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a merged list of Autosar abbreviation list v.2

Last updated at Posted at 2020-02-13

a merged list of Autosar abbreviation list v.2

Autosar list ofreference, abbreviation and term.(191-237/237): English(40)
Autosar list of reference, abbreviation and term.(141-190/237): English(40a)

a merged list of Autosar abbreviation list

*1 additional last word such as driver, library and so on.
*2 additional first word such as AUTOSAR
*3 additional other word in the phrase.
*4 different meaning such as management and module
*5 misspelling
*6 term
*7 singular or plural


doc abbreviation meaning
156 CA Certificate Authority
182 CA Controller Application, role of an ECU tied to one address
201 CA Cooperative Awareness


doc abbreviation meaning
144 CF Consecutive Frame Fr N-PDU
158 CF Continuous Frame in LIN TP


No. Doc. Abbreviation Meaning comment
306 225 (Adaptive) Machine Machine that represents an Adaptive AUTOSAR Software Stack.
935 190 (G)TD (Global) Time Domain
848 195 (G)TD (Global) Time Domain
819 196 (G)TD (Global) Time Domain
803 197 (G)TD (Global) Time Domain
804 197 (G)TM (Global) Time Master
936 190 (G)TM (Global)Time Master
849 195 (G)TM (Global)Time Master
820 196 (G)TM (Global)Time Master
1089 172 <DstLo> Lower layer communication interface module acting as a destination of the I-PDU. The DstLo may by one to many.
1091 172 <DstLoTp> Lower layer transport protocol module acting as a destination of the I-PDU. The DstLoTp may by one to many.
1092 172 <Lo> Lower layer communication interface module
1094 172 <LoTp> Lower layer transport protocol module
1095 172 <module> Any type of module <\.\.\.>
1088 172 <SrcLo> Lower layer communication interface module acting as a source of the I-PDU. The SrcLo is always one.
1090 172 <SrcLoTp> Lower layer transport protocol module acting as a source of the I-PDU. The SrcLoTp is always one.
1093 172 <Up> Upper layer module
617 209 A2L File Extension for an ASAM 2MC Language File
33 234 AA Adaptive Application
292 225 ABI Application Binary Interface
1187 163 abs Absolute value
1161 164 Abs Absolute value
1162 164 AbsDiff Absolute value of a difference
1037 181 AC J1939 AddressClaimed PG (PGN = 0x0EE00)
1022 182 AC J1939 AddressClaimed PG (PGN = 0x0EE00)
1023 182 ACK J1939 Acknowledgement PG (ACKM) with control byte set to 0
1043 180 ACKM Acknowledgement Message, J1939 PGN 0E80016
1024 182 ACKM J1939 Acknowledgement PG (PGN = 0x0E800)
770 199 Adaptive Application see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
775 199 Adaptive Platform Foundation see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
776 199 Adaptive Platform Services see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
170 229 Adc ADC Driver *1
34 234 ADC Analog Digital Converter
1163 164 Add Addition
446 217 AES Advanced Encryption Standard
1533 144 AF Acknowledge Frame (please refer to ISO 10681-2) *5
1567 142 AF Acknowledgement Frame
667 206 AI Alive Indication
648 208 AIFS Arbitration Inter Frame Space
35 234 AMM Application Mode Management
594 210 AP Adaptive Platform
167 231 AP Adaptive Platform
293 225 AP AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform *2
36 234 AP AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform *2
1467 146 API Application program interface *5
1431 147 API Application Program Interface
1228 159 API Application Program Interface
1209 160 API Application Program Interface
1535 143 API Application Programming Interface
1391 148 API Application Programming Interface
1370 149 API Application Programming Interface
1097 170 API Application Programming Interface
1050 178 API Application Programming Interface
961 188 API Application Programming Interface
789 198 API Application Programming Interface
715 201 API Application Programming Interface
691 203 API Application Programming Interface
595 210 API Application Programming Interface
518 212 API Application Programming Interface
447 217 API Application Programming Interface
387 219 API Application Programming Interface
294 225 API Application Programming Interface
37 234 API Application Programming Interface
771 199 Application see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
768 199 Application Error Errors returned by UCM
1164 164 AR Autosar
1098 170 AR AUTOSAR
38 234 ARA AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications
974 185 ARP Address Resolution Protocol
901 191 ARP Address Resolution Protocol
39 234 ARP Address Resolution Protocol
40 234 ARTI AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface
596 210 ARXML AutosarR XML
1 237 ASA Active Steering Actuator
618 209 ASAM Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems
41 234 ASAM Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring systems
597 210 ASD Abstract System Description
42 234 ASD Abstract System Description
432 218 ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level
43 234 ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Levels
44 234 ASW Application SoftWare
448 217 ATP AUTOSAR Template Profile
45 234 ATS Acceptance Test Suite
1522 144 AUTOSAR Automotive Open System Architecture
1432 147 AUTOSAR Automotive Open System Architecture
1392 148 AUTOSAR Automotive Open System Architecture
1279 157 AUTOSAR Automotive Open System Architecture
1229 159 AUTOSAR Automotive Open System Architecture
616 209 AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture
46 234 AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open System Architecture
2 237 AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture
1536 143 AUTOSAR Automotove Open Systems Architecture
772 199 AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
773 199 AUTOSAR Classic Platform see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
938 190 AVB Audio Video Bridging
822 196 AVB Audio Video Bridging
766 199 Backend Backend is a server hosting Software Packages
1004 183 BAM Broadcast Announce Message, broadcast variant of SAE J1939 transport protocol
1393 148 BD Bus Driver
266 229 Bfx BFx Library
47 234 BFx Bitfield functions for fixed point
30 235 BIST Built-In Self Tests
273 229 Bmc BSWMulticore Library
939 190 BMCA Best Master Clock Algorithm
823 196 BMCA Best Master Clock Algorithm
173 229 BndM Bulk NvData Manager
388 219 BOM Byte Order Mark
769 199 Boot options Boot Manager Configuration
716 201 BS Basic Service
1480 145 BSW (AUTOSAR) Basic Software
1537 143 BSW Basic Software
1433 147 BSW Basic Software
1394 148 BSW Basic Software
1371 149 BSW Basic Software
1362 150 BSW Basic Software
1230 159 BSW Basic Software
1165 164 BSW Basic Software
1150 166 BSW Basic Software
1099 170 BSW Basic Software
1087 172 BSW Basic Software
890 192 BSW Basic Software
868 193 BSW Basic Software
790 198 BSW Basic Software
717 201 BSW Basic Software
692 203 BSW Basic Software
668 206 BSW Basic Software
619 209 BSW Basic Software
571 211 BSW Basic Software
519 212 BSW Basic Software
328 222 BSW Basic Software
48 234 BSW Basic Software
3 237 BSW Basic Software
1038 181 BSW Basic Software (module)
1025 182 BSW Basic Software (module)
1584 141 BSW BasicSoftWare
520 212 BswM Basic Software Manager *3
669 206 BswM Basic Software Mode Manager
49 234 BSWM Basic SoftWare Mode manager
995 184 BswM Basis software manager
1231 159 BswM BSW Mode Manager
171 229 BswM BSW Mode Manager
1100 170 BSWMD Basic Software Module Description
572 211 BSWMD Basic Software Module Description
50 234 BSWMD Basic SoftWare Module Description
573 211 BSWMDT Basic Software Module Description Template
751 200 BTP Basic Transport Protocol
718 201 BTP Basic Transport Protocol
704 202 BTP Basic Transport Protocol
693 203 BTP Basic Transport Protocol
752 200 BTP-A BTP header type denoting interactive packet transport
753 200 BTP-B BTP header type denoting non-interactive packet transport
1312 156 CA Certificate Authority *4
1026 182 CA Controller Application, role of an ECU tied to one address *4
719 201 CA Cooperative Awareness *4
754 200 CAM Cooperative Awareness Message
720 201 CAM Cooperative Awareness Message
694 203 CAM Cooperative Awareness Message
175 229 Can CAN Driver *1
940 190 CAN Controller Area Network
851 195 CAN Controller Area Network
620 209 CAN Controller Area Network
521 212 CAN Controller Area Network
450 217 CAN Controller Area Network
389 219 CAN Controller Area Network
344 221 CAN Controller Area Network
329 222 CAN Controller Area Network
51 234 CAN Controller Area Network
4 237 CAN Controller Area Network
891 192 CanIf CAN Interface
869 193 CanIf CAN Interface
621 209 CanIf CAN Interface
176 229 CanIf CAN Interface
1134 168 CanIf CAN Interface module *2
884 193 CanNm CAN Network Management
177 229 CanNm CAN Network Management
1135 168 CanNm CAN Network Management module *2
885 193 CanSM CAN State Manager
178 229 CanSM CAN State Manager
180 229 CanTp CAN Transport Layer *5
1508 144 CanTp CAN Transport Protocol
886 193 CanTp CAN Transport Protocol
179 229 CanTrcv CAN Tranceiver Driver
249 229 CanTSyn Time Sync Over CAN *4
852 195 CanTSyn Time Synchronization module for CAN *4
941 190 CanTSyn Time Synchronization Provider module for CAN *3
1481 145 CAS Collision Avoidance Symbol
345 221 CAS Collision Avoidance Symbol
346 221 CB Control Bit VectorV
705 202 CBF Contention-Based Forwarding DET Default Error Tracer
649 208 CBR Channel Busy Ratio
1143 168 CBV Control Bit Vector in NM-message
1482 145 CC (FlexRay) Communication Controller
1542 143 CC Communication Controller
1461 146 CC Communication Controller
1434 147 CC Communication Controller
1395 148 CC Communication Controller
1136 168 CC Communication controller
347 221 CC Communication Controller
330 222 CC Communication Controller
52 234 CCF Common Cause Failure
31 235 CDD Complex Device Driver
1483 145 CDD Complex Driver
1101 170 CDD Complex Driver
53 234 CDD Complex Driver *5 complex device driver
1568 142 CF Consecutive Frame
1510 144 CF Consecutive Frame Fr N-PDU *4
1085 172 CF Consecutive Frame, Transport Protocol term
1259 158 CF Continuous Frame in LIN TP *4
1210 160 Channel A channel is a software exchange medium for data that are defined with the same criteria.
