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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 11

Specification of Secure Onboard Communication Protocol(SecOC) AUTOSAR R22-11, FO, No. 969

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-10

Specification of Secure Onboard Communication Protocol(SecOC) AUTOSAR R22-11, FO, No. 969

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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Document Title Specification of Secure Onboard Communication Protocol
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 969
Document Status published
Part of AUTOSAR Standard Foundation
Part of Standard Release R21-11

Document Change R21 - 11

no content changes(20-11がinitial release)

そんな。initial releaseから見直しがないなんて。


1.2.1 Constraints and assumptions
This chapter has no content.




[1] IEC 7498-1 The Basic Model, IEC Norm, 1994
[2] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): FIPS-180-4, Secure Hash
Standard (SHS), March 2012, available electronically at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
[3] FIPS Pub 197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), U.S. Department of Commerce, Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Federal Information Processing
Standards Publication, 2001, electronically available at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf



no. count word 日本語
1 659 the その
2 308 of
3 194 to
4 181 i
5 180 pdu Protocol Data Unit(短縮名)
6 163 and
7 142 secoc Secure Onboard Communication(短縮名)
8 138 freshness 鮮度
9 135 a 一つの
10 122 authentication 認証
11 120 is です
12 120 prs_secoc_ prs_secoc_
13 97 value 価値
14 95 in の中に
15 93 secured 確保
16 93 shall しなければならない
17 86 be です
18 66 authentic 本物
19 66 length 長さ
20 63 for にとって
21 60 authenticator 検証器
22 58 data 与件
23 58 this これ
24 56 by
25 54 c c
26 54 module 部品
27 53 communication 通信
28 52 protocol 規約
29 50 or または
30 49 parameter 引数
31 49 rs_main_ rs_main_
32 47 not いいえ
33 45 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
34 44 as なので
35 42 secure 安心
36 41 mac Message Authentication Code(短縮名)
37 41 that それ
38 41 verification 検証
39 39 counter 計数器
40 39 document 文書
41 39 specification 仕様
42 38 used 使った
43 37 an 一つの
44 37 information 情報
45 35 configuration 構成
46 34 if もし
47 33 message 伝言
48 33 onboard 板上で
49 32 has もつ
50 32 on の上
51 31 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
52 31 r r
53 30 algorithm 算法
54 30 are それは
55 30 bits binary digits(短縮名)
56 28 autosar_prs_secocprotocol autosar_prs_secocprotocol
57 28 fo foundation(短縮名)
58 28 it それ
59 27 no いいえ
60 24 from から
61 24 truncated 切り捨てた
62 24 with
63 23 build 作る
64 23 cryptographic 暗号
65 23 dif difference(短縮名)
66 23 function 関数
67 23 side
68 21 d d
69 21 e e
70 21 trunc 切り捨て
71 21 use 使用する
72 19 key
73 19 set 設定する
74 18 case 場合
75 18 pdus Protocol Data Units(短縮名)
76 17 error 誤り
77 17 srs_bsw_ srs_bsw_
78 16 bit 少し
79 16 example
80 16 verify 確認
81 15 all すべて
82 15 note 覚書
83 15 part
84 14 at
85 14 fips Federal Information Processing Standards(短縮名)
86 14 nist National Institute of Standards and Technology(短縮名)
87 14 profile 横顔
88 14 received 受け取った
89 14 receiver 受信器
90 13 layer
91 13 security 安全
92 13 specific 明確
93 13 transmission 転送
94 12 any どれか
95 12 each
96 12 g g
97 12 info 情報
98 12 its これは
99 12 only それだけ
100 12 payload 負荷
101 12 sending 送信
102 12 should したほうがいい
103 12 signature 署名


Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。

1.3.2 Dependencies to other standards and norms に1−3を再掲している。2箇所に表記するのは無駄。

[1] IEC 7498-1 The Basic Model, IEC Norm, 1994


ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model

[2] FIPS-180-4, Secure Hash Standard (SHS),

March 2012, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):

available electronically at

[3] FIPS Pub 197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),

U.S. Department of Com- merce, Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication, 2001,

electronically available at

[4] NIST Special Publication 800-38B: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication

Withdrawn on October 06, 2016. Superseded by SP 800-38B

SP 800-38B Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CMAC Mode for Authentication

May 2005 (Updated 10/6/2016)

Appendix E: Bibliography on SP 800-38B

[1] J. Black, P. Rogaway, A Suggestion for Handling Arbitrary-Length Messages with the CBC MAC, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. [Web page], http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/BCM/workshops.html#01.

[2] J. Black, P. Rogaway, “CBC MACs for arbitrary-length messages: The three-key constructions,” in Advances in Cryptology—Crypto 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1880, Mihir Bellare, ed., Springer-Verlag (2000), pp. 197–215. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44598-6_12.

[3] FIPS Publication 197, The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), U.S. DoC/NIST, November 26, 2001. http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf.

[4] FIPS Publication 198-1, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), U.S. DoC/NIST, July 2008. http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips198-1/FIPS-198- 1_final.pdf.

