13th Autosar Open Conference
12th Autosar Open Conference
AUTOSAR 21-11, 335文書読んだ。2022年6月初旬にFO, AP, CP全部到達。
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platformには、Demonstratorという提供物がある。
Adaptive Platform Demonstrator
904 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster RESTful は、2021に廃止。
842 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Communication Management
843 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Execution Management
1.1.2 Dependencies on other Functional Clusters
• Persistency
• Log and Trace
844 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Diagnostics
859 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Persistency
861 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Log and Trace
894 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Update And Configuration Management
901 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Identity and Access Management
905 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Time Synchronization
1016 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster State Management
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform Description(or VFB++)
Which version of Adaptive Platform Demonstrator is supported for AUTOSAR Blockset R2019b?
865 Adaptive Platform Demonstrator Release Notes