1543 143 CHI Controller Host Interface
1435 147 CHI Controller Host Interface
1484 145 CHI Controller Host Interface of a FlexRay CC
824 196 CID Company ID (IEEE)
650 208 CIT Channel Idle Time
1067 175 CM AUTOSAR Adaptive Communication Management
348 221 CMAC Cipher-based message authentication code
1005 183 CMDT Connection Mode Data Transfer, peer-to-peer variant of SAE J1939 transport protocol
1569 142 COM AUTOSAR COM module *3
1511 144 COM AUTOSAR Communications module
181 229 Com COM *4
1280 157 COM Communication
1102 170 COM Communication
55 234 COM Communication *4
1485 145 COM Communication (AUTOSAR BSW module)
152 232 com Communication Management *4
1468 146 Com Communication module
331 222 COM Communication module *4
5 237 COM Communication module *4
1436 147 ComM AUTOSAR Communication Manager
183 229 ComM COM Manager
1477 146 ComM Communication manager
1232 159 ComM Communication Manager
1211 160 ComM Communication Manager
1486 145 ComM Communication Manager (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1137 168 ComM Communication Manager module
1396 148 ComM Communication Manager, See [8] for details
275 229 Compiler Compiler Abstraction
277 229 Comtype Communication Stack Types
182 229 ComXf COM Based Transformer
153 232 core Core Types
185 229 CorTst Core Test
296 225 CP AUTOSAR Classic Platform *2
598 210 CP Classic Platform
168 231 CP Classic Platform
54 234 CP Classic Platform
1529 144 CPU Central Processing Unit
1472 146 CPU Central processing unit
56 234 CPU Central Processing Unit
6 237 CPU Central Processing Unit
265 229 Crc CRC Library *1
1051 178 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
451 217 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
57 234 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
853 195 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum *2
825 196 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum *2
806 197 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum *2
1311 156 CRL Certificate Revocation List
187 229 CryIf Crypto Interface
186 229 Crypto Crypto Driver *1
154 232 crypto Cryptography
967 187 CS Chip Select
522 212 CSE Codes for Scaling Units
390 219 CSE Codes for Scaling Units
1310 156 CSM Crypto Service Manager
188 229 Csm Crypto Service Manager
1309 156 CSR Certificate Signing Request
452 217 CTM Counter Mode
622 209 CTO Command Transfer Object
1314 154 Cur Curve for Interpolation
651 208 CW Contention Window
791 198 CWU Car Wakeup
1006 183 DA Destination Address, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages
58 234 DAC Digital to Analog Converter
902 191 DAD Duplicate Address Detection
623 209 DAQ Data AcQuisition, Data AcQuisition Packet
433 218 DC Diagnostic Coverage
721 201 DCC Decentralized Congestion Control
695 203 DCC Decentralized Congestion Control
1437 147 DCM Diagnostic Communication Manager
1233 159 DCM Diagnostic Communication Manager
190 229 Dcm Diagnostic Communication Manager
1512 144 DCM Diagnostic Communication Manager module *2
391 219 DCM Diagnostics Communication Manager *7
524 212 DCY Driving Cycle
392 219 DCY Driving Cycle
453 217 DDS Data Distribution Service
722 201 DE Data Element
854 195 Debounce Time Minimum gap between two Tx messages with the same PDU
826 196 Debounce Time Minimum gap between two Tx messages with the same PDU.
1372 149 Dem Diagnostic Event Manager
1357 152 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1283 157 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1234 159 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1205 162 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1058 177 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1052 178 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1044 180 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
997 184 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
975 185 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
903 191 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
870 193 Dem Diagnostic Event Manager
855 195 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
827 196 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
807 197 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
713 201 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
689 203 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
670 206 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
574 211 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
191 229 Dem Diagnostic Event Manager
59 234 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
28 235 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
686 204 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager – module to handle diagnostic relevant events.
965 187 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager – module to which production relevant errors are report- ed.
1145 167 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager – module to which production relevant errors are reported
1487 145 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1139 168 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager module
1587 141 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager.
1129 169 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager.
1074 173 DEM Diagnostic Event Manager.
523 212 DEM Diagnostics Communication Manager *5 DCM
525 212 DEM Diagnostics Event Manager
393 219 DEM Diagnostics Event Manager
1538 143 DEM/Dem Autosar Module: Diagnostic Event Manager
1438 147 Dem/DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
1397 148 DEM/Dem Diagnostic Event Manager
723 201 DEN Decentralized Environmental Notification
755 200 DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Message
724 201 DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages
696 203 DENM Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages
454 217 DES Data Encryption Standard *4
7 237 DES Discrete Event Simulation *4
1513 144 DET Default Error Tracer
1363 150 DET Default Error Tracer
1358 152 DET Default Error Tracer
1343 153 DET Default Error Tracer
1315 154 DET Default Error Tracer
1284 157 DET Default Error Tracer
1235 159 DET Default Error Tracer
1212 160 Det Default Error Tracer
1206 162 DET Default Error Tracer
1189 163 DET Default Error Tracer
1166 164 DET Default Error Tracer
1059 177 DET Default Error Tracer
1053 178 DET Default Error Tracer
1045 180 DET Default Error Tracer
998 184 DET Default Error Tracer
976 185 DET Default Error Tracer
942 190 DET Default Error Tracer
904 191 DET Default Error Tracer
856 195 DET Default Error Tracer
828 196 DET Default Error Tracer
808 197 DET Default Error Tracer
793 198 DET Default Error Tracer
756 200 DET Default Error Tracer
714 201 DET Default Error Tracer
690 203 DET Default Error Tracer
685 204 DET Default Error Tracer
671 206 DET Default Error Tracer
189 229 Det Default Error Tracer *4
1144 167 DET Default Error Tracer – module to which development errors are reported.
964 187 DET Default Error Tracer – module to which errors are reported.
1488 145 DET Default Error Tracer (AUTOSAR BSW module)
647 209 DET Default Error Tracer (AUTOSAR BSW module) *4
1007 183 DET Default Error Tracer, supports development and runtime error reporting
1027 182 DET Default Error Tracer, supports development and runtime error reporting DP Data Page, the most significant bit (MSB) of the 18 bit PGN
1039 181 DET Default Error Tracer, supports development and runtime error reporting Node J1939 node – can be attached to more than one channel NodeChannel The connection of a node to one channel
1588 141 DET Default Error Tracer.
1130 169 DET Default Error Tracer.
1075 173 DET Default Error Tracer.
1464 146 DET Default Error Tracer. AUTOSAR Module for detection and reporting of errors during development.
