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SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification, No.802, AUTOSAR 21-11 (81) FO

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-15

SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification, No.802, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
Method a method, procedure, function, or subroutine that is called/invoked.
Parameters input, output, or input/output arguments of a method or an event
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) a method call from one ECU to another that is transmitted using messages
Request a message of the client to the server invoking a method
Response a message of the server to the client transporting results of a method invocation
Request/Response communication a RPC that consists of request and response
Fire&Forget communication a RPC call that consists only of a request message
Event A uni-directional data transmission that is only invoked on changes or cyclically and is sent from the producer of data to the consumers. One event could even be both sent cyclically and spontaneously on change. This is completely in the responsibility of the sending application because the receiver has no means at all to distinguish between those two.
Field a field does represent a status and thus has a valid value at all times on which getter, setter and notfier act upon.
Notification Event an event message the notifier of a field sends. The message of such a notifier cannot be distinguished from the event message; therefore, when refering to the message of an event, this shall also be true for the messages of notifiers of fields.
Getter a Request/Response call that allows read access to a field.
Setter a Request/Response call that allows write access to a field.
Notifier sends out event message with a new value on change of the value of the field.
Service a logical combination of zero or more methods, zero or more events, and zero or more fields (empty service is allowed, e.g. for announcing non-SOME/IP services in SOME/IP-SD)
Eventgroup a logical grouping of events and notification events of fields inside a service in order to allow subscription
Service Interface the formal specification of the service including its methods, events, and fields
Service Instance software implementation of the service interface, which can exist more than once in the vehicle and more than once on an ECU
Server The ECU offering a service instance shall be called server in the context of this service instance.
Client The ECU using the service instance of a server shall be called client in the context of this service instance.
Union or Variant a data structure that dynamically assumes different data types.
Offering a service instance that one ECU implements an instance of a service and tells other ECUs using SOME/IP-SD that they may use it.
Finding a service instance to send a SOME/IP-SD message in order to find a needed service instance.
Requiring a service instance to send a SOME/IP-SD message to the ECU implementing the required service instance with the meaning that this service instance is needed by the other ECU. This may be also sent if the service instance is not running; thus, was not offered yet.
Releasing a service instance to sent a SOME/IP-SD message to the ECU hosting this service instances with the meaning that the service instance is no longer needed.
Server-Service-Instance-Entry The configuration and required data of a service instance the local ECU offers, is called Server-Service-Instance-Entry at the ECU offering this service (Server).
Client-Service-Instance-Entry The configuration and required data of a service instance another ECU offers, is called Client-Service-Instance-Entry at the ECU using this service (Client)
Publishing an eventgroup to offer an eventgroup of a service instance to other ECUs using a SOME/IP-SD message
Subscribing an eventgroup to require an eventgroup of a service instance using a SOME/IPSD message.
unicast event Events which are transmitted to a unicast endpoint by the ECU which hosts a server service. The unicast endpoint is provided by a particular client service which has subscribed to this server service within the Endpoint Option referenced by a SubscribeEventgroup entry (see client service unicast endpoint).
multicast event Events which are transmitted to a multicast endpoint by the ECU which hosts a server service. A multicast endpoint could be provided by the server service (see server service multicast endpoint) and client service (see client service multicast endpoint).
server service multicast endpoint Multicast endpoint (including IP multicast address, port, and protocol) provided by the server service to announce where the server service transmits multicast-events to with respect to the configured MULTICAST_THRESHOLD.
client service unicast endpoint Unicast endpoint (including IP multicast address, port, and protocol) provided by the client service to announce where the client service expects to receive events from the corresponding server service. Please note, if the MULTICAST_THRESHOLD has been exceeded on server service side, then the server service automatically switches from the client service unicast endpoint to the server service multicast endpoint to provide events.
client service multicast endpoint Multicast endpoint (including IP multicast address, port, and protocol) provided by the client service to announce where the client service expects to receive events from the corresponding server service. This could be used alternatively to a client unicast endpoint. Please note, if the MULTICAST_THRESHOLD has been exceeded on server service side, then the server service automatically switches from the client service multicast endpoint to the server service multicast endpoint.
Security Association Mechanism to provide secure encrypted communication between commuication partners. This for example applies to IPSec, MACsec, (d)TLS and possible other security protocols.
Secured Port Network Port, on which a Security association is applied to be secured from unauthorized communication.



no. count word 日本語
1 1527 ip internet protocol
2 1151 the その
3 1089 sd_ SD_
4 812 service 奉仕
5 681 prs_some prs_some
6 521 to
7 464 of
8 438 shall しなければならない
9 407 rs_some rs_some
10 395 event 行事
11 340 a 一つの
12 328 and
13 316 be です
14 310 group
15 295 some いくつかの
16 282 protocol 規約
17 280 c c
18 266 discovery 発見
19 237 is
20 234 subscribe 申し込む
21 210 client 顧客
22 205 id id
23 202 multicast マルチキャスト
24 202 sd SD
25 196 option 選択肢
26 193 entry 記入
27 181 server 奉仕
28 179 endpoint 終点
29 177 for にとって
30 173 with
31 158 in 中に
32 153 set 設定する
33 143 x x
34 135 not いいえ
35 134 instance 実例
36 120 d d
37 119 if もし
38 116 autosar autosar
39 113 ipv ipv
40 112 this これ
41 109 from から
42 108 offer 定時
43 108 specification 仕様
44 104 as なので
45 104 document 資料
46 104 phase 段階
47 104 unicast ユニキャスト
48 103 by
49 102 r r
50 99 events 行事
51 96 fo foundation(短縮名)
52 95 autosar_prs_some autosar_prs_some
53 92 are それは
54 91 entries 記入
55 91 or または
56 85 subscribed 購読した
57 80 counter 計数器
58 80 options 選択肢
59 80 subscription 購読
60 80 that それ
61 79 port
62 77 bit binary digit(短縮名)
63 72 address 住所
64 72 initial 最初の
65 68 on の上
66 68 uint unsigned integer(短縮名)
67 67 ack acknowledge(短縮名)
68 67 used 使った
69 66 messages 伝言
70 64 type
71 63 reserved 予約済み
72 62 message 伝言
73 61 an 一つの
74 57 figure
75 57 receive 受け取る
76 57 version
77 56 length 長さ
78 52 number 番号
79 52 transport 輸送
80 51 e e
81 51 send 送信
82 50 tcp tcp
83 48 find 探す
84 47 configuration 構成
85 47 udp udp
86 46 field 分野
87 46 up
88 43 following 続く
89 43 it それ
90 43 same 同じ
91 42 repetition 繰り返し
92 42 wait 待つ
93 41 only それだけ
94 40 use 使う
95 39 state 状態
96 38 layer
97 37 which どの
98 36 run 走る
99 36 ttl time to live(短縮名)
100 35 different 違う
101 35 note 覚書
102 35 reboot 再起動
103 35 services 奉仕
104 35 stop 止める


[1] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary


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