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AUTOSAR R21-11 Foundation list

Autosar Foundation 21-11 Reference list


term description doc qiita
(G)TD (Global) Time Domain 897 80
(G)TM (Global)Time Master 897 80
AA Adaptive Application 55 1
ABC Abstract Base Class 55 1
ABI Application Binary Interface 55 1
Active wakeup A wakeup triggered by an internal request 928 76
Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform 981 75
ADC Analog Digital Converter 55 1
AES Advanced Encryption Standard 55 1
AH Authentication Header 970 73
AMM Application Mode Management 55 1
AP Adaptive Platform 781 58
API Application Programming Interface 55 1
APID Application ID 787 5
Application ID Application ID is a short name of the Application/BSW module. It identifies the Application/BSW module in the log and trace message. 350 4
Applies to The meta-meta-model (UML2.0) element the rule applies to 211 65
ARA AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications 55 1
ARP Address Resolution Protocol 55 1
ARTI AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface 55 1
Artifact This is a Work Product Definition that provides a description and definition for tangible work product types. Artifacts may be composed of other artifacts ([12]). At a high level, an artifact is represented as a single conceptual file. 605 61
ASAM Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring systems 55 1
ASD Abstract Platform System Description 947 67
ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Levels 55 1
ASW Application SoftWare 55 1
ASWS Abstract SWS Software Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory General Specification of AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules 600 84
Asymmetric information Receivers do receive different information from the same sender. 849 74
Atomicity Each Requirement shall only contain one requirement. A Requirement is atomic if it cannot be split up in further requirements. 410 68
ATP AUTOSAR Template Profile 55 1
ATS Acceptance Test Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Test specification and scripts for the execution of acceptance tests 600 84
Attribute The name of an attribute of the class. Note that AUTOSAR does not distinguish between class attributes and owned association ends. 779 59
Authentic I-PDU An Authentic I-PDU is an arbitrary AUTOSAR I-PDU the content of which is secured during network transmission by means of the Secured I-PDU. The secured content comprises the complete IPDU or a part of the I-PDU. 969 7
Authentication Authentication is a service related to identification. This function applies to both entities and information itself. Two parties entering into a communication should identify each other. Information delivered over a channel should be authenticated as to origin, date of origin, data content, time sent, etc. For these reasons, this aspect of cryptography is usually subdivided into two major classes: entity authentication and data origin authentication. Data origin authentication implicitly provides data integrity (for if a message is modified, the source has changed). 969 7
Authentication Information The Authentication Information consists of a Freshness Value (or a part thereof) and an Authenticator (or a part thereof). Authentication Information are the additional pieces of information that are added by SecOC to realize the Secured I-PDU. 969 7
Authenticator Authenticator is data that is used to provide message authentication. In general, the term Message Authentication Code (MAC) is used for symmetric approaches while the term Signature or Digital Signature refers to asymmetric approaches having different properties and constraints. 969 7
AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open System Architecture 55 1
AUTOSAR Authoring Tool An AUTOSAR Tool used to create and modify AUTOSAR XML Descriptions. Example: System Description Editor. 535 70
AUTOSAR Definition This is the definition of parameters which can have values. One could say that the parameter values are Instances of the definitions. But in the meta model hierarchy of AUTOSAR, definitions are also instances of the meta model and therefore considered as a description. Examples for AUTOSAR definitions are: EcucParameterDef, PostBuildVariantCriterion, SwSystemconst. 535 70
AUTOSAR Meta-Model This is an UML2.0 model that defines the language for describing AUTOSAR systems. The AUTOSAR meta-model is an UML representation of the AUTOSAR templates. UML2.0 class diagrams are used to describe the attributes and their interrelationships. Stereotypes, UML tags and OCL expressions (object constraint language) are used for defining specific semantics and constraints. 535 70
AUTOSAR Meta-Model Tool The AUTOSAR Meta-Model Tool is the tool that generates different views (class tables, list of constraints, diagrams, XML Schema etc.) on the AUTOSAR meta-model. 535 70
AUTOSAR Model This is a representation of an AUTOSAR product. The AUTOSAR model represents aspects suitable to the intended use according to the AUTOSAR methodology. Strictly speaking, this is an instance of the AUTOSAR meta-model. The information contained in the AUTOSAR model can be anything that is representable according to the AUTOSAR meta-model. 535 70
AUTOSAR Partial Model In AUTOSAR, the possible partitioning of models is marked in the meta-model by atpSplitable. One partial model is represented in an AUTOSAR XML description by one file. The partial model does not need to fulfill all semantic constraints applicable to an AUTOSAR model. 535 70
AUTOSAR Processor Tool An AUTOSAR Tool used to create non-AUTOSAR files by processing information from AUTOSAR XML files. Example: RTE Generator 535 70
AUTOSAR Specification Element An AUTOSAR Specification Element is a named element that is part of an AUTOSAR specification. Examples: requirement, constraint, specification item, class or attribute in the meta model, methodology, deliverable, methodology activity, model element, bsw module etc. 535 70
AUTOSAR Template The term "Template" is used in AUTOSAR to describe the format different kinds of descriptions. The term template comes from the idea, that AUTOSAR defines a kind of form which shall be filled out in order to describe a model. The filled form is then called the description. In fact the AUTOSAR templates are now defined as a meta-model. 535 70