60 234 DET Development Error Tracer *4
1539 143 DET/Det Autosar Module: Default Error Tracer
1439 147 Det/DET Default Error Tracer
1398 148 DET/Det Default Error Tracer
725 201 DF Data Frame
905 191 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
61 234 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
455 217 DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol *5
977 185 DHCPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
906 191 DHCPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 4
978 185 DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 6
907 191 DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 6
155 232 diag Diagnostics
526 212 DID Diagnostic Identifier
394 219 DID Diagnostic Identifier
62 234 DIO Digital Input/Output
194 229 Dio DIO Driver *1
1399 148 DIO/Dio Digital input output, one of the SPAL SW modules
1213 160 Dio/DIO Digital input output, one of the SPAL SW modules
684 204 DIP Digital Input/Output
1167 164 Div Division
1168 164 DivShLeft Combination of division and shift left
857 195 DLC Data Length Code
349 221 DLC Data Length Code
63 234 DLC Data Length Code
892 192 DLC Data Length Code (part of L-PDU that describes the SDU length)
871 193 DLC Data Length Code (part of L-PDU that describes the SDU length)
893 192 DLL data link layer
872 193 DLL Data Link Layer
192 229 Dlt Diagnostic Log and Trace
1208 161 DLT Diagnostics Log and Trace - a GENIVI Log and Trace daemon imple- mentation of the LT protocol
1068 175 DM AUTOSAR Adaptive Diagnostic Management
762 199 DM AUTOSAR Adaptive Diagnostic Management
457 217 DM Diagnostic Manager
298 225 DM Diagnostic Manager
1046 180 DM Diagnostic messages
1126 169 DMA Direct Memory Access
1054 178 DMA Direct Memory Access
1008 183 DMx Diagnostic messages of the SAE J1939 diagnostics layer
193 229 DoIP Diagnostic over IP
350 221 DoIp Diagnostics over Internet Protocol
64 234 DoIP Diagnostics over Internet Protocol
979 185 DoIP Diagnostics over IP
529 212 DoIP Diagnostics over IP
456 217 DoIP Diagnostics over IP
396 219 DoIp Diagnostics over IP
297 225 DoIP Diagnostics over IP
652 208 DP DCC Profile
1317 154 DPResult Data point result
1316 154 DPSearch Data point search
527 212 DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
458 217 DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
395 219 DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
299 225 DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
351 221 DTD Document Type Definition
65 234 DTD Document Type Definition
624 209 DTO Data Transfer Object
528 212 DTR Diagnostic Test Result
1500 145 e.g. [lat.] exempli gratia = [eng.] for example
1440 147 e.g. [lat.] exempli gratia = [eng.] for example
1506 144 e.g. lat. ‘exempli gratia’ – engl. for example
301 225 E/E system Electric and Electronic system
1069 175 E2E AUTOSAR End to End communication protection mechanism
267 229 E2E E2E Library *1
66 234 E2E End to End
8 237 E2E End to end
195 229 E2EXf E2E Transformer
1153 165 EA EEPROM Abstraction
1148 167 EA EEPROM Abstraction
197 229 Ea EEPROM Abstraction
673 206 EAI Expected Alive Indications
1400 148 EB Externally buffered channel. Buffers containing data to transfer are outside the SPI Handler/Driver.
970 187 EB Externally buffered channels. Buffers containing data to transfer are outside the SPI Handler/Driver.
459 217 ECB Electronic Code Book
908 191 ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography
460 217 ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography *4
1055 178 ECC Error Correction Code
434 218 ECC Error Correction Code *4
1103 170 ECC Extended Conformance Class
703 203 ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
461 217 ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
463 217 ECIES Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
1236 159 ECU Electric Control Unit
599 210 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
530 212 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
462 217 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
397 219 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
352 221 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
332 222 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
9 237 ECU Electrical Control Unit *4
1540 143 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1476 146 ECU Electronic control unit
1441 147 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1401 148 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1373 149 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1364 150 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1281 157 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1215 160 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1169 164 ECU Electronic Control Unit
1104 170 ECU Electronic Control Unit
996 184 ECU Electronic Control Unit
943 190 ECU Electronic Control Unit
909 191 ECU Electronic Control Unit
625 209 ECU Electronic Control Unit *4
575 211 ECU Electronic Control Unit *4
67 234 ECU Electronic Control Unit *4
29 235 ECU Electronic Control Unit *4
300 225 ECU Electronic Control Unit, for CP also used in the sense of ECUInstance *4
576 211 ECUC ECU Configuration
531 212 ECUC ECU Configuration
512 213 ECUC ECU Configuration
514 213 ECUC ParamDef ECU Configuration Parameter Definition
515 213 ECUC Value ECU Configuration Value
513 213 ECUC Value description ECU Configuration Value Description
1282 157 EcuM ECU Manager
873 193 EcuM ECU Manager
1442 147 EcuM ECU State Manager
1359 152 EcuM ECU State Manager
1214 160 EcuM ECU State Manager
674 206 EcuM ECU State Manager
196 229 EcuM ECU State Manager
1138 168 EcuM ECU State Manager module
1402 148 EcuM ECU State Manager, see [7] for details
726 201 EcuM Electronic Control Unit Manager
697 203 EcuM Electronic Control Unit Manager
435 218 EDC Error Detection Code
464 217 EDDSA Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
1028 182 EDP Extended Data Page, the second bit (after MSB) of the 18 bit PGN NACK J1939 Acknowledgement PG (ACKM) with control byte set to 1
68 234 EE Executable Entities
69 234 EEC Executable Entity Cluster
198 229 Eep EEPROM Driver
1154 165 EEPROM Electrically Erasable and Programmable ROM (Read Only Memory)
399 219 EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
70 234 EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
268 229 Efx EFx Library
774 199 Electronic Control Unit see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
1360 152 Enumeration This can be in “C” programming language an enum or a #define.
71 234 EOC Execution Order Constraint
72 234 EOCEERG Execution Order Constraint Executable Entity Reference Group
1403 148 EPL Electrical Physical Layer
398 219 EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
1404 148 ERRN ERRor output signal, Negated i.e. active LOW
944 190 ETH Ethernet
829 196 ETH Ethernet
199 229 Eth Ethernet Driver
662 207 Eth Ethernet Driver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
654 208 Eth Ethernet Driver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
910 191 EthIf Ethernet Interface
792 198 EthIf Ethernet Interface
200 229 EthIf Ethernet Interface
661 207 EthIf Ethernet Interface (AUTOSAR BSW module)
653 208 EthIf Ethernet Interface (AUTOSAR BSW module)
911 191 EthSM Ethernet State Manager
201 229 EthSM Ethernet State Manager
202 229 EthSwt Ethernet Switch Driver
203 229 EthTrcv Ethernet Transceiver Driver
655 208 EthTrcv Ethernet Transceiver Driver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
250 229 EthTSyn Time Sync Over Ethernet
945 190 EthTSyn Time Synchronization Provider module for Ethernet
830 196 EthTSyn Time Synchronization Provider module for Ethernet
727 201 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
156 232 exec Execution Management
778 199 Executable see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
784 199 Execution Management see [2] AUTOSAR Execution Management
1347 153 f32 Mnemonic for the float32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1190 163 f32 Mnemonic for the float32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1570 142 FC Flow Control
1514 144 FC Flow Control Fr N-PDU
1149 167 FCFS First come first served
660 207 FCS Frame Check Sequence
1155 165 FEE Flash EEPROM Emulation
1147 167 FEE Flash EEPROM Emulation
205 229 Fee Flash EEPROM Emulation
1571 142 FF First Frame
1260 158 FF First Frame in LIN TP
1084 172 FF First Frame, Transport Protocol term
353 221 FIBEX Field Bus Exchange Format
1374 149 FID Function Identifier
532 212 FID Function Identifier
400 219 FID Function Identifier
73 234 FIFO First In First Out
1544 143 FIFO First In First Out buffer
1375 149 FiM Function Inhibition Manager
672 206 FiM Function Inhibition Manager
533 212 FIM Function Inhibition Manager
214 229 FiM Function Inhibition Manager
1405 148 FlexRay Node A logical entity connected to the FlexRay Network that is capable of sending and/or receiving frames.
