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Security Extract Template, No.980, AUTOSAR R21-11 (66) FO

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-11

Security Extract Template, No.980, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
Filter Chain A set of consecutive filters which is applied to Security EventsIntrusion Detection System An Intrusion Detection System is a security control which detects and processes security events.
Intrusion Detection System Reporter The Intrusion Detection System Reporter handles qualified security events received from Idsm instances.
Security Extract The Security Extract specifies which security events are handled by IdsM instances and their configuration parameters.
Security Event Type A security event type can be identified by its security event type ID. Instances of security event types are called security events and share the same security event type ID.
Security Events Onboard Security Events are instances of security event types which are reported by BSW or SWC to the IdsM.
Security Event Memory A user defined diagnostic event memory which is independent from the primary diagnostic event memory.
Security Sensors BSW or SWC which report security events to the Idsm.
Qualified Security Events Security events which pass their filter chain are regarded asQualified Security Events.
Security Event Memory User defined diagnostic event memory which is separated fromthe main diagnostic event memory.
Security Incident and Event Management Process for handling a confirmed security incident
Security Operation Centre Organization of security and domain experts who are analyzing security events and contributing to mitigation of threats.
ARXML AUTOSAR XML, i.e. AUTOSAR Extensible Markup Language
ECU Electronic Control Unit (in AUTOSAR context, an ECU runs a single AUTOSAR Basic Software of the Classic Platform)
ECU-HW Electronic Control Unit Hardware, i.e. the physical housing of one or more (possibly virtual) Classic Platform ECUs and/or Adaptive Platform Machines
FC Functional Cluster
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IdsM Intrusion Detection System Manager
IdsR Intrusion Detection System Reporter
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
SECX T Security Extract
SEv Security Event
QSEv Qualified Security Event
Sem Security Event Memory
SIEM Security Incident and Event Management
SOC Security Operation Centre
SOP Start Of Production
SWCL Software Cluster



count word 日本語
1343 the その
774 of
605 security 安全
359 to
357 id id
333 template 雛形
328 a 一つの
303 in
293 extract 抽出する
275 this これ
267 for にとって
263 event 行事
254 instance 実例
243 is です
212 bsw basic software(短縮名)
207 autosar autosar
203 idsm idsm
197 mapping 対応付け
186 and
178 be です
173 sm state management(短縮名)
170 atp atp
170 class
169 attribute 属性
163 by
161 draft 原案
159 tps_secxt_ tps_secxt_
157 events 行事
152 an 一つの
151 type
138 that それ
137 definition 意味
135 status 状態
131 parameter 引数
126 context 文脈
122 tags
119 document 文書
118 element 要素
117 m m
117 note 覚書
112 time 時間
110 filter 濾過
109 r r
108 description 説明
105 shall しなければならない
101 on の上
96 are です
95 meta
92 platform 土台
90 autosar_tps_security autosar_tps_security
90 fo foundation(短縮名)
86 as なので
80 with
79 ecuc ecuc
76 configuration 構成
76 rs_secxt_ rs_secxt_
76 system
75 data 与件
75 referrable 参照可能
71 defines 定義する
70 interval 間隔
69 ar AUTOSAR(短縮名)
69 c c
67 if もしも
67 integer 整数
67 package 小包
67 valid 有効
67 which どの
64 e e
63 all すべて
63 ecu ecu
63 semantics 意味
61 atpvariation atpvariation
61 represents を表す
60 or または
60 table
59 identifiable 識別可能
59 module 部品
58 base 基づく
58 used 使った
57 role 役割
56 positive 肯定的
55 can できる
55 ids ids
55 name 名前
54 crypto 暗号
54 defined 定義済み
54 string 文字列
53 object
51 network 通信網
51 referenced 参照
50 definitions 定義
50 idscommonelement idscommonelement
48 classic 古典
48 reported 報告
46 it それ
46 key
46 reference 参照
45 adaptive 適応
44 kind 親切


[1] Specification of Intrusion Detection System Manager
[2] Diagnostic Extract Template
[3] System Template
[4] Specification of Manifest
[5] Standardization Template
[6] Standardized M1 Models used for the Definition of AUTOSAR
[7] Specification of Cryptography
[8] Specification of Basic Software Mode Manager
[9] Generic Structure Template


関連文書(Related document)

Security Extract Template, AUTOSAR R22-11, FO, No.980

文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20220528
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221229


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