AUTOSAR Tool This is a software tool which supports one or more tasks defined as AUTOSAR tasks in the methodology. Depending on the supported tasks, an AUTOSAR tool can act as an authoring tool, a converter tool, a processor tool or as a combination of those (see separate definitions). 535 70
AUTOSAR Validation Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which is able to check an AUTOSAR model against the rules defined by a profile. 535 70
AUTOSAR XML Description In AUTOSAR this means "filled Template". In fact an AUTOSAR XML description is the XML representation of an AUTOSAR model. The AUTOSAR XML description can consist of several files. Each individual file represents an AUTOSAR partial model and shall validate successfully against the AUTOSAR XML schema. 535 70
AUTOSAR XML Schema This is a W3C XML schema that defines the language for exchanging AUTOSAR models. This Schema is derived from the AUTOSAR meta-model. The AUTOSAR XML Schema defines the AUTOSAR data exchange format. 535 70
AVB Audio Video Bridging 897 80
Base Classes If applicable, the list of direct base classes. The headers in the table have the following meaning: 779 59
BER Bit Error Rate - a rate of corrupted bits in a byte stream, e.g. 1e-5. 847 57
BFx Bitfield functions for fixed point 55 1
Blocking Blocking access to a communication channel. 849 74
Blueprint This is a model from which other models can be derived by copy and refinement. Note that in contrast to meta model resp. types, this process is not an instantiation. 535 70
BMCA B est Master Clock Algorithm 897 80
BSW Basic Software 55 1
BSWM Basic SoftWare Mode manager 55 1
BSWMD Basic SoftWare Module Description 55 1
Bus-Sleep Mode In this state no NM message is sent 928 76
Byte Order Mark The byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character, U+FEFF byte order mark (BOM), whose appearance as a magic number at the start of a text stream is used to indicate the used encoding. 696 78
CAN Controller Area Network 55 1
CAN FD Controller Area Network with Flexible Data-Rate 981 75
CBC Cipher Block Chaining 948 8
CBV Control Bit Vector 928 76
CCF Common Cause Failure 55 1
CDD Complex Driver 55 1
CID Company ID (IEEE) 897 80
Class The name of the class as defined in the UML model. 779 59
Classic Platform AUTOSAR Classic Platform 981 75
Clearness All requirements shall allow one possibility of interpretation only. Used technical terms that are not in the glossary must be defined. 410 68
Client The ECU using the service instance of a server shall be called client in the context of this service instance. 696 78
client service multicast endpoint Multicast endpoint (including IP multicast address, port, and protocol) provided by the client service to announce where the client service expects to receive events from the corresponding server service. This could be used alternatively to a client unicast endpoint. Please note, if the MULTICAST_THRESHOLD has been exceeded on server service side, then the server service automatically switches from the client service multicast endpoint to the server service multicast endpoint. 802 81
client service unicast endpoint Unicast endpoint (including IP multicast address, port, and protocol) provided by the client service to announce where the client service expects to receive events from the corresponding server service. Please note, if the MULTICAST_THRESHOLD has been exceeded on server service side, then the server service automatically switches from the client service unicast endpoint to the server service multicast endpoint to provide events. 802 81
Client-Service-Instance-Entry The configuration and required data of a service instance another ECU offers, is called Client-Service-Instance-Entry at the ECU using this service (Client) 802 81
CMAC Cipher-based Message Authentication Code 948 8
CNTI Content information 787 5
COM COmmunication Management 55 1
Comment comment or hints 55 1
CONC Concept Document DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Concept describing planned changes for the next minor or major release 600 84
Context Data Relevant information to a SEv. It is optional data that provides a broader understanding of the security event (e.g. the corrupted data). The content and encoding of the context data is externally defined by the sensor and unknown to the IdsM module. 981 75
Context Data Buffer Buffer with variable sizes to fit to the needs of the context data of the SEvs. 981 75
Context ID Context ID is a user defined ID to group Log and Trace Messages generated by a SW-C / application. The following rules apply: * Each Application ID can own several Context IDs. * Context IDs are grouped by Application IDs. * Context IDs shall be unique within an Application ID. * The source of a log and trace message is identified using the tuple “Application ID” and “Context ID”. 8-bit ASCII characters compose the Context ID. 787 5
Controller Area Network/Controller Area Network with Flexible Data-Rate An automotive network communication protocol. 981 75
Corruption A communication fault, which changes information. 849 74
CP AUTOSAR Classic Platform 362 60
CPU Central Processing Unit 55 1
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 55 1
CTCF Configuration Settings DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Configuration settings for the execution of conformance Tests 600 84
CTID Context ID 787 5
CTSP Conformance Test Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Test specification and scripts for the execution of conformance tests 600 84
DAC Digital to Analog Converter 55 1
Data ID An identifier that uniquely identifies the message / data element / data. 849 74
Data integrity Data integrity is the property whereby data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner since the time it was created, transmitted, or stored by an authorized source. To assure data integrity, one should have the ability to detect data manipulation by unauthorized parties. Data manipulation includes such things as insertion, deletion, and substitution. 969 7
Data origin authentication Data origin authentication is a type of authentication whereby a party is corroborated as the (original) source of specified data created at some (typically unspecified) time in the past. By definition, data origin authentication includes data integrity. 969 7
DB Database 970 73
DDS Data Distribution Service 55 1
Debounce Time Minimum gap between two Tx messages with the same PDU. 897 80
Definition term to be defined 55 1
Delay A message was received later than expected. 849 74
Dem Diagnostic Event Manager 4 3
DES Data Encryption Standard 55 1