204 229 Fls Flash Driver
206 229 FlsTst Flash Test
169 231 FO Foundation
831 196 Follow_Up Time transport message (Follow-Up)
74 234 FPU Floating Point Unit
465 217 FQDN Fully-Qualified Domain Name
1545 143 Fr Autosar Module: FlexRay Driver
1572 142 Fr FlexRay
946 190 FR FlexRay
809 197 FR FlexRay
1443 147 Fr FlexRay Driver
208 229 Fr FlexRay Driver
1515 144 Fr FlexRay Driver module
207 229 FrArTp FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer
1575 142 FrArTp FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer (derived from ISO 15765-2)
947 190 FRC Free running counter
1473 146 FrIf Abbreviation for the FlexRay Interface
1546 143 FrIf Autosar Module: FlexRay Interface
1574 142 FrIf FlexRay Interface
1406 148 FrIf FlexRay Interface
626 209 FrIf FlexRay Interface
209 229 FrIf FlexRay Interface
1489 145 FrIf FlexRay Interface (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1444 147 FrIf FlexRay Interface (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1516 144 FrIf FlexRay Interface module
1576 142 FrIsoTp FlexRay ISO Transport Layer (ISO 10681-2)
1474 146 FrNm Abbreviation for the Network Management on FlexRay
211 229 FrNm FlexRay Network Management
1490 145 FrNm FlexRay Network Management (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1478 146 FrSm FlexRay State Manager
1445 147 FrSM FlexRay State Manager
212 229 FrSM FlexRay State Manager
1216 160 Frt Free Running Timer
1547 143 FrTp Autosar Module: FlexRay Transport Protocol
210 229 FrTp FlexRay ISO Transport Layer
1577 142 FrTp FlexRay Transport Layer
1491 145 FrTp FlexRay Transport Layer (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1517 144 FrTp FlexRay Transport Protocol Layer
1548 143 FrTrcv Autosar Module: FlexRay Transceiver Driver
213 229 FrTrcv FlexRay Tranceiver Driver
1407 148 FrTrcv FlexRay Transceiver
1446 147 FrTrcv FlexRay Transceiver Driver
251 229 FrTSyn Time Sync Over FlexRay
948 190 FrTSyn Time Synchronization Provider module for FlexRay
438 218 FSC Functional Safety Concept
779 199 Functional Cluster see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
858 195 FUP message Follow-Up message
810 197 FUP message Follow-Up message
949 190 FUP message Follow-Up message for a Synchronized Time Base
75 234 FW Fire Wire
706 202 GAC GeoAnycast
707 202 GBC GeoBroadcast
466 217 GCM Galios/Counter Mode
600 210 GENIVI GENeva In-Vehicle Infotainment
534 212 GID Group Identifier
401 219 GID Group Identifier
950 190 GM(C) Grand Master (Clock)
832 196 GM(C) Grand Master (Clock)
757 200 GN GeoNetworking
708 202 GN GeoNetworking
709 202 GN-SDU GeoNetworking Service Data Unit ITS Intelligent Transport System MAC Medium Access Control
1408 148 GPIO General Purpose Input Output
1365 150 GPT General Purpose Timer
1217 160 Gpt General purpose Timer
76 234 GPT General Purpose Timer
215 229 Gpt GPT Driver
77 234 GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
951 190 GTS Global Time Synchronization
436 218 HARA Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
702 203 hashedID8 Calculated by first computing the SHA 256 hash of the Authorisation Ticket, and then taking the least significant eight bytes from the hash output
1345 153 hex Hexadecimal
467 217 HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code
894 192 HRH Hardware Recieive Handle
912 191 HSM Hardware Security Module
27 235 HTMSS Hardware Tests Management Start up and Shutdown
980 185 HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
913 191 HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
468 217 HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol
1479 146 HW Hardware
1376 149 HW Hardware
1105 170 HW Hardware
675 206 HW Hardware
437 218 HW Hardware
302 225 HW Hardware
78 234 HW Hardware
1502 144 I- Relative to upper AUTOSAR Layer (e.g. COM, DCM etc.)
1080 172 I-PDU Interaction Layer PDU. An I-PDU consists of data (buffer), length and I-PDU ID. The PDU router will mainly route I-PDUs (exception is routing-on-the-fly)
79 234 I-PDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit
1079 172 I-PDU ID PDU Identifier
1499 145 i.e. [lat.] id est = [eng.] that is
1447 147 i.e. [lat.] id est = [eng.] that is
1507 144 i.e. lat. 'id est' – engl. that is
1409 148 I/O Input/Output
335 222 I/O Input/Output
11 237 I/O Input/Output
354 221 I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
740 201 I2V infrastructure to vehicle
157 232 iam Identity and Access Management
981 185 IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
914 191 IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
1410 148 IB Internally buffered channel. Buffers containing data to transfer are inside the SPI Handler/Driver.
971 187 IB Internally buffered channels. Buffers containing data to transfer are inside the SPI Handler/Driver.
80 234 ICC Implementation Conformance Class
577 211 ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 AUTOSAR Implementation Conformance Class 1...3 *2
915 191 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
81 234 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
982 185 ICMPv4 Internet Control Message Protocol
916 191 ICMPv4 Internet Control Message Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 4
983 185 ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 6
917 191 ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol for Internet Protocol Version 6
82 234 ICOM Intelligent COMmunication controller
579 211 ICS Implementation Conformance Statement
216 229 Icu ICU Driver *1
1366 150 ICU Input Capture Unit
83 234 ICU Input Capture Unit
1361 152 ICU Input Capture Unit (not Intensive Care Unit)
1218 160 ICU Interrupt Control Unit
972 187 ID Identification Number of an element (Channel, Job, Sequence).
1377 149 ID Identification/Identifier
1526 144 ID Identifier
1306 157 Id Identifier
1261 158 ID Identifier
1237 159 ID Identifier
1106 170 ID Identifier
676 206 ID Identifier
535 212 ID Identifier
469 217 ID Identifier
402 219 ID Identifier
355 221 ID Identifier
333 222 ID Identifier
303 225 ID Identifier
10 237 ID Identifier
1549 143 ID/Id Identifier
1448 147 Id/ID Identifier
1411 148 ID/Id Identifier
84 234 IDL Interface Description Language
85 234 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
984 185 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
918 191 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
728 201 IF Interface
86 234 IFI Interpolation Floating point
269 229 Ifl IFl Library *1
1348 153 IFL Interpolation Floating point Library
272 229 Ifx IFx Library *1
1318 154 Ifx Interpolation Fixed point
87 234 IFx Interpolation Fixed point
1066 176 int Integer
1323 154 IntIpoCur Integrated interpolation of curve
1325 154 IntIpoFixCur Integrated interpolation of fixed curve
1327 154 IntIpoFixICur Integrated interpolation of fixed interval curve
1333 154 IntIpoFixIMap Integrated interpolation of fixed interval map
1331 154 IntIpoFixMap Integrated interpolation of fixed map
1329 154 IntIpoMap Integrated interpolation of map
1324 154 IntLkUpCur Integrated curve look-up
1326 154 IntLkUpFixCur Integrated fixed curve look-up
1328 154 IntLkUpFixICur Integrated fixed interval curve look-up
1334 154 IntLkUpFixIMap Integrated fixed interval map look-up
1332 154 IntLkUpFixMap Integrated fixed map look-up
1330 154 IntLkUpMap Integrated map look-up
88 234 IO Input/ Output
602 210 IO Input/Output
536 212 IO Input/Output
470 217 IO Input/Output
403 219 IO Input/Output
601 210 IO Interface Description Language *5 IDL
580 211 IOC Inter OS-Application Communication
1107 170 IOC Inter OS-Application communicator
985 185 IP Internet Protocol
919 191 IP Internet Protocol
794 198 IP Internet Protocol
759 200 IP Internet Protocol
537 212 IP Internet Protocol
471 217 IP Internet Protocol
404 219 IP Internet Protocol
304 225 IP Internet Protocol
356 221 IPDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit
334 222 IPDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit
218 229 IpduM IPDU Multiplexer
1319 154 IpoCur Interpolation of curve used for distributed search and interpolation
1321 154 IpoMap Interpolation of map used for distributed search and interpolation
920 191 IPsec Internet Protocol Security
986 185 IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
921 191 IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
987 185 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
922 191 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
357 221 ISG Inter-slot Gap
336 222 ISIGNAL Interaction Layer Signal
539 212 ISO International Organization for Standardization
1525 144 ISO International Standard Organisation
1378 149 ISO International Standardization Organization
472 217 ISO International Standardization Organization *5
406 219 ISO International Standardization Organization *5
1550 143 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1492 145 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1412 148 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1285 157 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1238 159 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1219 160 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1151 166 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1108 170 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
895 192 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
874 193 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
663 207 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
656 208 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
646 209 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
578 211 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
89 234 ISR Interrupt Service Routine
1591 141 ISR Interrupt Service Routine.
1133 169 ISR Interrupt Service Routine.
1078 173 ISR Interrupt Service Routine.
758 200 ITS Intelligent Transport System
729 201 ITS Intelligent Transport System
698 203 ITS Intelligent Transport System
730 201 ITS-S ITS-Station
538 212 IUMPR In-Use Monitor Performance Ratio
405 219 IUMPR In-Use Monitor Performance Ratio
289 227 IUT Implementation Under Test
745 201 IVI Infrastructure to Vehicle Information
746 201 IVIM Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Message
236 229 J1939Dcm SAE J1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager
237 229 J1939Nm SAE J1939 Network Management
238 229 J1939Rm SAE J1939 Request Manager
239 229 J1939Tp SAE J1939 Transport Layer
1239 159 Jitter Difference between longest delay and shortest delay (e.g. Worst case execution time – Best case execution time)
875 193 JLEF (TTCAN) Job List Execution Function
603 210 JSON JavaScript Object Notation
305 225 JSON JavaScript Object Notation
473 217 JSON JavScript Object Notation *5
731 201 KAF DENM Keep Alive Forwarding
1307 156 KeyM Key Manager
219 229 KeyM Key Manager
785 199 kRunning see [2] AUTOSAR Execution Management
1072 174 KVS Key-Value Storage
1503 144 L- Relative to the FlexRay Interface module.
