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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 14

Specification of Time Synchronization, No.880 , AUTOSAR 21-11 (55) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-05

Specification of Time Synchronization, No.880 , 2021-11


AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


term Description
DST Daylight Saving Time, also know as Day Light Saving (abbreviated DLS), is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months so that evening daylight lasts longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Typically, regions that use daylight saving time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time.
gPTP Generalized Precision Time Protocol
NTP Network Time Protocol
OS Operating System
Pdelay Propagation/path delay as given in IEEE 802.1AS
PdelayReq Propagation / path delay request message
PdelayResp Propagation / path delay response message
PdelayResp FollowUp Propagation / path delay Follow-Up message
Sync Time synchronization message (Sync)
PTP Precision Time Protocol
τroc Rate for time offset elimination via Rate Adaption.
τrrc Current rate for correcting the local instance of the Time Base.
StbM Synchronized Time Base Manager
TBR Time Base Resource
TCorrInt OffsetCorrectionAdaptionInterval
TG Received value of the Global Time.
TGStart Current time of the global Time Base Time Master.
TGStop Current time of the Global Time Base Time Master.
Timesync Time Synchronization (Refers to the action of Synchronizing the Time by means of a time synchronization protocol/bus/messages).
TLSync Value of the local instance of the Time Base before the new value of the Global Time is applied.
TOStart Current corrected time provided by the local instance of the associated Time Base.
Current Offset of the Offset TimeBase given as function parameter TOStop Current Offset of the Offset Time Base given as function parameter.
TS Time Synchronization
TSP A bus specific Time Synchronization Provider.
TSStart Current corrected time provided by the local instance of the associated Time Base.
TSStop Current corrected time provided by the local instance of the associated Time Base.
TV Current value of the Virtual Local Time.
TVStart Current time of the Virtual Local Time of the associated Time Base.
TVStop Current time of the Virtual Local Time of the associated Time Base.
TVSync Value of the Virtual Local Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time



no. count word 日本語
1 873 time 時間
2 714 the その
3 496 of
4 387 sws_ts_ sws_ts_
5 348 ara AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications(短縮名)
6 327 base 基づく
7 295 tsync time synchronization(短縮名)
8 245 synchronization 同期
9 240 to
10 235 rs_ts_ rs_ts_
11 207 synchronized 同期した
12 184 a a
13 170 c c
14 149 is です
15 139 draft 下書き
16 129 scope 範囲
17 127 be です
18 124 status 状態
19 118 d d
20 118 description 説明
21 117 provider 提供者
22 116 kind 親切
23 116 no いいえ
24 111 and
25 111 rate 比率
26 110 file 紙ばさみ
27 110 h h
28 110 header 見出し
29 110 include 含む
30 110 symbol
31 110 syntax 構文
32 101 measurement 計測
33 100 except それ外
34 100 in
35 100 type
36 98 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
37 95 specification 仕様
38 94 class
39 93 value 価値
40 92 function 働き
41 91 for にとって
42 90 data 与件
43 90 shall しなければならない
44 88 document 資料
45 84 consumer 消費者
46 84 global 広域の
47 83 offset 補正
48 81 correction 修正
49 78 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
50 78 r r
51 77 set 設定する
52 76 std standard(短縮名)
53 75 timebase 時間に基づく
54 74 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
55 74 autosar_sws_time autosar_sws_time
56 73 by
57 69 current 現在
58 67 const constant(短縮名)
59 67 this これ
60 61 core
61 60 master 主人
62 59 local 局所の
63 59 safety 安全性
64 55 return 戻る
65 54 _t _t
66 51 timestamp 時刻印
67 50 exception 例外
68 50 struct 構造体
69 48 uint unsigned integer(短縮名)
70 45 tbr Time Base Resource(短縮名)
71 45 that それ
72 43 notifier 通知者
73 43 validation 検証
74 41 notification 知らせ
75 40 deviation 偏差
76 40 void 空所
77 39 as なので
78 38 can できる
79 38 p p
80 38 slave 奴隷
81 38 used 使用済み
82 36 precision 精度
83 36 sync 同期
84 35 clock 時計
85 35 not いいえ
86 35 on の上
87 35 parameters 引数
88 34 if もしも
89 34 user 利用者
90 33 method 方法
91 32 get 得る
92 32 variable 変数
93 31 delay 遅れ
94 30 domain 領域
95 29 instance 実例
96 28 from から
97 27 time_validation_measurement_types time_validation_measurement_types
98 27 which どれの
99 27 with
100 26 implementation 実装

自分の資料では、LINではcontroller, peripheralという用語で記載している。


3.1 Input documents & related standards and norms
[1] Time Synchronization Protocol Specification
[2] Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
[3] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[4] Requirements on Time Synchronization
[5] General Requirements specific to Adaptive Platform
[6] Specification of Adaptive Platform Core
[7] Functional Cluster Shortnames
[8] ISO/IEC 14882:2011, Information technology – Programming languages – C++
[9] Standard for Information Technology–Portable Operating System Interface
(POSIX(R)) Base Specifications, Issue 7
[10] Specification of Time Synchronization over Ethernet
[11] Specification of Manifest


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