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Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.19

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-20

Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.19

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AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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Term Description
Activation Mode 1 Absence of malfunction - The MIL shall blink for one flash.
Activation Mode 2 "on-demand-MI" - The MIL shall show blink for two flashes if the OBD system would command an on-demand-MI according to the discriminatory display strategy.
Activation Mode 3 "short-MI" - The MIL shall blink for three flashes if the OBD system would command a short-MI according to the discriminatory display strategy.
Activation Mode 4 "continuous-MI" - The MIL shall remain continuously ON ("continuous-MI") if the OBD system would command a continuous-MI according to the discriminatory display strategy.
Aging Unlearning/deleting of a no longer failed event/DTC after a defined number of operation cycles from event memory.
Aging Counter The "Aging Counter" or "Aging Cycle Counter" or "DTC Aging Counter" specifies the counter which is used to perform Aging. It counts the number of operation cycles until an event/DTC is removed from event memory.
Class B1 counter Number of engine hours during which a Class B1 malfunction has been Confirmed and TestFailed.
Combined DTC Normal DTC, but referenced by multiple events reported by several monitors (e.g. ECU Defect, consisting of different HW defects).
Continuous-MI counter Hours run by the engine while a continuous MI is commanded.
Cumulative Continuous-MI counter Number of engine hours during which MI has been continuously commanded to be on during its lifetime.
Debounce counter Internal counter for counter-based debouncing algorithm(s).
DemComponent / Monitored Component A monitored component is a part of the system, which is checked for proper operation by one or several monitorings. (see chapter 7.5)
Dem-internal data value Some data values (e.g. the occurrence counter) are calculated by the Dem module itself internally.
Denominator The denominator of a specific monitor m (Denominatorm) is a counter indicating the number of vehicle driving events, taking into account conditions specific to that specific monitor.
Dependent / Secondary ECUs Dependent / Secondary (or dep. / sec. ) ECUs are always related to a Master or a Primary ECU.
Directed acyclic graph Dependency graph without circular dependencies.
Displacement Replacing the the most insignificant event memory entry by a more significant event memory entry which needs to be stored.
DTC group Uniquely identifies an set of DTCs. A DTC group is mapped into the range of valid DTCs. By providing a group of DTCs it is expressed that a certain operation is requested on all DTCs of that group. The DTC group definition is provided by ISO 14229-1[2] and OEM/supplier specific.
DtcGroupAllDtcs Grouping of all configured DTCS (representation is 0xFFFFFF).
Event combination Event combination is a method to merge several events to one specific combined DTC. It is used to adapt different monitor results to one significant fault, which is clearly evaluable in a service station.
Event debouncing Debouncing is a specific mechanism (e.g. counter-based) to evaluate, if the diagnostic event gets qualified. This works on top of potential signal debouncing and can be done within the SW-C or inside the Dem.
Event confirmation A diagnostic event is confirmed in case of repeated detection of qualified events over cycles or time evaluated by means of fault confirmation counters. Therefore, also the UDS status bit 3 (ConfirmedDTC) is set. Event memory An event memory (e.g. Primary memory) consists of several event memory entries.
Event memory entry The event memory entry is a single storage container for an event and its event related data. The event memory entry is dynamically assigned to specific events.
Event memory overflow indication The event memory overflow indication indicates, if this specific event memory is full and the next event occurs to be stored in this event memory.
Event qualification A diagnostic event is qualified in case of a passed or a failed result is set (Dem-internal or reported from another BSW module or SW-C).
Event related data Event related data is additional data, e.g. sensor values or time stamp/mileage, which is stored with an event in an event memory. ISO defines two types of event related data: freeze frames (snapshot records) and extended data.
Event status byte Status byte as defined in ISO 14229-1 [1], based on event level.
Extended data record An extended data record is a record to store specific information assigned to a fault.
Failure counter The Failure counter represents the Trip Counter according to ISO14229-1 [2]. The Trip Counter counts the number of operation cycles (driving cycles) where a malfunction occurred. If the counter reaches the threshold (e.g., 2 driving cycles) the confirmed bit changes from 0 to 1.
Fault Detection Counter sint8 value as used in ISO and FDC-APIs.
Freeze frame Freeze frame is defined as a record of data (DIDs/PIDs). Freeze frames are the same as SnapShotRecords in ISO-14229-1[2].
General Denominator The general denominator is a counter indicating the number of times a vehicle has been operated, taking into account general conditions.
Healing Switching off the warning indicator including the handling of reported passed results over a period of time / several operation cycles
In-Use performance ratio The in-use performance ratio (IUPR) of a specific monitor m of the OBD system is: IUPRm = Numeratorm / Denominatorm
Master ECU As a primary ECU a Master ECU stores “it’s own” and “reported errors” of related dep. / sec ECUs in it’s event memory. Beside this a Master has to fulfill special Master tasks as MIL Master or provision of “general nominator” information.
Monitor A diagnostic monitor is a routine entity determining the proper functionality of a component. Alternatively the term “diagnostic function” can be used.
Numerator The numerator of a specific monitor m (Numeratorm) is a counter indicating the number of times a vehicle has been operated such that all monitoring conditions necessary for that specific monitor to detect a malfunction have been encountered.
NvM is marked for NvM_WriteAll The Dem has called NvM_SetRamBlockStatus() to set the according NvM Block to be written by NvM_WriteAll()
Operating cycle An ‘operation cycle’ is the base of the event qualifying and also Dem scheduling (e.g. ignition key off-on cycles, driving cycles, etc.)
OBD On-Board Diagnostics, or OBD is a generic term referring to a vehicle’s self-diagnostic and reporting capability. OBD systems give the vehicle owner or a repair technician access to state of health information for various vehicle sub-systems.
OBD ECUs "In a vehicle there can be 3 different types of OBD ECUs: • Master ECU (one per vehicle) • Primary ECUprimary ECUs (several per vehicle) • Dependent / Secondary ECUs (several per vehicle)
OBD UDS DTC separation The feature will report a different 3 byte DTC number for SAE J1979-2 based UDS communication than for none J1979-2 UDS communication
P-Code Power train code
PFC cycle Permanent fault code - driving cycle (OBD Term)
Positive Callback from NvM The Dem module shall use the APIs NvM_WriteBlock and NvM_GetErrorStatus of the NVRAMManager [5], if there is the necessity to store data between Dem_Init and Dem_Shutdown. Furthermore the API NvM_GetErrorStatus shall wait for positive response if writing of block completed successfully.
PossibleErrors PossibleErrors means the ApplicationErrors as defined in meta model
Primary ECU A primary ECU stores “it’s own” and "reported errors" of related dep. / sec ECUs in it’s event memory
RBM cycle OBD Term: General Nominator / Rate-based monitoring - driving cycle (OBD Term)
Readiness The readiness refers to the tested bits TestNotCompletedSinceLastClear (bit 4) and TestNotCompleteThisOperationCycle (bit 6) of the UDS status byte.
Triggered to NvM The Dem module shall use the API NvM_WriteBlock of the NVRAMManager [5], if there is the necessity to trigger the storage of data between Dem_Init and Dem_Shutdown. Furthermore the Dem module shall wait for positive response of NvM_WriteBlock if request has been accepted.
UDS status bit 0 testFailed bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates the result of the most recently performed test.
UDS status bit 1 testFailedThisOperationCycle bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates whether or not a diagnostic test has reported a testFailed result at any time during the current operation cycle.
UDS status bit 2 pendingDTC bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates whether or not a diagnostic test has reported a testFailed result at any time during the current or last completed operation cycle.
UDS status bit 3 confirmedDTC bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates whether a malfunction was detected enough times to warrant that the DTC is desired to be stored in long-term memory.
UDS status bit 4 testNotCompletedSinceLastClear bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates whether a DTC test has ever run and completed since the last time a call was made to ClearDiagnosticInformation.
UDS status bit 5 testFailedSinceLastClear bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates whether a DTC test has completed with a failed result since the last time a call was made to ClearDiagnosticInformation.
UDS status bit 6 testNotCompletedThisOperationCycle bit of the UDS status byte. Indicates whether a DTC test has ever run and completed during the current operation cycle.
UDS status bit 7 warningIndicatorRequested bit of the UDS status byte. Report the status of any warning indicators associated with a particular DTC.
UDS status byte Status byte as defined in ISO 14229-1 [1], based on DTC level.
API Application Programming Interface
BSW Basic Software
CDD Complex Device Driver
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
Dcm Diagnostic Communication Manager
Dem Diagnostic Event Manager
Det Default Error Tracer
DID Data Identifier
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTR Diagnostic Test Result
DYC OBD Term: Driving Cycle (OBD Term)
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EcuM Electronic Control Unit Manager
FDC Fault Detection Counter
Fim Function Inhibition Manager
FMI Failure Mode Indicator (SAE J1939)
FT B Failure Type Byte
HW Hardware
ID Identification/Identifier
ISO International Standardization Organization
IUMPR In Use Monitoring Performance Ratio (OBD Term)
J1939Dcm SAEJ1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager
MIL Malfunction Indicator Light (SAE J1979) or Lamp (SAE J1939)
NVRAM Non volatile RAM
OBD On-Board-Diagnostics
OC Occurrence Count (SAE J1939)
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer (Automotive Manufacturer)
OS Operating System
PID Parameter Identification (SAE J1587 or SAE J1979)
PTO Power Take Off
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read-only Memory
RTE Runtime Environment
SPN Suspect Parameter Number (SAE J1939)
SSCP synchronous server call point
SW Software
SW-C Software Component
UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
VOBD Vehicle On-Board-Diagnostic
WUC OBD Term: Warm up cycle (OBD Term)
WIR Warning Indicator Request
WWH-OBD World Wide Harmonized On-Board-Diagnostic





