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Specification of PDU Router, AUTOSAR R21-11(169) CP, No.35

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-04

Specification of PDU Router, AUTOSAR R21-11(169) CP, No.35

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022





AUTOSAR R22-11記事一覧はこちら。



Term Description
Upper Layer Modules(Up) Modules above the PDU Router. This layer usually includes Com and Diagnostic Communication Manager (Dcm).
Lower Layer Modules(Lo) Modules below the PDU Router. This layer may include CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet Communication Interface modules and the respective TP modules.
PDU Router Module that transfers I-PDUs from one module to another module. The PDU Router module can be utilized for gateway operations and for internal routing purposes.
on-the-fly gatewaying Gateway capability; routing between two TP modules where forwarding of data is started (when a specified threshold is reached) before all data have been received. If larger amount of data is transported between two interfaces it is desirable to be able to start the transmission on the destination network before receiving all data from the source network. This saves memory and time.
multicast operation Simultaneous transmission of PDUs to a group of receivers, i.e. 1:n routing.
data provision Provision of data to interface modules. (a) direct data provision: data to be transmitted are provided directly at the transmit request. The destination Communication Interface may behave in two ways, either copy the data directly or defer the copy to a trigger transmit. (b) trigger transmit data provision: data to be transmitted are not provided at the transmit request, but will be retrieved by the Communication Interface module via a callback function.
last-is-best buffering Buffering strategy where the latest value overwrites the last value.
FIFO buffering Buffer concept, which uses first in first out strategy.
I-PDU ID I-PDU Identifier.
I-PDU Interaction Layer PDU. An I-PDU consists of data (buffer), length and I-PDU ID. The PDU Router will mainly route I-PDUs (exception is on-the-fly gatewaying).
N-PDU Network Layer PDU. Used by Transport Protocol modules to fragment an I-PDU.
L-PDU Data Link Layer PDU. One or more I-PDUs are packed into one L-PDU. The L-PDU is busspecific, e.g. CAN frame.
SF Single Frame, Transport Protocol term.
FF First Frame, Transport Protocol term.
CF Consecutive Frame, Transport Protocol term.
PDU Protocol Data Unit.
BSW Basic Software.
Lower layer Communication Interface module acting as a source of the I-PDU. The SrcLo is always one.
Lower layer Communication Interface module acting as a destination of the I-PDU. The DstLo may by one to many.
Lower layer Transport Protocol module acting as a source of the I-PDU. The SrcLoTp is always one.
Lower layer Transport Protocol module acting as a destination of the I-PDU. The DstLoTp may by one to many.
Lower layer communication interface module.
Upper layer Communication Interface and/or Transport Protocol module.
Lower layer Transport Protocol module.
Any type of module <...>.





[1] Layered Software Architecture
[2] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[3] Requirements on Gateway
[4] Specification of I-PDU Multiplexer
[5] List of Basic Software Modules
[6] Specification of ECU Configuration
[7] Specification of Communication Stack Types
[8] Guide to BSW Distribution

Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。

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Specification of PDU Router, AUTOSAR R21-11(169) CP, No.35(2)


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221205
ver. 0.02 URL訂正 20221219

ver. 0.03 Countdown Calendar 変更 20230107


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