1082 172 L-PDU Data Link Layer PDU. One or more I-PDUs are packed into one L-PDU. The L-PDU is bus specific, e.g. CAN frame.
896 192 L-PDU Protocol Data Unit for the data link layer (DLL)
876 193 L-PDU Protocol Data Unit for the Data Link Layer (DLL)
90 234 L-PDU Protocol Data Unit of the data Link layer
91 234 L-SDU SDU of the data Link layer
1207 161 L&T Acronym for Log and Trace
474 217 LAN Local Area Network
220 229 LdCom Large Data COM
1262 158 LDF LIN Description File
732 201 LDM Local Dynamic Map
1109 170 LE A locatable entity is a distinct piece of software that has the same effect regardless of which core it is located.
92 234 LET Logical Execution Time
1520 144 LF Last Frame Fr N-PDU
1350 153 Lib Library
1335 154 Lib Library
1188 163 Lib Library
93 234 LIFO Last In First Out
1191 163 Limit Limitation routine
1170 164 Limit Limitation routine
221 229 Lin LIN Driver *1
1240 159 LIN Local Interconnect Network
540 212 LIN Local Interconnect Network
409 219 LIN Local Interconnect Network
358 221 LIN Local Interconnect Network
12 237 LIN Local Interconnect Network
1286 157 LIN Local Interconnect Network (as defined by [16])
94 234 LIN Local Interconnected Network *5
1263 158 LIN TP LIN Transport Protocol (Part of the LIN Interface)
1241 159 LinIf LIN Interface
222 229 LinIf LIN Interface
223 229 LinSM LIN State Manager
1242 159 LinSM LIN State Manager (the subject of this document)
1509 144 LinTp LIN Transport Protocol
1220 160 LinTrcv Lin Transceiver Driver
224 229 LinTrcv LIN Transceiver Driver
1320 154 LkUpCur Curve look-up used for distributed search and interpolation
1322 154 LkUpMap Map look-up used for distributed search and interpolation
158 232 log Log and Trace
627 209 LPDU Data Link Layer PDU
359 221 LPDU Data Link Layer Protocol Data Unit
337 222 LPDU Data Link Layer Protocol Data Unit
1551 143 LPdu Datalink layer Protocol Datagram Unit
96 234 LSB Least Significant Bit
1156 165 LSB Least significant bit / byte (depending on context). Here it’s bit.
95 234 LT Log and Trace *4
290 227 LT Lower Tester *4
699 203 LTC Long Term Certificate
475 217 MAC Media Access Control *4
476 217 MAC Message Authentication Code
407 219 MAC Message Authentication Code
360 221 MAC Message Authentication Code *4
361 221 MAC Address media access control address
780 199 Machine see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
307 225 Manifest A description to specify the behavior of an AUTOSAR platform *6
777 199 Manifest see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
1336 154 Map Map for Interpolation
748 201 MAPEM MAP Extended Message
1192 163 max Maximum
1171 164 Max Maximum
581 211 MC Measurement and Calibration *4
97 234 MC MicroController *4
1110 170 MC Multi-Core
1413 148 MCAL Micro controller Abstraction Layer
1221 160 MCAL Micro Controller Abstraction Layer
408 219 MCAL Micro-Controller Abstraction *5
1552 143 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
1528 144 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
1287 157 MCAL MicroController Abstraction Layer
1243 159 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
1127 169 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
897 192 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
877 193 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
98 234 MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
628 209 MCD Measurement Calibration and Diagnostics
410 219 MCD Measurement, Calibration, Diagnostics *5
1541 143 MCG Module Configuration Generator
1493 145 MCG Module Configuration Generator
1414 148 MCG Module Configuration Generator
664 207 MCG Module Configuration Generator
657 208 MCG Module Configuration Generator
225 229 Mcu MCU Driver *1
1367 150 MCU Micro Controller Unit
1288 157 MCU Micro Controller Unit
1203 162 MCU Micro Controller Unit
677 206 MCU Micro Controller Unit
99 234 MCU Micro Controller Unit
1589 141 MCU Micro Controller Unit.
1553 143 MCU Microcontroller Unit
1128 169 MCU Microcontroller Unit
1111 170 MCU Microcontroller Unit
1060 177 MCU MicroController Unit
1132 169 MCU Microcontroller Unit.
1076 173 MCU Microcontroller Unit.
477 217 MD Message Digest
100 234 ME Mappable Element
1112 170 ME Mutual exclusion
1157 165 MemIf Memory Abstraction Interface
226 229 MemIf Memory Abstraction Interface
278 229 MemMap Memory Mapping
101 234 MFI Mathematical Floating point
1193 163 MFL Mathematical Floating point Library
270 229 Mfl MFl Library *1
102 234 MFx Math – Fixed Point
271 229 Mfx MFx Library *1
1172 164 MFX/Mfx Math – Fixed Point library
1379 149 MIL Malfunction Indication Light
1194 163 min Minimum
1173 164 Min Minimum
1174 164 Minmax Limitation with only one value for min and max
103 234 MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
174 229 Mirror Bus Mirroring
968 187 MISO Master Input Slave Output
1554 143 MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
1524 144 MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
1415 148 MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
629 209 MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
105 234 MMI Man Machine Interface *7
104 234 MMU Memory Management Unit
1349 153 Mn Mnemonic
1195 163 Mn Mnemonic
1175 164 Mod Modulo routine
969 187 MOSI Master Output Slave Input
362 221 MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport
106 234 MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport
107 234 MP MicroProcessor
1113 170 MPU Memory Protection Unit
108 234 MPU Memory Protection Unit
1264 158 MRF Master Request Frame
109 234 MSB Most Significant Bit
1158 165 MSB Most significant bit / byte (depending on context). Here it’s bit.
582 211 MSR Manufacturer Supplier Relationship
32 235 MSTP Microcontroller Specific Test Package
923 191 MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
478 217 MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
1176 164 Mul Multiplication
1177 164 MulDiv Combination of multiplication and division
1178 164 MulShRight Combination of multiplication and shift right
1267 158 N_As Time for transmission of the LIN frame (any N-PDU) on the sender side (see ISO 17987-2 [19]).
1268 158 N_Cr Time until reception of the next consecutive frame N-PDU (see ISO 17987-2 [19]).
1269 158 N_Cs Time until transmission of the next consecutive frame N-PDU (see ISO 17987-2 [19]).
1504 144 N- Relative to the FlexRay Transport Protocol Layer.
1081 172 N-PDU Network Layer PDU. Used by transport protocol modules to fragment an I-PDU
110 234 N-PDU Protocol Data Unit of the Network layer (transport protocols)
111 234 N-SDU SDU of the Network layer (transport protocols)
1556 143 n/a Not Applicable
1501 145 N/A not applicable
1449 147 N/A Not applicable
1416 148 n/a Not applicable
1222 160 n/a Not applicable
160 232 n/a Operating System Interface
363 221 NAD Node Address for Diagnostic
1265 158 NAD Node Address. Each slave in LIN must have a unique NAD.
1009 183 NAME Unique 64 bit identifier of each ECU connected to an SAE J1939 network
1266 158 NC Node Configuration
988 185 NDP Neighbor Discovery Protocol
924 191 NDP Neighbor Discovery Protocol
364 221 NID Node Identification
1555 143 NIT FlexRay Network Idle Time
365 221 NIT Network Idle Time
1140 168 Nm Generic Network Management Interface module, this ist the abre- viation used for this module throughout this specification
1578 142 NM Network Management
1462 146 NM Network Management
1450 147 NM Network Management
1141 168 NM Network Management
795 198 NM Network Management
479 217 NM Network Management
411 219 NM Network Management
366 221 NM Network Management
308 225 NM Network Management
159 232 nm Network Management
227 229 Nm Network Management Interface
1114 170 NMI Mutual exclusion
1056 178 NMI Non Maskable Interrupt
1475 146 NmIf Abbreviation for the generic Network Management
184 229 no prefix (AUTOSAR interface) Complex Drivers
217 229 no prefix (AUTOSAR interface) IO HW Abstraction
867 194 nop No Operation
1368 150 NOP, nop Null Operation
367 221 NPDU Network Layer Protocol Data Unit
541 212 NRC Negative Response Code
281 227 NRC Negative Response Code
878 193 NTU See [1, ISO 11898-4]
1146 167 NV Non volatile
480 217 NV Non-Volatile
412 219 NV Non-Volatile
309 225 NV Non-Volatile
604 210 NVM Non Volatile Memory *4
583 211 NvM Non Volatile Memory
1159 165 NvM NVRAM Manager
228 229 NvM NVRAM Manager *4
1380 149 NVRAM Non volatile Memory
584 211 NVRAM Non Volatile RAM
1152 166 NVRAM Non-Volatile RAM
1160 165 NVRAM Non-volatile RAM (Random Access Memory)
112 234 NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
13 237 NW Network
542 212 OBD On-Board Diagnostic
413 219 OBD On-Board Diagnostic
1381 149 OBD On-board Diagnostics
368 221 OBD Onboard Diagnostic
1382 149 OBDII Emission-related On-board Diagnostics
229 229 Ocu OCU Driver
1125 169 OCU Output Compare Unit
630 209 ODT Object Descriptor Table
543 212 ODX Open Diagnostic Data Exchange
1383 149 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
1142 168 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
605 210 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
544 212 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
481 217 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
414 219 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
310 225 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
113 234 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
859 195 OFNS message Offset adjustment message
811 197 OFNS message Offset adjustment message
952 190 OFNS message Time Synchronization message for an Offset Time Base (containing the nanosecond part of the time)
833 196 OFS Offset synchronization
860 195 OFS message Offset Synchronization message
812 197 OFS message Offset Synchronization message
953 190 OFS message Time Synchronization message for an Offset Time Base
1313 156 OID Object Identifier. A byte array that identifies a certificate element or group or list of certificate elements.
