CAN ID, the SA, the DA, or the Priority of a PGN.
N-PDU PDU of the SAE J1939 Transport Layer, exchanged with the CAN Interface.
N-SDU SDU of the SAE J1939 Transport Layer, exchanged with the PDU Router.
Parameter Group A message on an SAE J1939 bus.
Parameter Group Number Identifier of a Parameter Group (18 bits, contains EDP, DP, PDUF, PDUS)
PDU Type 1 This kind of PGs can be sent to a specific destination address.
PDU Type 2 This kind of PGs is always broadcast to the whole network.
PDU Format The middle byte of the 18 bit PGN.
PDU Specific The lower byte of the 18 bit PGN.
Protocol Data Unit A message transferred between the layers of the AUTOSAR stack, also known as I-PDU.
Remote Address Refers to the destination address of a transmitted PG and the source address of a received PG.
Request / Request2 SAE J1939 PGs used to request information from another ECU (Request PGN = 0x0EA00, Request2 PGN = 0x0C900).
Runtime Error An error that is only detected during run-time of an ECU.
SAE J1939 A standard published by the SAE that describes the communication of ECUs of commercial vehicles (on-road and off-road). See also [8, SAE J1939].
SAE J1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager The SAE J1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager handles the diagnostic messages of the SAE J1939 Controller Applications implemented by an ECU. See also [9, SAE J1939 73].
SAE J1939 Network Management The SAE J1939 Network Management module handles the address arbitration of the SAE J1939 Controller Applications implemented by an ECU. See also [10, SAE J1939 81].
SAE J1939 Request Manager The SAE J1939 Request Manager handles the requests and acknowledgements of the SAE J1939 Controller Applications implemented by an ECU. See also [11, SAE J1939 21].
SAE J1939 Transport Layer The SAE J1939 Transport Layer module handles the SAE J1939 transport protocols for the Controller Applications implemented by an ECU. See also [11, SAE J1939 21].
Source Address The address of the transmitter of a PG.
TP.CM SAE J1939 Transport Protocol Connection Management message.
TP.DT SAE J1939 Transport Protocol Data Transfer message.





[1] Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939
[2] Specification of a Request Manager for SAE J1939
[3] Specification of Network Management for SAE J1939
[4] Specification of a Diagnostic Communication Manager for SAE J1939
[5] Requirements on Diagnostics
[6] Standardization Template
[7] Glossary
[8] SAE J1939 – Serial Control and Communications Heavy Duty Vehicle Network
[9] SAE J1939-73 Application Layer – Diagnostics
[10] SAE J1939-81 Network Management
[11] SAE J1939-21 Data Link Layer
[12] Main Requirements
[13] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


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