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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 20

Specification of Safety Extensions, No.671, AUTOSAR 21-11 (218) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-27

Specification of Safety Extensions, No.671, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 200文書読んだ。2022年5月に全部到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成

文書変更(Document Change)


Term Description
ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level
DC Diagnostic Coverage
ECC Error Correction Code
EDC Error Detection Code
HARA Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
HW Hardware
FSC Functional Safety Concept
TSC Technical Safety Concept
SEooC Safety Element out of Context
SM Safety Mechanism or Measure
SW Software
SWC Software Component
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
ASIL attribute The ASIL for elements of the system specify the necessary requirements of ISO 26262 and safety measures to apply for avoiding unreasonable residual risk. See section 5 for further details.
Fault, Failure, Error A fault is an abnormal condition that may cause an HW or SW element to fail. An error describes the resulting discrepancy in a value or condition and is the consequence of a (set of) faults. A failure defines the termination of the ability of an HW or SW element to perform its function (see [3]). Faults comprise systematic SW faults (i.e. ”defects”, ”bugs”), random HW faults (e.g. due to stress/aging of the equipment) as well as systematic HW faults.
Safe state A safe state is always meant to be described on system level (see [3]). A certain software state may be part of this ”system state” or the relation might be undefined (e.g. if the microcontroller running the software is switched off in the safe state).
Safety Mechanism A safety mechanism is a technical solution [...], to detect faults or control failures in order to achieve or maintain a safe state (see [3]). The term is used in this specification exactly in this broader sense, so that not only the AUTOSAR safety mechanisms (”safety features”) can be described, but any HW/SW or combined solution of the system for which an AUTOSAR software is implemented (cp. section 7).
Safety Measure A safety measure is an activity or solution to avoid systematic failures and to detect random hardware failures or control failures (see [3]). Therefore, a safety measure might only define a process activity like dedicated testing methods, additional code verifications, and so on (cp. section 7). This specification will use the term safety measure to subsume both activities during development as well as safety measure implemented into the system.
Safety Requirement ISO 26262 defines a hierarchy of safety requirements: safety goals, technical, hardware and software. In this document a safety requirement could be any of these. For details refer to ISO 26262-3, 4 and 9.





[1] Requirements on Safety Extensions
[2] Standardization Template
[3] ISO 26262:2018 (all parts) – Road vehicles – Functional Safety
[4] Methodology for Classic Platform


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