114 234 OIL ISO 17356-6 (OSEK/VDX Implementation Language)
1115 170 OIL OSEK Implementation Language
879 193 OS (AUTOSAR) Operating System
1557 143 OS Operating System
1527 144 OS Operating System
1469 146 OS Operating system
1417 148 OS Operating System
1384 149 OS Operating System
1369 150 OS Operating System
1289 157 OS Operating System
1116 170 OS Operating System
678 206 OS Operating System
606 210 OS Operating System
585 211 OS Operating System
482 217 OS Operating System
415 219 OS Operating System
311 225 OS Operating System
115 234 OS Operating System
230 229 Os(not used as API prefix) OS
116 234 OSEK Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics
1117 170 OSEK/VDX Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen für die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug
962 188 OSEK/VDX Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen für die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug
1096 171 OSI Operating System Interface
764 199 OTA Over The Air
767 199 OTA Client OTA Client is an Adaptive Application in communication with Backend Over The Air
1270 158 P2 Time between reception of the last frame of a diagnostic request on the LIN bus and the slave node being able to provide data for a response.
1271 158 P2* Time between sending a response pending frame (0x78) and the LIN-slave being able to provide data for a response.
1586 141 PB PostBuild
1585 141 PC PreCompile
1573 142 PCI Protocol Control Information
1505 144 PCI Protocol Control Information
117 234 PCI Protocol Control Information
286 227 PCO Point of Control and Observation
834 196 Pdelay Propagation / path delay as given in IEEE 802.1AS
835 196 Pdelay_Req Propagation / path delay request message
836 196 Pdelay_Resp Propagation / path delay response message
837 196 Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up Propagation / path delay Follow-Up message
1579 142 PDU Protocol Data Unit
1471 146 PDU Protocol data unit
1451 147 PDU Protocol Data Unit
1244 159 PDU Protocol Data Unit
1223 160 PDU Protocol Data Unit
1086 172 PDU Protocol Data Unit
838 196 PDU Protocol Data Unit
796 198 PDU Protocol Data Unit
760 200 PDU Protocol Data Unit
631 209 PDU Protocol Data Unit
545 212 PDU Protocol Data Unit
483 217 PDU Protocol Data Unit
416 219 PDU Protocol Data Unit
369 221 PDU Protocol Data Unit
338 222 PDU Protocol Data Unit
118 234 PDU Protocol Data Unit
15 237 PDU Protocol Data Unit
1290 157 PDU Protocol Data Unit. Consists of Identifier, data length and Data (SDU)
1010 183 PDUF PDU Format, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages which identifies the message and determines the layout of the 29 bit identifier
1029 182 PDUF PDU Format, the middle byte of the 18 bit PGN
1580 142 PduR PDU Router
1518 144 PduR PDU Router
880 193 PduR PDU Router
231 229 PduR PDU Router
1494 145 PduR PDU Router (AUTOSAR BSW module)
1011 183 PDUS PDU Specific, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages which identifies broadcast messages which do not have a destination address
1030 182 PDUS PDU Specific, the lower byte of the 18 bit PGN
161 232 per Persistency
1040 181 PG Parameter Group
1031 182 PG Parameter Group
1012 183 PG Parameter Group, SAE J1939 term for a specific message layout, corresponds to an N-SDU of J1939Tp
1047 180 PGN Parameter Group Number
1041 181 PGN Parameter Group Number
1032 182 PGN Parameter Group Number (18 bits, contains EDP, DP, PDUF, PDUS) RQST J1939 Request PG (PGN = 0x0EA00)
1013 183 PGN Parameter Group Number, unique identifier of an SAE J1939 parameter group
1070 175 PHM Platform Health Management
484 217 PHM Platform Health Management
312 225 PHM Platform Health Management
162 232 phm Platform Health Management
1063 177 Physical Level (Input) Two states are possible: LOW/HIGH
1064 177 Physical Level (Output) Two states are possible: LOW/HIGH
546 212 PID Parameter Identifier
417 219 PID Parameter Identifier
1272 158 PID Protected ID
1291 157 PID Protected ID (as defined by [16])
14 237 PIL Processor-In-The-Loop
485 217 PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards
1308 156 PKI Public Key Infrastructure
925 191 PKI Public Key Infrastructure
274 229 Platform Platform Types
1558 143 PLL Phase Locked Loop
1590 141 PLL Phase Locked Loop.
1077 173 PLL Phase Locked Loop.
1292 157 PLL Phase-Locked Loop
801 198 PNI Partial Network Information
1495 145 POC Protocol Operation Control
1452 147 POC Protocol Operation Control
370 221 POC Protocol Operation Control
1559 143 POC Protocol Operation Control (see [13] for details)
1560 143 POCState Actual CC internal state of the POC. This state might differ from vPOC!State in certain cases, e.g., after FREEZE command invocation (see [13] for details).
232 229 Port Port Driver
1418 148 Port Port, one of the SPAL SW modules
1062 177 Port Represents a whole configurable port on an MCU device.
1061 177 Port Pin Represents a single configurable input or output pin on an MCU device.
313 225 PortInterface An AUTOSAR interface that is used an AUTOSAR Software Component.
486 217 POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
314 225 POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
733 201 POTI Position and Time management
700 203 POTI Position and Time management
926 191 PRF Pseudo Random Function
119 234 PS Product Supplier
487 217 PSK Pre-Shared Key
371 221 PSK Pre-shared Key
547 212 PTO Power Take Off
418 219 PTO Power Take Off
954 190 PTP Precision Time Protocol
839 196 PTP Precision Time Protocol
120 234 PWM Pulse Width Modulation
1073 173 PWM Pulse Width Modulation.
233 229 Pwm PWM Driver
548 212 RA Routing Activation
419 219 RA Routing Activation
1531 144 RAM Random Access Memory
1419 148 RAM Random Access Memory
1385 149 RAM Random Access Memory
1293 157 RAM Random Access Memory
1245 159 RAM Random Access memory
1057 178 RAM Random Access Memory
632 209 RAM Random Access Memory
586 211 RAM Random Access Memory
549 212 RAM Random Access Memory
488 217 RAM Random Access Memory
420 219 RAM Random Access Memory
121 234 RAM Random Access Memory
234 229 RamTst RAM Test
122 234 RDG Runnable Dependency Graph
16 237 RE Runnable Entities
489 217 REST Representational State Transfer
163 232 rest REST
1346 153 Rev Revision
123 234 RfC Request for Change
550 212 RID Routine Identifier
747 201 RLT Road and Lane Topology
927 191 RNG Random Number Generator
551 212 ROE Response on Event
1530 144 ROM Read Only Memory
1344 153 ROM Read only memory
633 209 ROM Read Only Memory
1386 149 ROM Read-only Memory
587 211 ROM Read-only Memory
552 212 ROM Read-Only Memory
490 217 ROM Read-Only Memory
421 219 ROM Read-Only Memory
124 234 RP Rapid Prototyping
607 210 RPC Remote Procedure Call
422 219 RPT Rapid Prototyping
1042 181 RQST J1939 Request PG (PGN = 0x0EA00)
1033 182 RQST2 J1939 Request2 PG (PGN = 0x0C900)
280 227 RS Requirement Specification *7
554 212 RS Requirements Specification *7
491 217 RSA Cryptographic approach according to Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
928 191 RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman. A method using public and private key for data encryption and decryption.
372 221 RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman. A method using public and private key for data encryption and decryption.
