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Acceptance Tests for Classic Platform Release, No.680, AUTOSAR 21-11 (327) CP

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Acceptance Tests for Classic Platform Release, No.680, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11,319文書読んだ。2022年6月初初旬にFO, AP, CP 全部到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
Release Number AUTOSAR applies a two-digit numbering scheme Rx.y to identify Releases. Its primary purpose is to identify a Release as a major (upgrade, can contain nonbackward-compatible extensions) or as minor (update, backward compatible extensions) Release. Incrementing the first digit “x” does identify a Release as major,whereas incrementing “y” will mark a Release as only minor by nature.
Revision Number The Revision Number extends the Release Numbering scheme as explained in section 7.1.1. Combined with the Release Number the Revision Number shall: 1) Precisely identify the actual content (set of specification) of a given Release. 2) As depicted in every specification, precisely identify a given document (with its unique name and three-digit version ID) as being part of the Release. Item 1) addresses the fact that the set of specifications comprising a Release (in the meaning of a baseline) is rarely established once at a certain point in time (“Big Bang”), but rather evolves and/or varies over a certain timeframe. The maximum duration, which is limited by the timeframe, a Release is declared as “valid” by the AUTOSAR Partnership (see section 7.1.3). Hence with Item 1), a major prerequisite will be put in place to enable the Standard Maintenance as planned by the AUTOSAR Partnership. In general, the primary objective is to avoid the provision of an additional – previously not planned – Release in case only one or a few specifications were to be modified as part of the Standard Maintenance. Conversely, without the application of a Revision Number, if the AUTOSAR partnership wants to avoid the provision of (an) additional intermediate Release(s), one would have to defer the introduction of any changes until the next planned Release – even in case of changes urgently needed by the applicants of the AUTOSAR Standard. Item 2) is complementary to Item 1) in that for every specification a unique identifier is provided upon which Revision a) a specification was either 1st time added to/removed from a Release or b) a specification was modified as being part of one and the same Release, as long the latter is valid and therefore subject to Standard Maintenance. Hence with item 2), the combination of Release and Revision Number in a specification can be interpreted either as a) “specification was (1st time) added to the Release x.y Rev n” or b) as “specification was modified as part of Release x.y Rev m”, with m > n. Conversely, the Revision number will only change for specification subject to addition or modification of a valid Release (baseline). After their 1st time addition to the Release (baseline), it will not change for specifications which are not modified. In the light of the above provided background, as an additional remark, the Revision Number will only be applied for each specification’s Release version, i.e. it will not be applied to working versions.
Release Life Cycle of a major Release Each major release goes through four consecutive steps within its lifecycle: 1. Development: Between start of life cycle and the initial release (e.g. R1.0.0). 2. Evolution: Following the initial release with zero, one or several minor releases and/or revisions (e.g. R1.0.1, R1.1.0). 3. Maintenance: Existing content of a major release (such as test suites or test cases, support for AUTOSAR software releases) is maintained within zero, one or several revisions (e.g. R1.0.1). 4. Issue Notice: No more revisions but zero, one or several issue notices, i.e. updates of the list of known issues until end of life cycle.
Standard Specifications and Auxiliary Material Standard Specifications are documents, models or formats which comprise the main result of the AUTOSAR Partnership. It includes the standardized results which have to be fulfilled to achieve AUTOSAR conformance. In Release 1.2, Standard Specifications are stored at the following URL: https://svn.autosar.org/repos/work/26_Standards/20_TC_R1/02_Releases/R1.2.0/01_Standard (currently no standard specifications exist) Auxiliary Material is a supporting document, model or format meant to further explain and/or improve the usability of standard specifications of the AUTOSAR partnership. Auxiliary material is recommended to read and/or use for a better understanding or harmonized usage of the AUTOSAR standard but is not mandatory to follow for AUTOSAR conformance. In Release 1.2, Auxiliary Material is stored at the following URL: https://svn.autosar.org/repos/work/26_Standards/20_TC_R1/02_Releases/R1.2.0/02_Auxiliary Contents of auxiliary documents remain of auxiliary nature even if they are referenced from standard documents.





[1] Glossary, http://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/files/standards/foundation/1-

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