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Specification of CAN Interface, No.12, AUTOSAR 21-11 (203) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-27

Specification of CAN Interface, No.12, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 160文書読んだ。2022年5月に半分到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
CAN L-PDU CAN Protocol Data Unit. Consists of an identifier, Data Length and data (SDU) Visible to the CAN driver.
CAN L-SDU CAN Service Data Unit. Data that are transported inside the CAN L-PDU. Visible to the upper layers of the CAN interface (e.g. PDU Router).
CanDrv CAN Driver module
CAN FD CAN with Flexible Data-Rate
CanId CAN Identifier
CanIf CAN Interface module
CanNm CAN Network Management module
CanSm CAN State Manager module
CanTp CAN Transport Layer module
CanTrcv CAN Transceiver Driver module
CanTSyn Global Time Synchronization over CAN
ComM Communication Manager module
DCM Diagnostic Communication Manager module
EcuM ECU State Manager module
HOH CAN hardware object handle
HRH CAN hardware receive handle
HTH CAN hardware transmit handle
J1939Nm J1939 Network Management module
J1939Tp J1939 Transport Layer module
PduR PDU Router module
PN Partial Networking
SchM Scheduler Module
Buffer Fixed sized memory area for a single data unit (e.g. CAN ID, Data Length, SDU, etc.) is stored at a dedicated memory address in RAM.
CAN communication matrix Describes the complete CAN network: • Participating nodes • Definition of all CAN PDUs (Identifier, Data Length) • Source and Sinks for PDUs
CAN Controller A CAN Controller is a CPU on-chip or external standalone hardware device. One CAN Controller is connected to one physical channel.
CAN Device Driver Generic term of CAN Driver and CAN Transceiver Driver.
CAN Hardware Unit A CAN Hardware Unit may consist of one or multiple CAN Controllers of the same type and one, two or multiple CAN RAM areas. The CAN Hardware Unit is located on-chip or as external device. The CAN hardware unit is represented by one CAN Driver.
CanIf Controller mode state machine This is not really a state machine, which may be influenced by transmission requests. This is an image of the current abstracted state of an appropriate CAN Controller. The state transitions can only be realized by upper layer modules like the CanSm or by external events like e.g. if a BusOff occurred.
CanIf Receive L-PDU / CanIf Rx L-PDU L-PDU of which the direction is set to "lower to upper layer".
CanIf Receive L-PDU buffer / CanIfRxBuffer Single element RAM buffer located in the CAN Interface module to store whole receive L-PDUs.
CanIf Transmit L-PDU / CanIf Tx L-PDU L-PDU of which the direction is set to "upper to lower layer".
CanIf Transmit L-PDU buffer / CanIfTxBuffer Single CanIfTxBuffer element located in the CanIf to store one or multiple CanIf Tx L-PDUs. If the buffersize of a single CanIfTxBuffer element is set to 0, a CanIfTxBuffer element is only used to refer a HTH.
Hardware object / HW object A CAN hardware object is defined as a PDU buffer inside the CAN RAM of the CAN Hardware Unit / CAN Controller.
Hardware Receive Handle(HRH) The Hardware Receive Handle (HRH) is defined and provided by the CAN Driver. Each HRH typically represents just one hardware object. The HRH is used as a parameter by the CAN Interface Layer for i.e. software filtering.
Hardware Transmit Handle(HTH) The Hardware Transmit Handle (HTH) is defined and provided by the CAN Driver. Each HTH typically represents just one or multiple CAN hardware objects that are configured as CAN hardware transmit buffer pool.
Inner priority inversion Transmission of a high-priority L-PDU is prevented by the presence of a pending low-priority L-PDU in the same transmit hardware object.
Integration Code Code that the Integrator needs to add to an AUTOSAR System, to adapt non-standardized functionalities. Examples are Callouts of the ECU State Manager and Callbacks of various other BSW modules. The I/O Hardware Abstraction is called Integration Code, too.
Lowest In - First Out / LOFO This is a data storage procedure, whereas always the elements with the lowest values will be extracted.
L-PDU channel group Group of CAN L-PDUs, which belong to just one underlying network. Usually they are handled by one upper layer module.
Outer priority inversion A time gap occurs between two consecutive transmit L-PDUs. In this case a lower priority L-PDU from another node can prevent sending the own higher priority L-PDU. Here the higher priority LPDU cannot participate in arbitration during network access because the lower priority L-PDU already won the arbitration.
Physical channel A physical channel represents an interface from a CAN Controller to the CAN Network. Different physical channels of the CAN Hardware Unit may access different networks.
Tx request Transmit request to the CAN Interface module from a upper layer module of the CanIf





[1] Specification of CAN Driver
[2] Specification of CAN Transceiver Driver
[3] Specification of CAN State Manager
[4] Specification of CAN Network Management
[5] Specification of CAN Transport Layer
[6] Specification of PDU Router
[7] Layered Software Architecture
[8] Glossary
[9] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[10] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[11] Requirements on CAN
[12] ISO 11898-1:2015 – Road vehicles – Controller area network (CAN)
[13] Specification of ECU State Manager
[14] Specification of ECU Configuration


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