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Autosar Guidelines C++14, example code compile list(117)Rule A15-0-1 A function shall not exit with an exception

Posted at

Guidelines for the use of the C++14 language in critical and
safety-related systems Sample code compile list(117)
Autosar Guidelines C++14, example code compile list will be listed.
AutosarのC++ GuidelineをOS, 制御のプログラムで利用するにあたって、以下を検討する。
(1)hosted, freestandingのどちらを基本にすべきか。(2)C++2014,C++2017, C++202aのどれを用いると良いか。
-std=c++14, -std=c++17, -std=c++2aの3種類で、複数のコンパイラでコンパイルすることにより、誤(error)、警告(warning)、関数・変数連携(link)、出力(output)、にどのような影響があるかを確認する。

##算譜(source code)

//Guidelines for the use of the C++14 language in critical and safety-related systems
const char* msg="Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(117)A15-0-1.cpp";
// There is no description about Autosar declear hosted or freestanding.
// If the Autosar intended both depending on the cases, autosar.h can choose one.
// Compile with -DHOSTED work as  hosted environment, -DFREESTANDING work as freestanding.

#include "autosar.h"/// @line add header file https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/4bde8f21ab059b96cf2a

using namespace std;/// @line add using

/// @ start AUTOSAR: From here to the "///end AUTOSAR" are from the AUTOSAR code without some code having /// comment in line.
//% $Id: A15-0-1.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::uint8_t computeCrc(std::string& msg) {
  cout << "computerCrc"<<msg <<endl;
  return (uint8_t)true;
};/// @ {} for output
bool isMessageCrcCorrect1(std::string& message)
  std::uint8_t computedCRC = computeCrc(message);
  std::uint8_t receivedCRC = message.at(0);

  if (computedCRC != receivedCRC)
    throw std::logic_error(
      "Computed CRC is invalid."); // Non-compliant - CheckMessageCRC()
// was able to perform
// its task, nothing exceptional about its invalid result

  return true;
bool isMessageCrcCorrect2(std::string& message)
  bool isCorrect = true;
  std::uint8_t computedCRC = computeCrc(message);
  std::uint8_t receivedCRC = message.at(0);

  if (computedCRC != receivedCRC)
    isCorrect =
      false; // Compliant - if CRC is not correct, then return "false"

  return isCorrect;
void sendData(std::string message)
  if (message.empty())
    throw std::logic_error("Preconditions are not met."); // Compliant -
// SendData() was
// not able to
// perform its
// task

  bool sendTimeoutReached = false;

// Implementation
  if (sendTimeoutReached)
    throw std::runtime_error(
      "Timeout on sending a message has been reached."); // Compliant -
// SendData()
// did not
// perform its
// task
std::int32_t findIndex(std::vector<std::int32_t>& v, std::int32_t x) noexcept
    std::size_t size = v.size();
    for (std::size_t i = 0U; i < size; ++i)
      if (v.at(i) == x) // v.at() throws an std::out_of_range exception
        throw i; // Non-compliant - nothing exceptional about finding a
// value in vector

  catch (std::size_t
           foundIdx) // Non-compliant - nothing exceptional about finding a
// value in vector
    return foundIdx;

  catch (std::out_of_range&
           e) // Compliant - std::out_of_range error shall be handled
    return -1;

  return -1;
bool readFile(std::string& filename) noexcept
    std::ifstream file(filename, std::ios_base::in);

    if (!file.is_open())
      throw std::runtime_error(
        "File cannot be opened"); // Compliant - error on opening a
// file is an exceptional case

    char c = file.get();

    if (!file.good())
      throw std::runtime_error(
        "Cannot read from file"); // Compliant - error on reading from
// file is an exceptional case
    cout <<"readFile:c="<<c<<endl;/// @ line for output


  catch (std::exception& e)
    return false;
  return true;
void fn1(
  std::uint32_t x) // Non-compliant - inefficient and less readable version
// than its obvious alternative, e.g. fn2()
// function
    if (x < 10)
      throw 10;
    cout <<"x=" <<x<<" fn1:Action A"<<endl;/// @ line for output

// Action "A"

  catch (std::int32_t y)
    cout <<"y=" <<y<<" fn1:Action B"<<endl;/// @ line for output

// Action "B"
void fn2(
  std::uint32_t x) // Compliant - the same functionality as fn1() function
  if (x < 10)
// Action "B"
    cout << "x<10:"<<x<<" fn2:Action B"<<endl;/// @ line for output
    cout << "x>=10:"<<x<<" fn2:Action A"<<endl;/// @ line for output

// Action "A"
/// @ end AUTOSAR
int start() { /// @{} for start
  uint32_t i=512;
  cout<< msg << endl;
  ShutdownOS()  EXIT_SUCCESS;
/// Autosar OS 3.1.1, 2009: Undefined Behaviour in OSEK OS
/// OS425 If ShutdownOS is called and ShutdownHook() returns then the operating system shall disable all interrupts and enter an endless loop.

##編纂・実行結果(compile and go)

$ ../cpa.sh a15-0-1
$ clang++ a15-0-1.cpp -I./ -std=c++14 -Wall
x=512 fn1:Action A
x>=10:512 fn2:Action A
Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(115)A15-0-1.cpp
$ clang++ a15-0-1.cpp  -I./ -std=c++17 -Wall
x=512 fn1:Action A
x>=10:512 fn2:Action A
Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(115)A15-0-1.cpp
$ clang++ a15-0-1.cpp  -I./ -std=c++2a -Wall
x=512 fn1:Action A
x>=10:512 fn2:Action A
Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(115)A15-0-1.cpp

$ g++-8 a15-0-1.cpp  -I./ -std=c++14  -Wall
x=512 fn1:Action A
x>=10:512 fn2:Action A
Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(115)A15-0-1.cpp
$ g++-8 a15-0-1.cpp  -I./ -std=c++17  -Wall
x=512 fn1:Action A
x>=10:512 fn2:Action A
Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(115)A15-0-1.cpp
$ g++-8 a15-0-1.cpp  -I./ -std=c++2a  -Wall
x=512 fn1:Action A
x>=10:512 fn2:Action A
Rule A15-0-1 (required, implementation, non-automated)A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its task.(115)A15-0-1.cpp

###1. 自律(freestanding)環境. 接待(hosted)環境

C++N4606 1.4 Implementation compliance p.4

###2. 対応OSの水準、対応通信規約、応用機能による分類
###3. C++2014, C++2017, C++202aの比較項目
###4. clang++, g++の比較検討項目

###5. 役立つまたは意味のある出力

###C++N4741 2018
Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++

C++N4741, 2018 Standard Working Draft on ISO/IEC 14882 sample code compile list

###C++N4606 2016
Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++

C++N4606, 2016符号断片編纂一覧(example code compile list)
Working Draft 2016, ISO/IEC 14882(1)

ver 0.10 初稿 20180612


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