[5] T. Iwata, K. Kurosawa, OMAC: One-Key CBC MAC, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. [Web page], http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/BCM/modes_development.html.

[6] T. Iwata, K. Kurosawa, “OMAC: One-Key CBC MAC,” in Fast Software Encryption, 10th International Workshop, FSE 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2887, Thomas Johansson, ed., Springer-Verlag (2003), pp. 129–153.

[7] T. Iwata, K. Kurosawa, OMAC: One-Key CBC MAC—Addendum, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. [Web page],

[8] T. Iwata, K. Kurosawa, Stronger Security Bounds for OMAC, TMAC, and XCBC, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. [Web page], http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/BCM/comments.html.

[9] A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton (1996).

[10] NIST Special Publication 800-67 Revision 1, Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher, January 2012, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. [Web page],


short name, term

aka(also known as) Acronyms and abbreviations

Term Description
SecOC Secure Onboard Communication
MAC Message Authentication Code
FV Freshness Value
FM Freshness Manager
Authentic I-PDU An Authentic I-PDU is an arbitrary AUTOSAR I-PDU the content of which is secured during network transmission by means of the Secured I-PDU. The secured content comprises the complete IPDU or a part of the I-PDU.
Authentication Authentication is a service related to identification. This function applies to both entities and information itself. Two parties entering into a communication should identify each other. Information delivered over a channel should be authenticated as to origin, date of origin, data content, time sent, etc. For these reasons, this aspect of cryptography is usually subdivided into two major classes: entity authentication and data origin authentication. Data origin authentication implicitly provides data integrity (for if a message is modified, the source has changed).
Authentication Information The Authentication Information consists of a Freshness Value (or a part thereof) and an Authenticator (or a part thereof). Authentication Information are the additional pieces of information that are added by SecOC to realize the Secured I-PDU.
Authenticator Authenticator is data that is used to provide message authentication. In general, the term Message Authentication Code (MAC) is used for symmetric approaches while the term Signature or Digital Signature refers to asymmetric approaches having different properties and constraints.
Data integrity Data integrity is the property whereby data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner since the time it was created, transmitted, or stored by an authorized source. To assure data integrity, one should have the ability to detect data manipulation by unauthorized parties. Data manipulation includes such things as insertion, deletion, and substitution.
Data origin authentication Data origin authentication is a type of authentication whereby a party is corroborated as the (original) source of specified data created at some (typically unspecified) time in the past. By definition, data origin authentication includes data integrity.
Distinction unilateral / bilateral authentication In unilateral authentication, one side proves identity. The requesting side is not even authenticated to the extent of proving that it is allowed to request authentication. In bilateral authentication, the requester is also authenticated at least (see below) to prove the privilege of requesting. There is an efficient and more secure way to authenticate both endpoints, based on the bilateral authentication described above. Along with the authentication (in the second message) requested initially by the receiver (in the first message), the sender also requests an authentication. The receiver sends a third message providing the authentication requested by the sender. This is only three messages (in contrast to four with two unilateral messages).
Entity authentication Entity authentication is the process whereby one party is assured (through acquisition of corroborative evidence) of the identity of a second party involved in a protocol, and that the second has actually participated (i.e., is active at, or immediately prior to, the time the evidence is acquired). Note: Entity authentication means to prove presence and operational readiness of a communication endpoint. This is for example often done by proving access to a cryptographic key and knowledge of a secret. It is necessary to do this without disclosing either key or secret. Entity authentication can be used to prevent record-and-replay attacks. Freshness of messages only complicates them by the need to record a lifetime and corrupt either senders or receivers (real-time) clock. Entity authentication is triggered by the receiver, i.e. the one to be convinced, while the sender has to react by convincing. Record and replay attacks on entity authentication are usually prevented by allowing the receiver some control over the authentication process. In order to prevent the receiver from using this control for steering the sender to malicious purposes or from determining a key or a secret ("oracle attack"), the sender can add more randomness. If not only access to a key (implying membership to a privileged group) but also individuality is to be proven, the sender additionally adds and authenticates its unique identification.
Message authentication Message authentication is a term used analogously with data origin authentication. It provides data origin authentication with respect to the original message source (and data integrity, but no uniqueness and timeliness guarantees).
Secured I-PDU A Secured I-PDU is an AUTOSAR I-PDU that contains Payloadof an Authentic I-PDU supplemented by additional Authentication Information.
Transaction authentication Transaction authentication denotes message authentication augmented to additionally provide uniqueness and timeliness guarantees on data (thus preventing undetectable message replay).

SecOC Profile

5.4.2 SecOC Profile 1 (or 24Bit-CMAC-8Bit-FV)

5.4.3 SecOC Profile 2 (or 24Bit-CMAC-No-FV)

5.4.4 SecOC Profile 3 (or JASPAR)

[1] IEC 7498-1 The Basic Model, IEC Norm, 1994

[1] ISO 7498-1 The Basic Model, IEC Norm, 1994

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更新資料 Abstract Platform, Vehicle Modelへの対応版

Specification of Secure Onboard Communication Protocol(SecOC) No. 969, FO, AUTOSAR R22-11 新

document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230210


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