Description The description explains the target pattern and how it can be parameterized. 211 65
DET Development Error Tracer 55 1
DEXT Diagnostic EXTract 55 1
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 55 1
DID Diagnostic Identifier 4 3
DIO Digital Input/Output 55 1
Distinction unilateral / bilateral authentication In unilateral authentication, one side proves identity. The requesting side is not even authenticated to the extent of proving that it is allowed to request authentication. In bilateral authentication, the requester is also authenticated at least (see below) to prove the privilege of requesting. There is an efficient and more secure way to authenticate both endpoints, based on the bilateral authentication described above. Along with the authentication (in the second message) requested initially by the receiver (in the first message), the sender also requests an authentication. The receiver sends a third message providing the authentication requested by the sender. This is only three messages (in contrast to four with two unilateral messages). 969 7
DLC Data Length Code 55 1
Dlt Diagnostic Log and Trace 787 5
Dlt User A Dlt User represents the source of a generated Dlt message. Possible users are Applications, RTE or other software modules 787 5
DM Diagnostic Management 4 3
DM Diagnostic Manager 55 1
DoIP Diagnostic over IP - transport protocol for diagnostic services standardized as ISO 13400 4 3
DoIP Diagnostics over Internet Protocol 55 1
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 4 3
DTD Document Type Definition 55 1
E2E End to End 55 1
E2E Profile A set of combined E2E measures as efficient solution for a particular communication stack. 847 57
ECB Electronic Code Book 55 1
ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography 55 1
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm 55 1
ECIES Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme 55 1
ECU Electronic Control Unit 4 3
ECU ID ECU ID is the name of each ECU. 350 4
ECU-HW Electronic Control Unit Hardware, i.e. the physical housing of one or more (possibly virtual) Classic Platform ECUs and/or Adaptive Platform Machines 980 66
EDDSA Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm 55 1
EEC Executable Entity Cluster 55 1
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 55 1
Entity authentication Entity authentication is the process whereby one party is assured (through acquisition of corroborative evidence) of the identity of a second party involved in a protocol, and that the second has actually participated (i.e., is active at, or immediately prior to, the time the evidence is acquired). Note: Entity authentication means to prove presence and operational readiness of a communication endpoint. This is for example often done by proving access to a cryptographic key and knowledge of a secret. It is necessary to do this without disclosing either key or secret. Entity authentication can be used to prevent record-and-replay attacks. Freshness of messages only complicates them by the need to record a lifetime and corrupt either senders or receivers (real-time) clock. Entity authentication is triggered by the receiver, i.e. the one to be convinced, while the sender has to react by convincing. Record and replay attacks on entity authentication are usually prevented by allowing the receiver some control over the authentication process. In order to prevent the receiver from using this control for steering the sender to malicious purposes or from determining a key or a secret ("oracle attack"), the sender can add more randomness. If not only access to a key (implying membership to a privileged group) but also individuality is to be proven, the sender additionally adds and authenticates its unique identification. 969 7
EOC Execution Order Constraint 55 1
EOCEERG Execution Order Constraint Executable Entity Reference Group 55 1
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload 970 73
ETH Ethernet 897 80
EthTSyn Time Synchronization Provider module for Ethernet 897 80
Event A uni-directional data transmission that is only invoked on changes or cyclically and is sent from the producer of data to the consumers. 696 78
Event Frame Main frame of IDS protocol which includes the basic information like the Security Event ID. 981 75
Event Buffer Buffer to temporarily store the reported SEv. 981 75
Eventgroup A logical grouping of events and notification events of fields inside a service in order to allow subscription 696 78
Eventgroup A logical grouping of events and notification events of fields inside a service in order to allow subscription 800 77
Example example of the term 55 1
EXP Explanation DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Explanatory material discussiong contents already shown in other documents 600 84
extensible struct A struct which is serialized with tags. New members can be added in a compatible way at arbitrary positions and optional members are possible. 696 78
External client An external client is a tool, which can be run on a PC or another ECU, which is connected to LT over DCM or over the LT communication module. 350 4
External Request Communication request via received NM message 928 76
FC Functional Cluster 55 1
FIBEX Field Bus Exchange Format 55 1
Field a field does represent a status and thus has a valid value at all times on which getter, setter and notfier act upon. 802 81
FIFO First In First Out 55 1
Filter Chain A set of consecutive filters which is applied to Security Events 976 72
Finding a service instance Sending a SOME/IP-SD message in order to find a needed service instance. 801 82
Fire and Forget Requests without response message are called fire&forget. 696 78
Fire&Forget communication a RPC call that consists only of a request message 802 81
FlexRay An automotive network communication protocol. 981 75
FlexRay communication cycle Part of FlexRay communication schedule consisting of time slots (static or dynamic). Each FlexRay message is assigned to a specific time slot in one communication cycle. 928 76
FM Freshness Manager 969 7
FO (AUTOSAR) FOundation 55 1
Follow_Up Time transport message (Follow-Up) 897 80
FOTA Firmware Over The Air 55 1
Foundation The AUTOSAR Foundation contains the standard artifacts that are cross platform, see also [2]. 362 60
FPU Floating Point Unit 55 1
FQDN Fully-Qualified Domain Name 55 1
FR FlexRay 928 76
FTTI Fault tolerant time interval, maximum time a fault can be active before a hazard occurs 849 74