734 201 RSU Road Side Unit
1034 182 RTE AUTOSAR Runtime Environment
235 229 Rte RTE
1246 159 RTE Run Time Environment
1118 170 RTE Run-Time Environment
553 212 RTE Run-TIme Environment
1453 147 RTE Runtime Environment
1387 149 RTE Runtime Environment
682 206 RTE Runtime Environment
423 219 RTE Runtime Environment
373 221 RTE Runtime Environment
339 222 RTE Runtime Environment
125 234 RTE Runtime Environment
17 237 RTE Runtime Environment
1119 170 RTOS Real Time Operating System
1247 159 RX Receive
555 212 RX Receive *4
1454 147 RX Reception
1294 157 RX Reception
1273 158 RX Reception
279 227 Rx Reception *4
1420 148 RxD Receive Data
1421 148 RxEN Receive Enable
1351 153 s16 Mnemonic for the sint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1338 154 s16 Mnemonic for the sint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1196 163 s16 Mnemonic for the sint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1179 164 s16 Mnemonic for the sint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1352 153 s32 Mnemonic for the sint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1339 154 s32 Mnemonic for the sint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1197 163 s32 Mnemonic for the sint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1180 164 s32 Mnemonic for the sint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1353 153 s8 Mnemonic for the sint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1337 154 s8 Mnemonic for the sint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1198 163 s8 Mnemonic for the sint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1181 164 s8 Mnemonic for the sint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1014 183 SA SPN Source Address, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages Suspect Parameter Number, unique identifier of an SAE J1939 parameter
126 234 SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
1048 180 SAE Society of Automotive Engineers (in charge of J1939 specification)
1422 148 SBC System Basis Chip; A device, which integrates e.g. CAN and/or FlexRay and/or LIN transceiver, watchdog and power control.
1224 160 SBC System Basis Chip; a device, which integrates e.g. LIN and/or LIN transceiver, watchdog and power control.
1120 170 SC Single-Core
679 206 SC Supervision Cycle
1561 143 SchM Autosar Module: Schedule Manager
172 229 SchM BSW Scheduler Module
1470 146 SchM Schedule Manager
1455 147 SchM Schedule Manager
1423 148 SchM Schedule Manager
634 209 SchM Schedule Manager
1295 157 SCI Serial Communication Interface
999 184 SD Service Discovery
989 185 Sd Service Discovery
492 217 SD Service Discovery
315 225 SD Service Discovery
241 229 Sd Service Discovery
1000 184 Sd Service Discovery Module in AUTOSAR
493 217 SDG Special Data Group
1581 142 SDU Service Data Unit
881 193 SDU Service Data Unit
797 198 SDU Service Data Unit
374 221 SDU Service Data Unit
127 234 SDU Service Data Unit
1065 176 SDU Service Data Unit (payload)
1296 157 SDU Service Data Unit. Data that is transported inside the PDU
1071 175 SE Supervised Entity
680 206 SE Supervised Entity
240 229 SecOC Secure Onboard Communication
440 218 SEooC Safety Element out of Context
781 199 Service see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
783 199 Service Discovery see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
782 199 Service Interface see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
1582 142 SF Single Frame
1275 158 SF Single Frame in LIN TP
1083 172 SF Single Frame, Transport Protocol term
1519 144 SF Start Frame Fr N-PDU
1297 157 SFR Special Function Register
1204 162 SFR Special Function Register (MCU register)
494 217 SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
710 202 SHB Single Hop Broadcast
375 221 SID Service Identifier
1274 158 SID Service Identifier (of node configuration service)
128 234 SIL Safety Integrity Level
1121 170 SLA Software Layered Architecture
441 218 SM Safety Mechanism or Measure *4
164 232 sm State Management *4
284 227 SM State Manager
1534 144 SN Sequence Number (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
929 191 SNI Server Name Identification
129 234 SOA Service Oriented Architecture
608 210 SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
1001 184 SoAd Socket Adaptor
930 191 SoAd Socket Adaptor
242 229 SoAd Socket Adaptor
786 199 Software Cluster see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
787 199 Software Package see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
973 186 SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
495 217 SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
316 225 SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
1002 184 SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlwarE over IP
1003 184 SOME/IP-SD SOME/IP Service Discovery
244 229 SomeIpTp SOME/IP Transport Protocol
243 229 SomeIpXf SOME/IP Transformer
130 234 SP Synchronization Point
1424 148 SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer
1298 157 SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer
1248 159 SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer
1225 160 SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer
1131 169 SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer
750 201 SPATEM Signal Phase And Timing Extended Message
19 237 SPEM Software Process Engineering Meta-Model
1227 160 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
687 204 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
376 221 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
131 234 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
966 187 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface. It is exactly defined hereafter in this document.
245 229 Spi SPI Handler Driver *1
1425 148 SPI/Spi Serial Peripheral Interface.
1049 180 SPN Suspect Parameter Number
556 212 SPN Suspect Parameter Number
1276 158 SRF Slave Response Frame
1426 148 SRS Software Requirement Specification
1299 157 SRS Software Requirement Specification
1277 158 SRS Software Requirement Specification
1249 159 SRS Software Requirement Specification
1465 146 SRS Software requirements specification
636 209 SRS Software Requirements Specification
1562 143 SRS System Requirements Specification
283 227 ST System Test
955 190 StbM Synchronized Time-Base Manager
861 195 StbM Synchronized Time-Base Manager
840 196 StbM Synchronized Time-Base Manager
813 197 StbM Synchronized Time-Base Manager
246 229 StbM Synchronized Time-Base Manager
963 188 STD Standard
276 229 Std Standard Types
1532 144 STF Start Frame (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
637 209 STIM Data Stimulation packet
516 213 StMD Standardized Module Definition
1182 164 Sub Subtraction
287 227 SUT System Under Test
635 209 SVN Subversion
1563 143 SW SoftWare
1456 147 SW Software
1427 148 SW Software
1300 157 SW Software
1250 159 SW Software
1226 160 SW Software
1122 170 SW Software
638 209 SW Software
557 212 SW Software
442 218 SW Software
132 234 SW Software
1035 182 SW-C AUTOSAR Software Component (of the Application)
1564 143 SW-C SoftWare Component
1388 149 SW-C Software Component
681 206 SW-C Software Component
340 222 SW-C Software Component
133 234 SW-C Software Component
18 237 SW-C Software Component
1428 148 SW-C Software-Component
1123 170 SWC Software Component
609 210 SWC Software Component
588 211 SWC Software Component
558 212 SWC Software Component
496 217 SWC Software Component
443 218 SWC Software Component
424 219 SWC Software Component
377 221 SWC Software Component
317 225 SWC Software Component
378 221 SWC-T Software Component Template
559 212 SWCD Software Component Description
590 211 SWCT Software Component Template
1124 170 SWFRT Software FreeRunningTimer
1251 159 SWS Software Design Specification
1523 144 SWS Software Specification
1429 148 SWS Software Specification
1301 157 SWS Software Specification
1183 164 SWS Software Specification
639 209 SWS Software Specification
589 211 SWS Software Specification
563 212 SWS Software Specification
134 234 SWS Software Specification
1466 146 SWS Software working specification
842 196 Sync Time synchronization message (Sync)
862 195 SYNC message Time Synchronization message
814 197 SYNC message Time Synchronization message
956 190 SYNC message Time Synchronization message for a Synchronized Time Base
379 221 SYS-T System Template
611 210 SYSML Systems Modelling Language
135 234 TC Timed Communication
711 202 TC Traffic Class
285 227 TCP Test Coordination Procedures *4
990 185 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
931 191 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
798 198 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
136 234 TCP Transmission Control Protocol *4
497 217 TCP Transport Control Protocol *5
318 225 TCP Transport Control Protocol *5
932 191 TCP/IP A family of communication protocols used in computer networks TLS Transport Layer Security
799 198 TCP/IP A family of communication protocols used in computer networks User Datagram Protocol
640 209 TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol *5
247 229 TcpIp TCP/IP Stack *1
341 222 TD Timing Description
20 237 TD Timing Description
957 190 TG Time Gateway
863 195 TG Time Gateway
843 196 TG Time Gateway
815 197 TG Time Gateway
560 212 TID Test Identifier
425 219 TID Test Identifier
958 190 Timesync Time Synchronization
864 195 Timesync Time Synchronization
841 196 Timesync Time Synchronization
816 197 Timesync Time Synchronization
21 237 TIMEX AUTOSAR Timing Extensions
749 201 TLM Traffic Light Maneuver
991 185 TLS Transport Layer Security
498 217 TLS Transport Layer Security
