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Requirements on SOME/IP Protocol, No.800, AUTOSAR 21-11 (77) FO

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-15

Requirements on SOME/IP Protocol, No.800, 2021-11

Requirements on SOME/IP Protocol AUTOSAR (19-11)

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
Event A uni-directional data transmission that is only invoked on changes or cyclically and is sent from the producer of data to the consumers.
Eventgroup A logical grouping of events and notification events of fields inside a service in order to allow subscription
Field A field does represent a status and thus has an valid value at all times on which getter, setter and notifier act upon.
Getter A Request/Response call that allows read access to a field.
Method A method, procedure, function, or subroutine that is called/invoked.
Notification Event An event message of the notifier of a field.
Notifier Sends out event message with a new value on change of the value of the field.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) A method call from one ECU to another that is transmitted using messages
Service A logical combination of zero or more methods, zero or more events, and zero or more fields.
Service Instance Implementation of a service, which can exist more than once in the vehicle and more than once on an ECU
Setter A Request/Response call that allows write access to a field.
SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol.
UDP User Datagram Protocol.
Union A data structure that dynamically assumes different data types.



no. count word 日本語
1 216 ip internet protocol(短縮名)
2 212 of
3 190 protocol 規約
4 185 some いくつかの
5 176 the その
6 136 shall しなければならない
7 123 ip_ ip_
8 123 rs_some rs_some
9 97 support 対応
10 93 data 与件
11 83 a 一つの
12 83 to
13 68 fo foundation(短縮名)
14 66 and
15 62 on の上
16 57 communication 通信
17 49 be です
18 48 autosar autosar
19 47 for にとって
20 47 types
21 46 use 使う
22 44 description 説明
23 44 material 材料
24 43 c c
25 43 service 奉仕
26 42 rs_main_ rs_main_
27 41 appliesto 適用する
28 41 case 場合
29 41 d d
30 41 dependencies 依存関係
31 41 rationale 理論的根拠
32 41 supporting 対応
33 40 document 資料
34 39 in
35 38 requirements 要件
36 35 event 行事
37 33 by
38 31 r r
39 31 transporting 輸送
40 29 rpc rpc
41 27 autosar_rs_some autosar_rs_some
42 27 id id
43 27 is です
44 26 which どの
45 26 with
46 25 are です
47 25 one 1
48 24 multiple 多数
49 24 services 奉仕
50 23 an 一つの
51 23 or または
52 23 same 同じ
53 21 needs 必要
54 20 identifiers 識別子
55 20 length 長さ
56 19 different 違う
57 19 serialization シリアル化
58 19 using 使って
59 18 events 行事
60 17 that それ
61 16 provide 提供
62 15 fields
63 15 unique 個性的
64 14 based 基づく
65 13 algorithm 算法
66 13 more もっと
67 13 release 開放
68 12 changes 変更
69 12 handling 取り扱い
70 12 identify 識別
71 12 if もし
72 12 specification 仕様
73 12 used 使った
74 11 can できる
75 11 define 定義
76 11 from から
77 11 no いいえ
78 11 not いいえ
79 11 payload 負荷
80 11 set 設定する
81 11 this これ
82 10 array 配列
83 10 caller 発信者
84 10 elements 要素
85 10 field 分野
86 10 grouping 班分け
87 10 groups
88 10 management 管理
89 10 messages 伝言
90 10 methods やり方
91 10 other 他の
92 10 receiver 受信機
93 10 supported 対応した
94 9 between の間に
95 9 directional 指向性
96 9 large 大きい
97 9 number 番号
98 9 representation 表現
99 8 any どれか
100 8 content 内容
101 8 during その間
102 8 fixed 修繕
103 8 header 見出し
104 8 over 以上
105 8 than よりも
106 8 type
107 8 versions
108 8 without それなしに


[1] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate

[2] Glossary AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary

[3] IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE Std 754-2008)


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