Further Explanations further explanation of the definition 55 1
FV Freshness Value 969 7
FW Fire Wire 55 1
GCM Galios/Counter Mode 55 1
General Purpose I-Pdu General Purpose Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit. 981 75
GENIVI GENeva In-Vehicle Infotainment 55 1
Getter A Request/Response call that allows read access to a field. 696 78
GM(C) Grand Master (Clock) 897 80
GPT General Purpose Timer 55 1
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication 55 1
HIS Hersteller Initiative Software 948 8
HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code 55 1
HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol 55 1
HTYP Header Type 787 5
HW Hardware 55 1
I-PDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit 55 1
I-PDU Multiplexer An AUTOSAR Basic Software module which specifies the protocol to multiplex multiple Pdus with one Protocol Control information. 981 75
ICC Implementation Conformance Class 55 1
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol 55 1
ICOM Intelligent COMmunication controller 55 1
ICU Input Capture Unit 55 1
ICV Integrity Check Value 970 73
ID IDentifier 55 1
IDL Interface Description Language 4 3
IDS Intrusion Detection System 976 72
IdsM Intrusion Detection System Manager 976 72
IdsR Intrusion Detection System Reporter 976 72
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 55 1
IFI Interpolation Floating point 55 1
IFx Interpolation Fixed point 55 1
IKE Internet Key Exchange 970 73
IKEv2 Internet Key Exchange version 2 970 73
Incorrect addressing information is accepted from an incorrect sender or by an incorrect receiver. 849 74
Initiator functional cluster which responsible for the term 55 1
Insertion Unexpected information or an extra message was inserted. 849 74
Instance Generally this is a particular exemplar of a model or of a type. 535 70
Intermediate PNC coordinator An intermediate PNC coordinator is an ECU that acts as PNC gateway in the network and that handles at least one PNC as passively coordinated on at least one assigned channel. If synchronized PNC shutdown is enabled, it forwards received shutdown requests for these PNCs to the corresponding actively coordinated channels and starts their shutdown accordingly. 928 76
Internal Request Communication request via a NM node internal (request by application / uppler layer) 928 76
Intrusion Detection System An Intrusion Detection System is a security control which detects and processes security events. 976 72
Intrusion Detection System Manager The Intrusion Detection System Manager handles security events reported by security sensors. 976 72
Intrusion Detection System Message Message which is send by the IdsM with the IDS protocol. 981 75
Intrusion Detection System protocol The IDS protocol specifies the message format which is used by IDS. 981 75
Intrusion Detection System Reporter The Intrusion Detection System Reporter handles qualified security events received from Idsm instances. 976 72
IO Input/ Output 55 1
IP Internet Protocol 55 1
IPsec Internet Protocol Security 970 73
ISO International Standardization Organization 55 1
ISR Interrupt Service Routine 55 1
IV Initialization Vector 948 8
JSON JavaScript Object Notation 55 1
Kind Specifies, whether the attribute is aggregated in the class (aggr aggregation), an UML attribute in the class (attr primitive attribute), or just referenced by it (ref reference). Instance references are also indicated (iref instance reference) in this field. 779 59
L-PDU Protocol Data Unit of the data Link layer 55 1
L-SDU SDU of the data Link layer 55 1
LAN Local Area Network 55 1
LEN Overall Message Length 787 5
LET Logical Execution Time 55 1
Life Cycle Life Cycle is the course of development/evolutionary stages of a model element during its life time. 535 70
LIFO Last In First Out 55 1
LIN Local Interconnect Network 981 75
Log The user generates log messages on demand. Each time the user wants to show some information about state changes or value changes, he adds an API call to LT. 350 4
Log and trace level A log level defines a classification for the severity grade of a log message.The trace status provides information if a trace message should be send. 350 4
Log and trace message A log and trace message contains all data and options to describe a log and trace event in a software. The log and trace message consists of a header and payload. 787 5
Log Channel A physical Communications Bus which is used to transmit Dlt messages. 787 5
Log level A log level defines a classification for the severity grade of a Log Message. 787 5
Log Message A Log Message contains debug information like state changes or value changes. 787 5
Loss A message was not received. 849 74
LSB Least Significant Bit 55 1
LT Log and Trace 55 1
M0: AUTOSAR objects This is the realization of an AUTOSAR system at work: For example a real ECUs executing a software image containing for instance the windshield wiper control software. 1024 69
M1: AUTOSAR models Models on this meta level are built by the AUTOSAR developers. They may define a software component called "windshield wiper" with a certain set of ports that is connected to another software component and so on. On this level all artifacts required to describe an AUTOSAR system are detailed, including re-usable types as well as specific instances of such types. The AUTOSAR software is loaded in to individual ECUs for individual vehicles. This loading means that the M1 Model is instantiated. Note that such an AUTOSAR model can be represented using various formats ranging from XML, to C even to PDF. 1024 69
M2: AUTOSAR meta-model On this meta level the vocabulary for AUTOSAR templates is defined. This vocabulary later can be used by developers of AUTOSAR based ECU systems. For example it is defined on M2 that in AUTOSAR we have an entity called "software component" which among others aggregate an entity called "port". This definition ensures that the developer of an AUTOSAR software component can describe his particular component and its ports. This description is called an AUTOSAR model and resides on M1. 1024 69
M3: UML profile for AUTOSAR templates The AUTOSAR templates on M2 are built according to the meta-model defined on M3. As discussed before this is UML tog 1024 69
MAC Media Access Control 55 1
MAC Message Authentication Code 55 1
Machine A Machine is a single instantiation of an AP stack (and is not applicable for CP) 362 60
Masquerade non-authentic information is accepted as authentic information by a receiver. 849 74