[1] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1: Specification and requirements (Release 2006-12)
[2] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1: Specification and requirements (Release 2013-03)
[3] Road vehicles – Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements – Part 1: General information and use case definition
[4] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[5] Specification of NVRAM Manager
[6] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[7] Specification of a Diagnostic Communication Manager for SAE J1939
[8] Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager
[9] Specification of Diagnostic Communication Manager
[10] Requirements on Diagnostics
[11] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[12] Road vehicles – Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emission-related diagnostic – Part 5: Emission-related diagnostic services. http://www.iso.org
[13] SAE J2012-DA Digital
[14] SAE J1939-73 Application Layer – Diagnostics
[15] Road vehicles – Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles – Part 4: Diagnostic communication http://www.iso.org
[16] ISO 17356-3: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applications – Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)
[17] SAE J1979
[18] SAE J1979-DA Digital Annex of E/E Diagnostic Test Modes
[19] Title 13, California Code Regulations, Section 1971.1, On-Board Diagnostic System Requirements for 2013 and Subsequent Model-Year Heavy-Duty Engines (HD OBD)
[20] Title 13, California Code Regulations, Section 1968.2, Malfunction and Diagnostic System Requirements for 2004 and Subsequent Model-Year Passenger Cars,
Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles and Engines (OBD II) (Biennial Review MY08-11)
[21] Road vehicles – Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements – Part 3: Common message dictionary http://www.iso.org
[22] Software Component Template
[23] Diagnostic Extract Template

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Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager, No.19, CP, AUTOSAR R22-11 新


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221220
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230212


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