380 221 TLS Transport Layer Security
499 217 TLV Tag Length Value
319 225 TLV Tag Length Value
844 196 TLV Type, Length, Value field (acc. to IEEE 802.1AS)
248 229 TM Time Service
1302 157 TP Transport Layer
1252 159 TP Transport Protocol
992 185 TP Transport Protocol
933 191 TP Transport Protocol
381 221 TP Transport Protocol
137 234 TP Transport Protocol
1521 144 TP Transport Protocol Layer
1015 183 TP.CM Connection Management message (PGN 00EC00) used by SAE J1939 transport protocol, corresponds to an N-PDU of J1939Tp
1016 183 TP.CM_BAM Broadcast Announce Message, variant of TP.CM that initiates a BAM transmission
1017 183 TP.CM_CTS Connection Mode Clear To Send, variant of TP.CM that is used for handshake during CMDT transmission
1018 183 TP.CM_EndOfMsgAck End Of Message Acknowledge, variant of TP.CM that acknowledges correct reception of a CMDT transmission
1019 183 TP.CM_RTS Connection Mode Request To Send, variant of TP.CM that initiates a CMDT transmission
1020 183 TP.Conn_Abort Connection Abort, variant of TP.CM that terminates a CMDT transmission
1021 183 TP.DT Data Transfer message (PGN 00EB00) used by SAE J1939 transport protocol, corresponds to an N-PDU of J1939Tp
561 212 TPS Template Specification
959 190 TS Time Slave
865 195 TS Time Slave
845 196 TS Time Slave
817 197 TS Time Slave
641 209 TS Time Stamp
712 202 TSB Topologically Scoped Broadcast
439 218 TSC Technical Safety Concept
960 190 TSD Time Sub-domain
866 195 TSD Time Sub-domain
846 196 TSD Time Sub-domain
818 197 TSD Time Sub-domain
850 195 TSyn A bus specific Time Synchronization module
821 196 TSyn A bus specific Time Synchronization module
805 197 TSyn A bus specific Time Synchronization module
937 190 TSyn A bus specific Time Synchronization Provider module
165 232 tsync Time Synchronization
898 192 TTCAN Time triggered CAN
138 234 TTCAN Time Triggered CAN
382 221 TTCAN Time Triggered Controller Area Network
252 229 Ttcan TTCAN Driver *1
899 192 TtcanDrv CAN Driver module with enabled TTCAN functionality
882 193 TtcanDrv CAN Driver module with enabled TTCAN functionality
900 192 TtcanIf CAN Interface module with enabled TTCAN functionality
883 193 TtcanIf CAN Interface module with enabled TTCAN functionality
253 229 TtcanIf TTCAN Interface
500 217 TTL Time to Live
139 234 TTP Time Triggered Protocol
1457 147 TX Transmission
1303 157 TX Transmission
1278 158 TX Transmission
282 227 Tx Transmission *4
887 193 TX Transmission or transmit
1253 159 TX Transmit
562 212 TX Transmit *4
888 193 Tx_Trigger See [1, ISO 11898-4]
1354 153 u16 Mnemonic for the uint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1341 154 u16 Mnemonic for the uint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1199 163 u16 Mnemonic for the uint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1184 164 u16 Mnemonic for the uint16, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1355 153 u32 Mnemonic for the uint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1342 154 u32 Mnemonic for the uint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1200 163 u32 Mnemonic for the uint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1185 164 u32 Mnemonic for the uint32, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1356 153 u8 Mnemonic for the uint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1340 154 u8 Mnemonic for the uint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1201 163 u8 Mnemonic for the uint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1186 164 u8 Mnemonic for the uint8, specified in AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes
1304 157 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
1254 159 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
1202 162 uC Microcontroller
22 237 UC Use-Case
166 232 ucm Update and Config Management
763 199 UCM Update and Configuration Management
320 225 UCM Update and Configuration Management
765 199 UCM Master UCM Master is distributing packages and coordinating an update campaign in a vehicle
140 234 UDP User (Universal) Datagram Protocol
993 185 UDP User Datagram Protocol
934 191 UDP User Datagram Protocol
800 198 UDP User Datagram Protocol
761 200 UDP User Datagram Protocol
502 217 UDP User datagram Protocol
322 225 UDP User datagram Protocol
642 209 UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol / Internet Protocol
994 185 UdpNm AUTOSAR UDP Network Management
802 198 UdpNm UDP Network Management
254 229 UdpNm UDP Network Management
141 234 UdpNm UDP Network Management
1389 149 UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
564 212 UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
501 217 UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
426 219 UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
321 225 UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
889 193 UL Upper layer
1458 147 UML Unified Modeling Language
591 211 UML Unified Modeling Language
565 212 UML Unified Modeling Language
503 217 UML Unified Modeling Language
427 219 UML Unified Modeling Language
383 221 UML Unified Modeling Language
342 222 UML Unified Modeling Language
323 225 UML Unified Modeling Language
23 237 UML Unified Modeling Language
1255 159 UML Universal Modelling Language
504 217 URI Uniform Resource Identifier
444 218 URI Uniform Resource Identifier
1256 159 URL Uniform Resource Locator
643 209 URL Uniform Resource Locator
505 217 URL Uniform Resource Locator
445 218 URL Uniform Resource Locator
142 234 USB Universal Serial Bus
288 227 UT Upper Tester
291 227 UTA UCM Test Application
506 217 UUID Universally Unique Identifier
324 225 UUID Universally Unique Identifier
739 201 V2I vehicle to infrastructure
738 201 V2V vehicle to vehicle
737 201 V2X Either vehicle to vehicle (V2V), or vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and/or infrastructure to vehicle (I2V)
743 201 V2xBtp Vehicle-2-X Basic Transport
255 229 V2xBtp Vehicle-2-X Basic Transport
742 201 V2xFac Vehicle-2-X Facilities
256 229 V2xFac Vehicle-2-X Facilities
744 201 V2xGn Vehicle-2-X Geo Networking
257 229 V2xGn Vehicle-2-X GeoNetworking
741 201 V2xM Vehicle-2-X Management
258 229 V2xM Vehicle-2-X Management
735 201 VDP Vehicle Data Provider
788 199 Vehicle Package see [1] AUTOSAR Glossary
612 210 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
566 212 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
507 217 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
428 219 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
384 221 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
343 222 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
325 225 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
143 234 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
26 237 VFB Virtual Functional Bus
567 212 VIN Vehicle Identification Number
613 210 VISS Vehicle Information Service Specification
144 234 VISS Vehicle Information Service Specification
847 196 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
508 217 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
145 234 VMM Vehicle Mode Management
736 201 VOD Verification on Demand
701 203 VOD Verification on Demand
1565 143 vPOC Data structure provided from the CC to the host at the CHI, which contains the actual POC status of the CC (see [13] for details).
509 217 VSA Variable Size Array
517 213 VSMD Vendor Specific Module Definition
610 210 W3C World Wide Consortium *5
148 234 W3C World Wide Web Consortium
1463 146 WCET Worst Case Execution Time
146 234 WCET Worst Case Execution Time
24 237 WCET Worst case execution time
147 234 WCRT Worst Case Response time
25 237 WCRT Worst case response time
688 204 WDG Watchdog (module specific prefix)
259 229 Wdg Watchdog Driver
260 229 WdgIf Watchdog Interface
683 206 WdgM Watchdog Manager
261 229 WdgM Watchdog Manager
262 229 WEth Wireless Ethernet Driver
665 207 WEth Wireless Ethernet Driver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
658 208 WEth Wireless Ethernet Driver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
666 207 WEthTrcv Wireless Ethernet Transceiver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
659 208 WEthTrcv Wireless Ethernet Transceiver (AUTOSAR BSW module)
263 229 WEthTrcv Wireless Ethernet Transceiver Driver
1257 159 WPII Work Package in AUTOSAR phase 2
1496 145 WUDOP Wake-Up During Operation
1497 145 WUP Wake-Up Pattern
1459 147 WUP Wake-Up Pattern
1498 145 WUS Wake-Up Symbol
568 212 WWH-OBD World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics
429 219 WWH-OBD World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics
1583 142 XCP Universal Calibration Protocol
644 209 XCP Universal Calibration Protocol
149 234 XCP Universal Calibration Protocol
264 229 Xcp XCP *5
1036 182 XFER J1939 Transfer PG (PGN = 0x0CA00)
1430 148 XML eXtended Markup Language
1566 143 XML Extensible Markup Language
1460 147 XML Extensible markup language
1305 157 XML Extensible Markup Language
1258 159 XML Extensible Markup Language
645 209 XML Extensible Markup Language
614 210 XML Extensible Markup Language
593 211 XML Extensible Markup Language
569 212 XML Extensible Markup Language
510 217 XML Extensible Markup Language
430 219 XML Extensible Markup Language
385 221 XML Extensible Markup Language
326 225 XML Extensible Markup Language
150 234 XML Extensible Markup Language
615 210 XSD XML Schema Definition
570 212 XSD XML Schema Definition
511 217 XSD XML Schema Definition
431 219 XSD XML Schema Definition
386 221 XSD XML Schema Definition
327 225 XSD XML Schema Definition
151 234 XSD XML Schema Definition
1390 148 μC Microcontroller


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