MAY This word, or the adjective „OPTIONAL“, means that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item. An implementation, which does not include a particular option, MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation, which does include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation, which does include a particular option, MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation, which does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the option provides.) 599 83
mC MicroController 55 1
MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer 55 1
MCNT Message Counter 787 5
MCU Micro Controller Unit 55 1
MD Message Digest 55 1
ME Mappable Element 55 1
Message authentication Message authentication is a term used analogously with data origin authentication. It provides data origin authentication with respect to the original message source (and data integrity, but no uniqueness and timeliness guarantees). 969 7
Message ID Messaged ID is the ID to characterize the information, which is transported by the message itself. A Message ID identifies a log or trace message uniquely. It can be used for identifying the source (in source code) of a message and it can be used for characterizing the payload of a message. 350 4
Meta-Data This includes pertinent information about data, including information about the authorship, versioning, access-rights, timestamps etc. 535 70
Meta-Model This defines the building blocks of a model. In that sense, a Meta-Model represents the language for building models. 535 70
MetaModel MetaModel DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Modeled contents (a model or generated from a model) on meta level 2 (Meta-Model) 600 84
Method A method, procedure, function, or subroutine that is called/invoked. 696 78
MFI Mathematical Floating point 55 1
MFx Math - Fixed Point 55 1
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second 55 1
MMI Man Machine Interface 55 1
MMU Memory Management Unit 55 1
MOD Model DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Modeled contents (a model or generated from a model) on meta level 1 (Model) 600 84
Model A Model is an simplified representation of reality. The model represents the aspects suitable for an intended purpose. 535 70
MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport 55 1
mP MicroProcessor 55 1
MPU Memory Protection Unit 55 1
ms Miliseconds 981 75
MSB Most Significant Bit 55 1
MSID Message ID 787 5
MSIN Message Info 787 5
MSTP Message Type 787 5
MTIN Message Type Info 787 5
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 55 1
Mul. The assigned multiplicity of the attribute, i.e. how many instances of the given data type are associated with the attribute. 779 59
multicast event Events which are transmitted to a multicast endpoint by the ECU which hosts a server service. A multicast endpoint could be provided by the server service (see server service multicast endpoint) and client service (see client service multicast endpoint). 802 81
MUST This word, or the terms "REQUIRED" or "SHALL", mean that the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification. 599 83
MUST NOT This phrase, or the phrase „SHALL NOT“, means that the definition is an absolute prohibition of the specification. 599 83
N-PDU Network Layer Protocol Data Unit 981 75
NM Network Management 55 1
NM cluster Set of NM nodes coordinated with the use of the NM algorithm. 928 76
NM instance A NM instance represents the current status of one NM cluster inside one NM node 928 76
NM Message Refers to the payload transmitted on the bus. It contains the User Data as well as the Control Bit Vector and may contain the Source Node Identifier. 928 76
NM Node A ECU (electornic controll unit) which is connected to one or more NM clusters 928 76
NOAR Number of Arguments 787 5
non-extensible (standard) struct A struct which is serialized without tags. At most, new members can be added in a compatible way at the end of the struct and optional members are not possible. 696 78
Non-Verbose Mode To reduce the network load on the communication channel, the Log and Trace data message contains as little of such metadata as possible. One of them is the Message-ID, which uniquely identifies this message and all of its content. All the above mentioned meta-data is handed over to the receiver via a separate extract file: together with the Message-ID, the receiver of a NonVerbose Mode message can reassemble the complete content, like sent in a Verbose Mode message. 787 5
Normal Operation In this state the node is sending periodic NM messages in order to keep a NM cluster awake 928 76
Note The comment the modeler gave for the class (class note). Stereotypes and UML tags of the class are also denoted here. 779 59
Notification Event An event message of the notifier of a field. 696 78
Notifier Sends out event message with a new value on change of the value of the field. 696 78
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory 55 1
OBD On-board Diagnostic (standardized as ISO 15031) 4 3
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 55 1
Offering a service instance An ECU implements an instance of a service and tells other ECUs using SOME/IP-SD that they may use it. 801 82
Offering a service instance that one ECU implements an instance of a service and tells other ECUs using SOME/IP-SD that they may use it. 802 81
OFS Offset synchronization 897 80
OIL ISO 17356-6 (OSEK/VDX Implementation Language) 55 1
OS Operating System 55 1
OSEK Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics 55 1
Package The UML package the class is defined in. This is only listed to help locating the class in the overall meta model. 779 59
PAD Peer Authorization Database 970 73
Parameters input, output, or input/output arguments of a method or an event 696 78
Partial Model This is a part of a model which is intended to be persisted in one particular artifact. 535 70
Passive wakeup A wakeup triggered by an external request 928 76
Pattern in GST This is an approach to simplify the definition of the meta model by applying a model transformation. This transformation creates an enhanced model out of an annotated model. 535 70
PCI Protocol Control Information 55 1
PD Process Description DocumentCategory, TraceCategory 600 84
Pdelay Propagation / path delay as given in IEEE 802.1AS 897 80
Pdelay_Req Propagation / path delay request message 897 80
Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up Propagation / path delay Follow-Up message 897 80
PDEP Profile of Data Exchange Point 55 1
PDEP Profile of Data Exchange Point DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Contains models that tailor AUTOSAR specifications and templates for specific data exchange points 600 84
PDU Protocol Data Unit 55 1
PHM Platform Health Management 55 1
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards 55 1
PKI Public Key Infrastructure 970 73
PN Partial Network 928 76
PN bit One bit with represent a particular Partial Network in the Partial Network Info Range 928 76
PN info Represent the Partial Network information in a NM frame 928 76
PN info range Represent the length of a Partial Network information in bytes 928 76
PN shutdown message A top-level PNC coordinator transmits the PN shutdown messages to indicate a synchronized PNC shutdown across the PN topology. A PN shutdown message is an NM message where the PNSR bit (resides in the control bit vector) and all PNC bits (reside in the PN info) which are indicated for a synchronized shutdown set to ’1’. An intermediate PNC coordinator which receives a PN shutdown message forwards the PN information as a PN shutdown message on the affected channels. Note: An intermediate PNC coordinator has to forward the PN information of received PN shutdown message as fast as possible to ensure a synchronized shutdown of the affected PNCs across the PN topology at nearly the same point in time. 928 76
PNC Partial Network Cluster 928 76
PNC leaf node A PNC leaf node is an ECU that act neither as top-level PNC coordinator nor as an intermediate PNC coordinator. It act as an ECU without a PNC gateway in the network and process PN shutdown message as usual NM messages. 928 76
PNI Partial Network Information 928 76
PNL Partial Network Learning 928 76
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface 55 1
Precondition The rule can only be applied if the precondition evaluates to true 211 65
PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator 948 8
Profile Authoring Support Data Data that is used for efficient authoring of a profile. E.g. list of referable constraints, meta-classes, meta-attributes or other reusable model assets (blueprints) 535 70
Profile Authoring Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which focuses on the authoring of profiles for data exchange points. It e.g. provides support for the creation of profiles from scratch, modification of existing profiles or composition of existing profiles. 535 70
Profile Compatibility Checker Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which focuses on checking the compatibility of profiles for data exchange. Note that this compatibility check includes manual compatibility checks by engineers and automated assistance using more formal algorithms. 535 70
Property A property is a structural feature of an object. As an example a “connector” has the properties “receive port” and “send port” Properties are made variant by the atpVariation. 535 70
Protocol Data Unit Router An AUTOSAR component responsible for routing of messages independent from underlying communication network. 981 75
Protocol Requirement Specification Intrusion Detection System The specification document which describes all elements of the IDS protocol. 981 75
Prototype This is the implementation of a role of a type within the definition of another type. In other words a type may contain Prototypes that in turn are typed by "Types". Each one of these prototypes becomes an instance when this type is instantiated. 535 70
PRS Protocol Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of Protocols standardized by AUTOSAR 600 84
PRS IDS Protocol Requirement Specification Intrusion Detection System 981 75
PS Product Supplier 55 1
PSK Pre-Shared Key 55 1
PTP Precision Time Protocol 897 80
Publishing an eventgroup to offer an eventgroup of a service instance to other ECUs using a SOME/IP-SD message 802 81
PWM Pulse Width Modulation 55 1
QSEv Qualified Security Event 976 72
Qualified Security Event (QSEv) Security events which pass their filter chain are regarded as Qualified Security Events and are sent to the configured sink. 981 75
RAM Random Access Memory 55 1
RDG Runnable Dependency Graph 55 1
Redundancy Requirements shall not be repeated within one requirement or in other requirements. 410 68
Reference reference of definition 55 1
Releasing a service instance to sent a SOME/IP-SD message to the ECU hosting this service instances with the meaning that the service instance is no longer needed. 802 81
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) A method call from one ECU to another that is transmitted using messages 696 78
Repeat Message Request Request (received internally or externally via an NM message) to transition back to the Repeat Message State 928 76
Repeat Message State This state ensures that transition, through a repetitive transmission of NM messages, to normal operation is visible for other nodes on the bus 928 76
Repetition The same message was received more than once. 849 74
Request a message of the client to the server invoking a method 696 78
Request/Response communication a RPC that consists of request and response 696 78
Requiring a service instance to send a SOME/IP-SD message to the ECU implementing the required service instance with the meaning that this service instance is needed by the other ECU. This may be also sent if the service instance is not running; thus, was not offered yet. 802 81
Response a message of the server to the client transporting results of a method invocation 696 78
REST Representational State Transfer 55 1
RfC Request for Change 55 1
ROM Read-Only Memory 55 1
RP Rapid Prototyping 55 1
RPC Remote Procedure Call 55 1
RS Requirement Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of requirements other than for software specifications 600 84
RSA Cryptographic approach according to Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman 55 1
RSI REST Services Interface 947 67
RTE Runtime Environment 4 3
SA Security Association 970 73
SAD Security Association Database 970 73
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers 55 1
SD Service Discovery 55 1
SDG Special Data Group 55 1
SDU Service Data Unit 55 1
SecOC Secure Onboard Communication 969 7
Secured I-PDU A Secured I-PDU is an AUTOSAR I-PDU that contains Payloadof an Authentic I-PDU supplemented by additional Authentication Information. 969 7
Secured Port Network Port, on which a Security association is applied to be secured from unauthorized communication. 802 81
Security Association Mechanism to provide secure encrypted communication between commuication partners. This for example applies to IPSec, MACsec, (d)TLS and possible other security protocols. 802 81
Security Event Memory A user defined diagnostic event memory which is independent from the primary diagnostic event memory. 976 72
Security Event Type A security event type can be identified by its security event type ID. Instances of security event types are called security events and share the same security event type ID. 976 72
Security Events Onboard Security Events are instances of security event types which are reported by BSW or SWC to the IdsM. 980 66
Security Events Onboard Security Events are instances of security event types which are reported by BSW or SWC to the IdsM. 976 72
Security Extract The Security Extract specifies which security events are handled by IdsM instances and their configuration parameters. 976 72
Security Incident and Event Management Process for handling a confirmed security incident 976 72
Security Operation Centre Organization of security and domain experts who are analyzing security events and contributing to mitigation of threats. 976 72
Security Sensors BSW or SWC which report security events to the Idsm. 976 72
Security Sensorsv BSW, CDD, SWC or other software components or applications which report security events to the IdsM. 981 75
SECX T Security Extract 980 66
SecXT Security Extract 976 72
Sem Security Event Memory 976 72
Sensor Reporting identity that informs the IdsM module about SEvs. It can be a BSW module, a proprietary CDD or a SWC Application. 981 75
Server The ECU offering a service instance shall be called server in the context of this service instance. 696 78
server service multicast endpoint Multicast endpoint (including IP multicast address, port, and protocol) provided by the server service to announce where the server service transmits multicast-events to with respect to the configured MULTICAST_THRESHOLD. 802 81
Server-Service-Instance-Entry The configuration and required data of a service instance the local ECU offers, is called Server-Service-Instance-Entry at the ECU offering this service (Server). 802 81
Service a logical combination of zero or more methods, zero or more events, and zero or more fields (empty service is allowed, e.g. for announcing non-SOME/IP services in SOME/IP-SD) 802 81
Service Instance Implementation of a service, which can exist more than once in the vehicle and more than once on an ECU 696 78
Session A session is the logical entity of the source of log or trace messages. If a SW-C / application is instantiated several times, a session for each instance with a globally unique session ID is used. 787 5
Session ID Session ID is the identification number of a log or trace session. If an Application is instantiated several times the log sessions get a new Session ID. A Application can have several log or trace sessions. A BSW module uses the module-number as Session ID. 350 4
Setter A Request/Response call that allows write access to a field. 696 78
SEv Security Event 976 72
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm 55 1
SHE Security Hardware Extension 948 8
SHM System Health Monitoring 55 1
SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course. 599 83
SHOULD NOT This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with this label. 599 83
SID Service Identifier (hexa number to uniquely identify UDS services) 0x22 for Read Data by Identifier service, 0x2E for Write to Non-Volatile memory service 4 3
SIEM Security Incident and Event Management 976 72
SIL Safety Integrity Level 55 1
SIL Safety Integrity Level (IEC61508 definition) 362 60
SOA Service Oriented Architecture 55 1
SOC Security Operation Center 981 75
Socket Adapter Socket Adaptor is a Basic Software module of AUTOSAR which creates interface between Pdu-Based communication on service level and socket based TCP/IP 981 75
SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP 55 1
SOP Start Of Production 980 66
Source ID An identifier that uniquely identifies the source of the message / data element / data (i.e., in case different sources produce the same message / data element / data – like different clients invoking the same method at a server). 849 74
SP Synchronization Point 55 1
SPD Security Policy Database 970 73
SPEM Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta-model 55 1
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface 55 1
SRC Source DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Source code artifacts 600 84
SRS Software Requirement Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of requirements for software specifications 600 84
SST Signal-Service Translation 55 1
StbM (Global) Time Domain 897 80
string For the Log and Trace Protocol a "string" defines a sequence of characters. Its length is either predefined by this document here, or there is a length specifier in front of it. The string contains only the character data for the text it represents without a special terminating item like the NULcharacter (\0). 787 5
Subscribing an eventgroup to require an eventgroup of a service instance using a SOME/IPSD message. 802 81
Subset Information from a sender received by only a subset of the receivers. 849 74
SW Software 55 1
SW-C Software Component 55 1
SWCL Software Cluster 980 66
SWCT / SWC-T Software Component Template 55 1
SWS Software Specification 55 1
Sync Time synchronization message (Sync) 897 80
SYSML Systems Modelling Language 947 67
SYST / SYS-T System Template 55 1
TA Target Address (diagnostic address of the ECU) 4 3
Target pattern The target pattern describes how the respective meta-model element is mapped to XML schema. Values that need to be read out of the AUTOSAR meta-model are denoted by script tags "": e.g.: . 211 65
TC Test Case 55 1
TCP Transmission Control Protocol 55 1
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol 970 73
Testability Requirements shall be testable by analysis, review or test. 410 68
TG Time Gateway 897 80
Time Each log and trace message may contain a time attribute. The time attribute is a free defined time-value. It is the time since the start of the ECU. 350 4
Timesync Time Synchronization 897 80
TIMEX TIMing EXTensions 55 1
TLS Transport Layer Security 55 1
TLV Tag Length Value 55 1
TLV Type, Length, Value field (acc. to IEEE 802.1AS) 897 80
TMPL Template InternalDocumentCategory Predefined documentation templates 600 84
TMSP Timestamp 787 5
Top-level PNC coordinator The top-level PNC coordinator is an ECU that acts as PNC gateway in the network and that handles at least one PNC as actively coordinated on all assigned channels. If synchronized PNC shutdown is enabled, the top-level PNC coordinator triggers for these PNCs the shutdown, if no other ECU in the network request them. 928 76
TP Transport Protocol 55 1
TPM Trusted Platform Module 948 8
TPS Template Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of AUTOSAR Templates, containing Meta model information, constraints etc. 600 84
TR Technical Report DocumentCategory, TraceCategory A general technical report describing arbitrary AUTOSAR related topics 600 84
Trace Trace messages can be generated by instrumentation of the code (e.g. VFB traces). The instrumented code calls the API of LT. 350 4
Trace Message A Trace messages contains information, which has passed via the VFB. 787 5
Trace status The trace status provides information if a trace message should be sent. 787 5
Traceability The source and status of a requirement shall be visible at all times. 410 68
Transaction authentication Transaction authentication denotes message authentication augmented to additionally provide uniqueness and timeliness guarantees on data (thus preventing undetectable message replay). 969 7
TRNG True Random Number Generator 948 8
TS Time Slave 897 80
TS Time Syncronisation 906 77
TSD Time Sub-domain 897 80
TSP Time Synchronization Provider 906 77
TSyn A bus specific Time Synchronization module 897 80
TTCAN Time Triggered CAN 55 1
TTL Time To Live 55 1
TTP Time Triggered Protocol 55 1
Type A type provides features that can appear in various roles of this type. 535 70
Type The type of an attribute of the class. 779 59
UC Use Case Specification TraceCategory Specification of use cases from which requirements are derived. Note that there are documents which maintain the use cases in their requirement spec. So this documentCategory may exist, even if it is not an own artifact. 600 84
UDP User (Universal) Datagram Protocol 55 1
UDPNM UDP Network Management 55 1
UDS Unified Diagnostic Specification standardized as ISO 14229 4 3
UID Unique IDentification item 948 8
UML Unified Modeling Language 55 1
UML example, XML schema example and XML instance example These examples illustrate the application of the rule. 211 65
unicast event Events which are transmitted to a unicast endpoint by the ECU which hosts a server service. The unicast endpoint is provided by a particular client service which has subscribed to this server service within the Endpoint Option referenced by a SubscribeEventgroup entry (see client service unicast endpoint). 802 81
Union A data structure that dynamically assumes different data types. 696 78
Union or Variant a data structure that dynamically assumes different data types. 802 81
URI Uniform Resource Identifier 55 1
USB Universal Serial Bus 55 1
User The user of LT is the programmer of the software, which uses the LT API to generate log and trace messages. 350 4
User Datagram Protocol A standard network protocol using a simple connectionless communication model. 696 78
UTF Universal coded character set Transformation Format 55 1
UUID Universally Unique Identifier 55 1
V2X Vehicle to everything 970 73
Value This is a particular value assigned to a “Definition”. 535 70
Variability Variability of a system is its quality to describe a set of variants. These variants are characterized by variant specific property settings and / or selections. As an example, such a system property selection manifests itself in a particular “receive port” for a connection. This is implemented using the atpVariation. 535 70
Variant A system variant is a concrete realization of a system, so that all its properties have been set respectively selected. The software system has no variability anymore with respect to the binding time. This is implemented using EvaluatedVariantSet. 535 70
Variation Binding A variant is the result of a variation binding process that resolves the variability of the system by assigning particular values/selections to all the system’s properties. This is implemented by VariationPoint. 535 70
Variation Binding Time The variation binding time determines the step in the methodology at which the variability given by a set of variable properties is resolved. This is implemented by vh.LatestBindingtime at the related properties. 535 70
Variation Definition Time The variation definition time determines the step in the methodology at which the variation points are defined. 535 70
Variation Point A variation point indicates that a property is subject to variation. Furthermore, it is associated with a condition and a binding time which define the system context for the selection / setting of a concrete variant. This is implemented by VariationPoint. 535 70
VERB Verbose 787 5
Verbose Mode When the Dlt module is sending out Log and Trace information onto the communication channel, the sent data message contains also predefined, static data elements like names, units, format information, length and so on; 787 5
VERS Version Number 787 5
VFB Virtual Functional Bus 55 1
VFB++ Abstract Platform VFB 947 67
VISS Vehicle Information Service Specification 55 1
VIWI Volkswagen Infotainment Web Interface 947 67
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 55 1
VMM Vehicle Mode Management 55 1
VSA Variable Size Array 55 1
VSM Vehicle State Manager 55 1
W3C World Wide Web Consortium 55 1
WACID With App- and Context ID 787 5
WCET Worst Case Execution Time 55 1
WCRT Worst Case Response time 55 1
WEID With ECU ID 787 5
WPVL With Privacy Level 787 5
WSFLN With Source File Name and Line Number 787 5
WSID With Session ID 787 5
WTGS With Tags 787 5
XCP Universal Calibration Protocol 55 1
XML Extensible Markup Language 55 1
XP Abstract Platform 55 1
XSC Abstract Software Component 948 8
XSD XML Schema Definition 55 1
ZAUX Auxilary material InternalDocumentCategory Auxillary files used internally for the creation of the standard. May be merged with ZSUPP. 600 84
ZGEN Generated intermediate material InternalDocumentCategory Generated intermediate products which are maintained in the SCM system of AUTOSAR and used internally for the creation of the standard 600 84
ZSUPP Supplemental material Internal Document Category Supplementary material used d internally for the creation of the standard 600 84

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